mikeusa Posted November 3, 2016 Author Posted November 3, 2016 okay I'm lost for words on jasmin dancing but DAMN 1
mikeusa Posted November 3, 2016 Author Posted November 3, 2016 bbsq69 I know what you would like to see belle dancing nude I hope she dose 1
denizenkane Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 @euromike69 I generally enjoy your crazy style around here, you keep things fun. Even when you're complaining or berating someone you tend to be funny about it. Today though and often about the same issue you're being a major league hypocrite. I took a quick stroll through your profile, 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back but I found some good ones . (Sorry the post is so huge, it's all related to Barca apts though) "I PRETTY MUCH PREDICTED WHAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN BEFORE IT DID,,,,WE SHOULD "ALL" BE USED TO THIS SONG AND DANCE BY NOW,,,THEY WILL NEVER DO ANYMORE OR ANY LESS GUYS,,,AT LEAST NOT WITH MEGAN THERE DRIVING THE THEME OF THE APARTMENT,,,,,WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR RLC TO CAST 3 LADIES WHO ARE ALIKE" - euromike69 (sept. 3rd) "Which begs the question,,,"THEN WHY THE FUCK DID SHE AGREE TO BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE",,,,I'm pretty certain that she knew what she was getting into,,and this apt was occupied by them days before RLC put it online for us to enjoy" - euromike69 (sept. 3rd) "Megan is only concerned about 2 things Thesta,,,, 1. Getting her RLC paycheck 2. Making sure that she doesn't do shit to piss off her BF" - euromike69 (sept. 4th) "Problem with this apartment,,is we have 2 women who are under constant surveillance and under lock and key by their boyfriends,,,Why RLC doesn't take their lessons from the past and apply it to the future tenants,,,Some women cannot function properly in an environment such as RLC" - euromike69 (sept. 9th) "I think Rebecca is in the wrong line of work,,,she will never make any money if she continues to look bored out of her mind while on RLC or while doing her Cam shows,,,,she definitely look like she's angry every single day here,,she looks like she is at a funeral and she has to force herself to look like she is having fun,,,,,this is just a paycheck to her" - euromike69 (sept. 11th) "I SEE THAT RLC HASN'T LEARNT IT'S FUCKING LESSON YET,,AFTER THE BULLSHIT THAT WAS VIKA AND THE "BEARDED DRAGON",,,,,,NO FUCKING DUDES IN THIS HOUSE UNLESS THEY ARE STOPPING BY FOR A ONE NIGHT STAND,,,AND THEN GET THE FUCK OUT BY MORNING,,,I DON'T PAY MY 45/MONTH TO SEE A HAIRY CHESTED CHEWBAKKA" - euromike69 (sept. 13th) "RLC LET ME FUCKING TELL YOU THIS RIGHT NOW,,,,YOU FUCKED EVERYTHING UP TONIGHT,,ON WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN A GREAT NIGHT FOR GETTING NEW SUBSCRIBERS,,,,YOU FUCKED IT UP BY MAKING US HAVE TO BE DISTRACTED BY A HAIRY ASS FUCKING APE" - euromike69 (sept. 13th) "I never thought I would say this but Anna needs to get the fuck off RLC and take that hairy ape with her,,,I don't pay to see guys in these apts" - euromike69 (sept. 16th) "LOLA IS A FUCKING IDIOT IF IT WAS HER IDEA TO BRING INTO THIS APT IN THE FIRST PLACE,,,,,IF THEIR INTENTION IS TO GET PEOPLE TO WATCH THIS APT,,,THEY ARE GOING TO REGRET IT ,,,,WHEN PEOPLE STOP WATCHING THEM,,AND START COMPLAINING TO RLC!!" - euromike69 (sept. 17th) "RLC,,,IF YOU DON'T GET ANY NEW SUBSCIBERS TONIGHT,,,BLAME IT ALL ON STELLA,,NOBODY IS GONNA SIGN UP TO SEE PEOPLE UNDERNEATH A SHEET!!" - euromike69 (Oct. 3rd) "LOLA I'M BEGINNING TO THINK THAT YOU DON'T WANNA DO SHIT AND YOU ARE JUST SHAVING THIS LONG TO MAKE EVERYONE GET BORED AND GIVE UP ON YOU,,,YOU ARE PROCRASTINATING,,,ALL DAY YOU WEREN'T DOING SHIT AND YOU PICK NOW TO WANNA SHAVE,,,COME THE FUCK ON!!!!" - euromike69 (Oct. 3rd) "If I could name 1 of the top 5 dumbest things that they do in this apt,,the habit and constant need to climb up on the table that you use to eat your food to dance...is right up there at the top. I really don't get what part of their brain that keeps on telling them that this is a good idea,, and why they think that