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drink,sleep and depression!

Guest asutaru

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i am very sorry for your loss van.i know that it hurts to lose love one's.i lost my son,then my dad, and then my mom.i only have my daughter now.you will be in my thoughts and prayers.but know you will get to see her again one day.peace my friend. 

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Thank you for your kind words.

HMFIC I can't imagine the amount of pain you must have suffered. Losing an elderly father or mother is so hard but losing a child is beyond pain. I'm not sure I could ever cope with such loss.

Life can certainly be hard and it is often difficult to stay positive about the way life is unfolding. God is taking care of everything. We are here for a good time not a long time.

Let's have lots of fun!

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Thank you for your kind words.

HMFIC I can't imagine the amount of pain you must have suffered. Losing an elderly father or mother is so hard but losing a child is beyond pain. I'm not sure I could ever cope with such loss.

Life can certainly be hard and it is often difficult to stay positive about the way life is unfolding. God is taking care of everything. We are here for a good time not a long time.

Let's have lots of fun!

THANK YOU VAN for responding and i posted those word's because i KNEW you was in pain also.we have to be strong to survive such pain, trust and believe in GOD for he knows best, we may not always understand it but life itself can be cruel and painful even without death.i think we all have a purpose here on earth,i believe mine was with the Fire and Rescue. i spent 25 years as a volunteer to try to help just make a small difference in life for all people.

i ran a call where a woman was unresponsive,we did CPR on her all the way to the hospital and even worked on her in the trauma room for about 30 minutes.there was about 10 people working on her,but sadly she didn't make it.i don't know why but that one bothered me real bad.the hospital Chaplan came to talk to me and asked me what was wrong.i told him i could not save her life.

HE said i was not in the business to save lives  :o , i looked at him like he was crazy and i ask him then why the heck did i go to school all those hours and do all that training for, just to have something to do?

He smiled at me ,then he told me something that i had not thought about it that way.he said you spent all those hours in school studying and training to Prolong lives not save them. there was a particular squad that had life saving crew in its name,he said they should change their name,just like you they Prolong lives if they can,then he said you can prolong lives Thru God,but only he can Save them.then i knew he was right and i had a different perspective on it.thats how i believe that seeing all the death i have seen helped with my own personal losses.Again i am truly Sorry for your loss,and always trust and believe in God.

Sorry for the long post.

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My sympathies for both you, Van, and you, HMIFC. Your sorrow must be great; I've undergone it too; I commend you on your strength and service to your fellow humans.

You've earned your ticket to Heaven; a place that could only be built by something higher than ourselves.

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A big heart felt THANK YOU to you Foamy T. Squirrell and to you San Per58. it's nice to know there is still compassionate people in this world.

I have to apologize to ALL for i was not trying to be the Center of Attention.i am somewhat of a modest man that does things from the Heart and not for the Glory of it.there are literally thousands of others in America and around the World that do the same thing.and there is the men and women of The  Armed Forces at home and abroad...a great big THANK YOU for your service and what you do. 

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Guest BJon

Sorry for your loss Van and HMFIC...As I choke back the tears after reading these post I am at a loss for words..but knowing that the people that are gone are with our Father in Heaven does give me peace.

God Bless to you and your Families.

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Sorry for your loss Van and HMFIC...As I choke back the tears after reading these post I am at a loss for words..but knowing that the people that are gone are with our Father in Heaven does give me peace.

God Bless to you and your Families.

Thank You PEPE on behalf of VAN and myself.say no word's my friend just knowing that you care is enough for me.

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Been there, done that and it damned sure doesn't get any easier.

I watched a long time friend burn to death in a rolled over fuel tanker. True, not family, but you could hear the screaming over the noise of the flames. It'll never leave my mind, because there really is nothing that you can do.

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Guest BJon

Been there, done that and it damned sure doesn't get any easier.

I watched a long time friend burn to death in a rolled over fuel tanker. True, not family, but you could hear the screaming over the noise of the flames. It'll never leave my mind, because there really is nothing that you can do.

All I can say is WOW that had to be very difficult to deal with I can't imagine how I would deal with that.

It must way heavy on you.

I'm a firm believer God does not give us more than we can handle even though at the time you might think different.

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That was many years ago. Since then, I've been hardened by death. It happens. I can't stop it. I only think of the Scots when it comes to death.

Cry at weddings, celebrate at funerals.

It's the screaming that you never forget. Fire is absolutely the worst way to die. Very slow and excruciatingly painful.

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Guest ww_watcher

Dear Van and HMFIC,

Sorry for your losses. I have been present during the passing of many people; from family members to people I couldn't help enough to survive. Each one affects me a little differently but I remember them all. Like TBG I tend to share the celtic viewpoint and try to send them merrily on their next journey.

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