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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #37


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11 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

Sorry I got the reason wrong. I apologize for and hard feelings I caused you.

As for her as an individual, I have always admired her for her empathy toward those less fortunate than herself and her kindness to other human beings and animals alike.

Of course as with all of us she isn’t perfect and I would imagine she would be the first to admit it, but all in all she has a disposition that many of us on this forum could aspire to.

Too many people in life are judged by either their physical appearance or their occupation, when in actual fact they should be judged on their inner qualities. On that basis there is nothing whatsoever wrong with Leora, in fact she could possibly teach many of us a few things, including some of the self righteous pricks who wish to change her outlook.

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

Ich kann Ihnen sagen, dass mir gesagt wurde, dass Kitty Leoras Einstellung vor der Kamera nicht mag (ich meine Masturbationen meistens in Bezug auf das Geben einer Show und nicht, weil sie einfach das Bedürfnis danach hatte), sie bevorzugt eine realistischere Herangehensweise sagen wir . Natürlich war Kitty in der Vergangenheit sehr verspielt und sehr großzügig zu ihren Fans, auch indem sie viel auf der Couch, auf dem Küchentisch, auf dem Boden im LR usw. tanzte und masturbierte, im Allgemeinen war sie anders als sie hat gesagt, wie sie Leoras RLC-Präsenz sieht.

Natürlich ist ihr jetziger Aufenthalt ( Kittys ) ein ganz anderer als ihr letzter , bei dem sie gezwungen war , das Projekt aufzugeben , aber auch dieser jetzige Aufenthalt ist für Leora anders als das , was wir in Russland erlebt haben . 

Werde auch mal meinen Senf dazu geben, 😃 Kitty ist einfach nicht Leoras Niveau. Wüsste nicht worüber sie mit Kitty reden sollte😏

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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

As for her as an individual, I have always admired her for her empathy toward those less fortunate than herself and her kindness to other human beings and animals alike.

Of course as with all of us she isn’t perfect and I would imagine she would be the first to admit it, but all in all she has a disposition that many of us on this forum could aspire to.

Too many people in life are judged by either their physical appearance or their occupation, when in actual fact they should be judged on their inner qualities. On that basis there is nothing whatsoever wrong with Leora, in fact she could possibly teach many of us a few things, including some of the self righteous pricks who wish to change her outlook.

I'd be first pupil for her to teach and we'll said jim 👍

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2 hours ago, The Earl said:

Rather tell paul half the truth. Leora wasn't honest when she was gone at night....

     The circumstances of the relationship between the two became somewhat more complicated when the opportunity was offered to relocate to a different place and still be provided with a place to live along with a cost of living subsistence and a decision was made for him to remain at the location where they both were at the time. Aside from him wanting to continue a fledging mobile phone repair venture there, rather than try to continue such a venture somewhere different where more opportunities may have existed to make more money doing that type of work, I would think that it was a decision that he made and not so much one that she agreed with but accepted because of other reasons such as the little pooch as well. Apparently, they both were supposedly aware that one another had some involvement with others since then, and if so it doesn't necessarily mean that she has not been being completely truthful to him or him to her if they did not mentioned everything that may have occurred somewhere whenever they are away from where they live. Particularly, if there is an understanding between them in regards to such matters.

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