we would like or be entertained by this kind of behavior." - euromike69 (Oct. 6th) "REALLIFECAM.COM AS OF TODAY I AM RE-NAMING THAT WEBSITE REALLIFE_VOYEURVILLA.COM WHAT IN THE NAME OF EVERYTHING HOLY HAPPENED AFTER I LEFT YESTERDAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT THE FUCK HAS RLC TURNED INTO,,,,,JUST ANOTHER VV?" - euromike69 (Oct. 9th) "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT EVERYONE IS STILL HERE,,STILL HOPING,,STILL PRAYING FOR SOMETHING MAGICAL TO HAPPEN IN THIS APT,,YOU GUYS ARE SOME DIEHARD FANS FOR REAL..WE ARE IN OUR SECOND WEEK NOW AFTER LOLA LEFT,,AND THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENS EVERYDAY,,,,,I THINK THAT COUCH GETS MORE ACTION THAN THE REST OF US LMAOO!!! HOW LONG CAN YOU GUYS WATCH THEM WATCHING THEIR PHONES,THE TELEVISION OR IPADS?" - euromike69 (OCT. 26th) "Yes I'm complaining about you guys complaining,,so if none of you want me to complain about you complaining then stop complaining,and I will never understand why you guys complain about people not allowing you to complain but then turn around and try to stop others from complaining about you complaining.Do you see the hypocrisy in that?" - euromike69 (Today) Good question! and yes, yes I do.
euromike69 Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 Ohhhh feel so special lmaoo,,thank you Denzikane,,for doing that
Sulzer Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 Damn Belle thats 1 sexy little number your wearing and loving the kitty flashing 1
euromike69 Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 HAHAHHAHAAAAA,,,,,,I JUST LOVE IT WHEN SOMEONE TRIES TO DO ONE OF THESE GOTCH YA MOMENTS IT JUST TICKLES MY FUNNY BONES,,,,,NOW LET ME QUOTE MY OWN SELF SINCE IT IS QUOTE MIKEY DAY TODAY,,,CLASS IN SESSION DENZI PLEASE PAY ATTENTION.,,,,,,,,,I DO COMPLAIN TOO SOMETIMES LIKE EVERYONE ELSE,,,,BUT THE BIG DIFFERENCE IS THAT MINE ARE SPREAD OUT OVER A PERIOD OF TIME GOING BY YOUR TIME STAMPS,,,NOT 15 PAGES OR MORE IN ONE DAY,,LIKE I COMPLAINED ABOUT EARLIER,,,THIS IS NOW YOUR SECOND ATTEMPT AT TRYING TO GET ME DOING SOMETHING WRONG,,,,I NEVER KNEW YOU CARED ABOUT ME THAT MUCH TO WASTE YOUR LIFE GOING BACK TO LOOK INTO MY PAST POSTS AWWW THAT IS SO SWEET 2 hours ago, euromike69 said: From the very first post that Sergio made on CC some months back,,his very first 10 posts on CC were nothing but negative posts talking very bad stuff about B1 and how much he hated the girls,,,,,,,,Nobody paid any attention to him or replied to any of his posts,,,,and after the 15th post of pure negative stuff,,he then started to complain that nobody wanted to respond or talk to him. Why he chooses to only focus on speaking about the negative things on RLC I will never know,,people come here to have fun,,but it's very hard to do so when you have the same group of guys bringing this whole place down with their constant complaining,,,I mean,,if I log into CC at 5 am in the morning and say that B2 is boring and that I don't like the girls,,,what's the purpose of me writing the same comment @ 6:00,7:00,8:00,9:00,10:00,11:00am,,,then at 12:00,1:00,2:00,3:00,4:00,5:00,6:00,7:00,8:00,9:00,10:00,11:00pm,,,you now see why we get fed up with this quickly? You see what Phantom and I are trying to say,,nobody says that nobody else is not allowed to complain but why repeat the same complaint page after page for up to 15 pages every single day,,we heard you the first 5 times already guys.
Lyree Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 She is starting to get warmed up, it will come off. 2
mikeusa Posted November 3, 2016 Author Posted November 3, 2016 Just now, Lyree said: She is starting to get warmed up, it will come off. I hope so 1
BBsq69 Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 Lose the dress, My Belle and concentrate on 1 camera. 1
Sulzer Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 2 minutes ago, Lyree said: She is starting to get warmed up, it will come off. Not tonight, speaker away now game over. But thanks Belle it was very sexy
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