Max Ragnar Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 On 3/4/2022 at 10:28 PM, Howard said: Not sure about other countries, but in the US (Los Angeles, as an example), we're starting to see shelves on markets empty (like the early stages of Covid). Also, 91 octane gas is at $5.75/gallon (a twenty-six cents increase overnight). Putin is nutso. Expand We were energy independent till Biden's first day in office. Somehow it's okay for mother earth to have the Saudis or Russians provide our gas but not the US producing our own. Like ship breaking. We can't do it we are over regulated so the companies go to India/Bangladesh and drive them on the beaches at full speed disassembling them their without a flying damn for the ocean. We agree to regulations but China won't. Open up our oil fields again, bring the China jobs home, close the borders for only LEGAL entries and stop giving drug addicts $800 a month in cash. There will be plenty of work. No work/no eat. 1 1
tikayou Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 there are days when I would like to be an ice cream 1
Slipper Guyquad Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 On 3/4/2022 at 10:43 PM, StnCld316 said: Expand Was that the least active porno ever - Debbie Does Downers?..... 2
pulo filipe Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 Leora on the sofa with the blue blanket watching TV Goodnight
pulo filipe Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 Goodnight leora See you tomorrow and sweet dreams Good night and good morning to all a great day with family and friends Good weekend See you tomorrow and sweet dreams Be happy 1
pulo filipe Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 How are you Paul and Eva and Malia ♥️ Today Paul been on the phone and malia ???
Slipper Guyquad Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 On 3/4/2022 at 10:56 PM, pulo filipe said: How are you Paul and Eva and Malia ♥️ Today Paul been on the phone and malia ??? Expand She's been on with Paul twice tonight, in fact still on the call right now. She had a 'lively' discussion with her Dad, and another call to someone i didn't know who (Not LB though). Malia is still right in the middle of it all sadly. 1 4
Max Ragnar Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 On 3/4/2022 at 10:31 PM, tikayou said: It's hard to know for those who aren't there. Reading the media on both sides, we don't know who is being manipulated on the facts. No one has the real truth about the cause. There are international interests that go beyond the knowledge of most people. We will know in 50 years Expand One of the best posts ever. This is a money war that will help the Great Reset at the expense of the people. Russia invested in the pipeline to Germany. Now Germany changed their mind under huge international pressure. At least 3 armed Neo-Nazi groups have been slaughtering Russian living in East Ukraine and for quite a while after they lawfully voted to return to Russia. Zelenskyy is a very corrupt Soros backed plant posing as a populist while enriching himself under the cover of government power. Klaus Scwab backed Zelenskyy. Putin regardless of whether we like him or not is the only leader in the world not approving the New World Order and they have been trying to get him to invade for years. Which pig/s do you back? meanwhile Ukraine is caught in the middle. America is pure? We over threw an election in 1953 in Iran and stuck our puppet the Shah in to give Iran's oil to British Petroleum. Our Shock and Awe bombing of Iraq under the lie of weapons of mass destruct. Who destroyed who? Bottom line. Virtually everything you see on the so called news TV is a fraud. They read a script. These bastards behind the scenes are merciless and have near total influence by control of the media. When all the media is in lock step you can bet your bippy you aren't getting what's really going on. Things are not as the appear. Watch for another so called pandemic, banks collapsing, a cyber attack and we'll be standing in line globally waiting for bread. They almost have us where they want us. Klaus Schwab wants you all microchipped by 2025. He wants as many shots in you as possible loaded with graphene Oxide, billions of nanobots, because as he says on video he will merge biological and technological in humans. Did you approve it? You probably never heard of it. His videos are out there, go watch them. People better start looking behind the curtain. Great post tikayou. 1 1 1 2
Max Ragnar Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 On 3/4/2022 at 9:55 PM, Howard said: The pot calling the kettle black, by Jimbo4. You need to learn from this link - You also need to read Internet For Dummies. You support her apartment every time you tune in. You don't have to be a subscriber. Expand That's too advanced 1 2
tikayou Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 On 3/4/2022 at 11:06 PM, Slipper Guyquad said: Elle a été avec Paul deux fois ce soir, en fait toujours au téléphone en ce moment. Elle a eu une discussion « vivante » avec son père et un autre appel à quelqu'un que je ne connaissais pas (pas LB cependant). Malia est toujours en plein milieu de tout cela malheureusement. Expand merci d'expliquer car ceux qui ne comprenant pas la langue, ne savent pas avec qui elle parle ou ce qu'elle dit. Si quelqu'un connait un traducteur live audio, je suis preneur
Howard Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 On 3/4/2022 at 10:43 PM, Max Ragnar said: We were energy independent till Biden's first day in office. Somehow it's okay for mother earth to have the Saudis or Russians provide our gas but not the US producing our own. Like ship breaking. We can't do it we are over regulated so the companies go to India/Bangladesh and drive them on the beaches at full speed disassembling them their without a flying damn for the ocean. We agree to regulations but China won't. Open up our oil fields again, bring the China jobs home, close the borders for only LEGAL entries and stop giving drug addicts $800 a month in cash. There will be plenty of work. No work/no eat. Expand Biden is a joke. I'd say he is a disappointment. Those knowledgeable in American politics knew this 47 years ago. But this isn't the place for that discussion. 1
Howard Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 On 3/4/2022 at 10:37 PM, tikayou said: il ya un truc que je comprend pas, le baril de pétrole était au même prix en 2014 voire plus cher, et pourtant le prix à la pompe était beaucoup plus bas; Comment ça se fait qu'on paye l'essence aussi cher à la pompe aujourd'hui? Expand In American politics, we generally re-visit a president's term in office 20 years after his last day. Doing so provides clarity if his term was successful. As for the media, it is a joke. Indeed finding the truth id very difficult. Everyone has their breaking point. For me, it was the Trump presidency. So many lies regarding the man and his patriotism. Trump ain't a saint. But he never sold out the US (as has been proven in senate hearings) and he is very much a patriot. Lousy husband, brash, obnoxious and pompous. But I don't have to eat with him, speak to him, have a beer with him, or sleep with him. He got shit done. That's what I want in a leader. 4
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