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B4 - General Topic 2021 # 137 (December)

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As always , the fun will be at early morning hours and if the girls come back alone or with company .. However , the way that the villa is packed , I find it very difficult for anything “ unpredictable “ to happen , except if the girls spread and sleep like in B1 or at Fiora’s and Harley’s … a nice evening to  the girls and hopefully with lots of adventures 😇

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5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

As always , the fun will be at early morning hours and if the girls come back alone or with company .. However , the way that the villa is packed , I find it very difficult for anything “ unpredictable “ to happen , except if the girls spread and sleep like in B1 or at Fiora’s and Harley’s … a nice evening to  the girls and hopefully with lots of adventures 😇

Just like Nana sharing a bed with Pam.






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Just now, thinga69 said:

Just like Nana sharing a bed with Pam.






There’s a couch in B1 and 2 sleeping places in F&H .. of course this means that nothing extraordinary will be happening in these  apartments ..And sadly and strangely at the same time , even Daniela seems to be a bit down the last 1-2 weeks and not the same fun girl like in the beginning .. let’s see how the preparations for the parties will be happening and if any dates / flirts will be seen in B4 during the parties .. After all , Nana who didn’t want the girls to have the boyfriends in the villa she’s long gone 😎

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