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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #1 Begins 01/01/22.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

And poll numbers now show that Democrats are uniting Americans in opposition to their far left policies. So Americans in the 2022 and 2024 elections will be "standing together" against  Democrat politicians and their socialist/Marxist policies.:tongue:

A lot of things can change.  It's still 10 Months till November.

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14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Sen. Harry Reid was a low life scumbag, but I would like to thank him for making it possible for President Trump to appoint three conservatives to the U.S. Supreme Court in less than four years.:tongue:

They weren't much help to him when he needed them most.  They all defied his logic.  :biggrin:

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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

They weren't much help to him when he needed them most.  They all defied his logic.  :biggrin:

Apparently you don't understand the duty of a Supreme Court justice.They are suppose to make rulings based upon the law and the Constitution, not the wishes of a president nor their personal political ideology. Unfortunately, the liberal justices on the court make rulings almost totally based upon their political ideology while ignoring the Constitution and law.

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13 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Apparently you don't understand the duty of a Supreme Court justice.They are suppose to make rulings based upon the law and the Constitution, not the wishes of a president nor their personal political ideology. Unfortunately, the liberal justices on the court make rulings almost totally based upon their political ideology while ignoring the Constitution and law.

I do realize that but Trumps thinking was they would get him out of any binds he may have been in but he thought wrong on that. 

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7 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

They should have elections for Judges as well.  They should be elected not appointed to serve until the day they die.

Democracies are like all dictatorships or tyrannies. They are all based on the whims of those who hold the power. They are not based on Law or Princibles, but upon coercive Power.

The democratic-republic of United States of America is legitimately based solely on its Consitution, as conceived by the States which founded it or agreed to become part of the Union.

In order to avoid tyranny, the structure defined by the Constitution requires a Legislative Branch that makes laws and levies taxes; and Executive Branch that is supposed to enforce those laws, and a politically independent Judiciary to decide if the fucked-up things the other branches are doing are aligned with the Constitution.





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9 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

I do realize that but Trumps thinking was they would get him out of any binds he may have been in but he thought wrong on that. 

So now you are a mind reader?  We will never agree on anything about Trump because our views of him are so diametrically opposed. One thing I know for sure, I felt much better about the future of my country when Trump was president than I feel right now.

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Latest headline by CNN on MSN, "Melania Trump Makes Move 'unheard of from a first lady' ". Guess what that move was? She committed the terrible crime of putting up for sale the white hat she wore on the first state visit of the Trump Administration in 2018. The news media in the U.S. is a fucking joke. 

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10 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

They should have elections for Judges as well.  They should be elected not appointed to serve until the day they die.

No, judges should not be elected because they would just become another part of the political system. The Senate confirmation process was fucked up by Harry Reid when he eliminated the filibuster for judicial appointments. The 60 vote majority in the Senate to bring about a confirmation vote on a court nominee helped to make sure nominees were acceptable to both parties. In order to get Obama's nominees confirmed Harry Reid nuked the judicial filibuster, and that shortsighted decision by slimy Harry allowed Donald Trump to make three Supreme Court appointments.  I do agree that there need to be term limits for Supreme Court justices as well as for members of Congress.

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