In10se Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 1 minute ago, Benfold said: Stella seems to really know what she's doing with coke. She had it wrapped in paper in the bathroom. This is the best way to store powder because in a plastic baggie it gets squashed into the plastic and you lose some of it. Not that I know anything about that. Well Ive learned something new lol
daily Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 Publications relatives aux stupéfiants Les articles L. 3421 et suivants organisent les publications relatives aux drogues. Aux termes de l’article L. 3421.4, toute incitation ou provocation à consommer des substances classées comme stupéfiants est illicite (même non suivie d’effet). Il en est de même pour toute présentation de ces substances sous un jour favorable. Article L. 3421-41. La provocation au délit prévu par l’article L. 3421-1 ou à l’une des infractions prévues par les articles 222-34 à 222-39 du code pénal, alors même que cette provocation n’a pas été suivie d’effet, ou le fait de présenter ces infractions sous un jour favorable est puni de cinq ans d’emprisonnement et de 75000 euros d’amende. 2. Est punie des mêmes peines la provocation, même non suivie d’effet, à l’usage de substances présentées comme ayant les effets de substances ou plantes classées comme stupéfiants. 3. Lorsque le délit prévu par le présent article est commis par voie de la presse écrite ou audiovisuelle, les dispositions particulières des lois qui régissent ces matières sont applicables en ce qui concerne la détermination des personnes responsables.
Markymark Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 maybe Milena is a narc and going to bust them all lol
longarm101 Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 3 minutes ago, In10se said: I remember at the first epic party with apeman people were arguing that there were no drugs involved. I guess now we know lol has milena chased the dragon yet????
Zinc Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 If Stella provided the pills then most probably they are CHATTING pills...i am not surprised...
Thestarider Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 someone needs to go tell them they need to use the bathroom 1
longarm101 Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 these guys definitely are not finishers..... 1
ze81 Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 1 minute ago, EMMETT111 said: probally the most real life on RLC ITS THIER LIFE By being in Rlc cams its an "life" exposed to thousands of users..that will agree or not what they this case some agree with drugs others don't.
Nick Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 6 minutes ago, In10se said: I remember at the first epic party with apeman people were arguing that there were no drugs involved. I guess now we know lol who ever uses drugs they loosers in my book, I don't drink to get drunk or use druges all my life and I will have fun at the partys , and what the hell they doing bathroom 2
daily Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 Drogues illicites : Le cannabis, la cocaïne, l’ecstasy, l’héroïne et leurs dérivés sont des substances illicites : le code pénal en interdit et en réprime la production, la détention et la vente, et leur usage est également interdit et sanctionné. Toute publication en faisant l’apologie de ces substances ou les présentant sous un jour favorable est illicite 1
BBsq69 Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 Like I said the other day Caro insisited on the covers over the orgy because she didn't want to expose herself due to her having a bF so she ruined the night and now givenher current state for what, her reputation?
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