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Leora - Home Activities #78


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2 hours ago, Nicholas said:

      Imagine that, evidently you don't mind at all to negatively criticize someone else with many of the same negative comments of repetition as often as on a daily basis, yet apparently you don't care for or happen to like when your repetitious comments of negativity get negatively criticized.

Apparently you must think that others including myself are naive or ignorant. You claim to respect my opinion, yet you contradict yourself right afterwards by admitting that you could care less about my thoughts which are what my opinions are formed from just as anyone's opinions are formed from their thoughts and perceptions.

Apparently, you must think that if anyone else occasionally responds in somewhat of a positive way by mentioning that they may occasionally agree with some of what you happen to mention but do not happen to agree with most of the comments that you mention in these threads, then it must mean that it is alright to continue making the same repetitious comments of negativity as often as on a daily basis. Although it is very likely that most visitors of these threads would not agree with nor care for such nonsense.

Contrary to your claim, there are usually not many visitors of these threads posting comments of negativity in these threads that often and of some of the visitors that occasionally do, none of them have continued to do so as often as on a daily basis.

As far as someone possessing an obsession is concerned, I haven't been visiting these threads and posting comments of negativity referring to someone else as often as on a daily basis for well into a second year now, but you certainly have. There are few reasonable explanations to possess such an obsession of someone else and the most likely explanation that could be associated with such an obsession, is related to you being jealous of that woman because she chooses to live her life the way she thinks she should, and does not live her life the way you think she should. The comments that you have mentioned have been proof of that. That is an obsession of jealousy of that woman that you obviously possess. 

As long as an obsession of jealousy of that woman exists to compell you to continue such nonsense as the repetitious comments of negativity as often as every day, I just might become obsessed enough to start pointing out and negatively criticizing such ridiculous nonsense more often.   




Sorry .. I don’t know what you mean with all this that you wrote .


There are two ways , either you accept my INALIENABLE right to post , write and comment here whatever I want , whenever I want , within the forum rules and with the outmost of respect to the other forum members and tenants or you don’t accept what’s going to continue here being posted by me and you decide to block me , ignore me , stop paying attention to me , in general behave the way you wish so as my posts  don’t create for you the feelings that you say it happens when I do so .


I am not going to be intimidated , bullied or be dictated neither by you nor anyone else how and what to write and express myself here , for sure I am not going to adjust my posts according to your “ needs “ . You better understand that this isn’t the Middle Ages , we are in the 21st century , we are posting in an open forum under certain rules that I follow as reverently as I can about a site that is basically categorized as a porn site and the participants , with their ABSOLUTE OWN KNOWLEDGE , participate in porn actions which are criticized and commented for whoever is a member here and wants to contribute by expressing his thoughts . 

Other than that , I end it here , do as you like as I will also do and have a nice day . 

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Got to mention that it was delightful to watch a snippet of " Vintage Leora" in action last night, dancing and looking as if she was enjoying herself. Nobody moves like her when she puts her mind to it.

Leora at her unsurpassable best !!

Reinforcing my difference of opinion with some others that " Form is temporary, class is permanent "  She has always had the class, but for whatever reason chose not to display it for some period of time.

The fact she never followed it up after her phone call was incidental. and in no way detracted from an excellent few hours of viewing in my opinion, mores the pity she doesn't do it more often.

Thank you Leora.🙂

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