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B2 - General Topic 2021 #31 (November)

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9 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Hey moules, the twins were fondling each other's genitals? I should think that's weird because they're sisters, but twins would know each other intimately in all ways, so why not.

Hey Ashley, to clarify.  The bf was fondling the twins genitalia, and they fondled his penis, flaccid and erect.  No rubbing or fingering by either twin on the other.  That was on-cam.  What they and the boyfriend did off-cam can only be imagined, though it would not be unreasonable to conclude that although he was Lia's German boyfriend, he fucked both of them.  When all three would sleep in B-2, before going to sleep, he would invariably play with Mia's titties before turning back to Lia.

I concluded there was little likelihood of there ever being brightly-lit fucking on cam, and thought if they ever did it, it would be on the B-2 balcony at night, where there would only be the suggestion of penetration,

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