BBsq69 Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 24 minutes ago, mikeof26 said: You mean the downstairs bathroom It has been referred to in the past as the laundry room ... but yes that is exactly what I meant.
phantomcapsnet Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 1 minute ago, BBsq69 said: It has been referred to in the past as the laundry room ... but yes that is exactly what I meant. BB, the laundry room is upstairs 1
ericjeanjean Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 1 minute ago, phantomcapsnet said: Je ne pensais pas que mes messages laissent croire que je suis déprimé ou désappointé Je te rassure, je ne suis ni l' l'autre. Mike a écrit si j'ai bien compris pourquoi les gens semblaient "choqués" par ce qui s'est passé. Je vais reformuler ma vision en français qui traduit à la fois mon opinion personnelle et ce que je crois percevoir de beaucoup de messages postés sur le forum. Hier il s'est passé beaucoup de choses. Des aller-retours dans les toilettes du bas qui pour le coup ne laisse aucun doute sur les motifs. Situation pilotée par le barbu dont on a du mal à comprendre le rôle au global. Barbu qui papillonne de fille en fille, Show lesbienne pathétique durant le massage du type poilu nu. Et matinée bizarre avec le poilu qui revient du balcon en bandant et se lave la queue aussitôt. Et je te fais grace de tous les micros détails qui se sont déroulés pendant 10h. Donc ça fait beaucoup d'un coup pour les appartements barcelonais et en plus comme le doute plane sur certains détails ça fait davantage parler. La soirée de hier était un bon cran au dessus de ce que l'on avait l'habitude de voir sur RLC mais en soit rien de très grave ne s'est produit de manière certaine. C'est tout. Tu remarqueras que dans aucun de mes messages j'utilise des mots crus contre ces filles ou je menace de me désabonner. Ma seule plainte concerne le barbu qui a l'instar de Fidel change la dynamique de l'appartement quand il est présent. Non, non je sens juste que ce qui s'est passé ne t'a pas plu et que tu es un peu déçu par Anna ou par RLC en général. Ca nous arrive a tous de ne pas apprécier un détail et même si tu sais qu'au fond ce n'est pas important ça te pourrit quand même la journée. 1
mikeusa Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 wtf the ape men is still there I wonder what's going to happen next 1
BBsq69 Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 5 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said: BB, the laundry room is upstairs Cheers phantom - other people have misled me - so the downstairs bathroom where there are no cameras. I don't think he was chatting them up and I don't think he was a drug dealer either. The fact that he knew all the girls very well and until bedtime showed no favouritism is what made me highly suspicious and of course his behaviour. At first I thought the girls were toning it down because of him (and they probably were a bit) but later it was if 5 topless massaging girls was the most normal thing in the world for him ... probably because they are his job. 1
euromike69 Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 2 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said: No, I just feel that what happened did not tell you liked and you're a bit disappointed with Anna or RLC in general. It happens to us all not to appreciate a detail and even though you know deep down it is not important that you still rots the day. I remember how I went off on Kamila too that night when she first fucked coke boy,,,and now it doesn't shock us anymore to see her fuck.
phantomcapsnet Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 Just now, BBsq69 said: Cheers phantom - other people have misled me - so the downstairs bathroom where there are no cameras. I don't think he was chatting them up and I don't think he was a drug dealer either. Ok BB. we accept all assumptions . What is yours ?
euromike69 Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 1 minute ago, phantomcapsnet said: Ok BB. we accept all assumptions . What is yours ? According to some,,,this is what happened out on the balcony
BBsq69 Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 Just now, euromike69 said: According to some,,,this is what happened out on the balcony Well I did see some shadows on the wall by the stairs from the balcony and I was intrigued but there were more than one girl with beardy at the time. perhaps you were on the balcony too, mikey?
ericjeanjean Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 I don't have a clue on what Stella and Anna are still doing there. This is still the biggest mystery to me.
mikeusa Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 let me guess there going to be a party in this apartment too. 1
Sergio Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 does anyone know why Stella and Anna does not add up in your apartment?
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