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no shower!

Guest xvoyeurx

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i think its about a month he don't take a shower we don't pay for disgusting people rlc have to do something

T'inquiète pas, ce n'est pas toi qui attrapera des boutons et qui sentira la pisse pour ne pas dire autre chose...

Don't worry, it's not you that will catch the buttons and feel the piss not to say everything else...  ;)

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Something really is different about this couple compared to the others that I have paid attention to.  First let me say I really do not watch Sofia and Roman so I do not know much about them. 

But all of the other camera couples seem to bath or shower every day.  Most change underwear every 24 hours or so .... but this couple can have the same clothes on for days and they really do shower very infrequently. 

She does more than him - but still very much less that what appears to be the norm.    She may not smell too bad as she really does not seem to break a sweat doing nothing.  He seems to do nothing as well but after a few days everyone has bacteria that starts to grow and ... well... smells. 

I would understand f they did not have the facilities available to use but they are right there - available to use anytime. 

Just makes me wonder why these people are so different about this than the others.  I can see from the other posts that it is a little disturbing to others as well.

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yo creo que el no quiere que lo veamos ducharse , yo solo lo he visto un par de veces , no creo que en dos meses solo se ha duchado dos veces asi que seguro aprovecha para ducharse en casa de su madre o en otro sitio cuando sale a la calle .

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We should thank the Lord that we don't have 'smell-tv' ;)

I'd never turn mine on.

Instead of feeding the crowd, because God is present in the post, he would have done better to invent soap !

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yo creo que el no quiere que lo veamos ducharse , yo solo lo he visto un par de veces , no creo que en dos meses solo se ha duchado dos veces asi que seguro aprovecha para ducharse en casa de su madre o en otro sitio cuando sale a la calle .

My quote above about something being different about this couple still stands.  However, if you think he does not want us to see him shower then they should not be here.  This is supposed to be real life and in real life you do not hide to shower or have sex.  When you look at him he never looks fresh.  At least she *looks* clean. 

Very strange.

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Not to defend Ruslan (or Katya), but most, if not all, of the apartments have an extra bathroom to use for privacy. Maya's is next to the regular one, Isabel's is at the end of the hall by the outside door and has the laundry in it. Adriana's is off the guest bedroom, Diana's is next to the regular bathroom in the hall, etc. I'm not sure where Katya's is located but it could be they do their bathing there. Possibly on the right side of the hall?

Just saying...

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Vale todo bien,pero el aseo normal de una persona cualquiera esta muy lejos del aseo de estos,yo nunca vi una ducha de Ruslan,y seguro que se ha duchado,Katya en vez de lavarse muchisimas veces utiliza toallitas humedas por la axila etc,eso es peor que lavarse por parroquias,(por partes)son unos guarritos,pero eso a nosotros no tiene que importarnos,lo que nos interesa es que al fin empieza a verseles algo,y ya no es tan aburrido como al principio,porque esta muy buena la señorita

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