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B2 - General Topic 2022 #11 (April)

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32 minutes ago, Ash1 said:

RLC doesn't send tenants to visit other apartments and they don't give them tasks.

Radislava's visit is purely motivated by her obsession with the thumbnails and with top cam.

During the day it's mostly empty rooms, people sleeping, or other such things that she's competing against and mostly her solo click baiting bullshit will get her near the top, but between 7pm and 2am she can struggle when she's on her own.  You'll rarely see her alone between these hours.  Sometimes you see it during the day as well, if there's a little more activity than usual and she starts dropping down the thumbnails, she would sprint to one of the other girls room, typically Holly and Tweety or Loraine's, and use them to improve her views.  She knows if she does her usual routine on someone else's bed and with one or two other girls in the room, she'll get more views than if she does it in her own room on her own.

Up until two weeks ago, she would regularly use the tenants in B4 for this.  Since the argument two weeks ago, I don't think she's done any shows with any of her regular show partners, Olivia, Tweety, or Loraine, and she hasn't been visiting Holly & Tweety's room or Loraine's room to point her pussy and ass at the camera under the pretence of socialising either.  It's no coincidence that during this period, we see her visit B2 for the first time for shows.  She did the same thing last year when she fell out with Stella in B1, with Radislava and Stella the only tenants in B1 at that time, she soon headed to B2 to recruit Mila as a show partner.  It's also why Cecilia has been on extended visits during the same period.

Hi Ash.  I hear what you are saying.  Honestly I don't know if Radi or any of these girls are that tuned into these details.  I would not be surprised if one or two of the girls were obsessed with "top cam".  Just not sure what to make of this.  

I  do know you sound very knowledgeable and your logic is impecabile, so perhaps you should reach  out and provide these girls with some consulting services!

My one question about your logic is I don't understand why or how Radi in a different apartment would make that much difference.  Maybe she thought she would get close to the B2 girls ... but based on what I have seen, there hasn't been a lot of that.  My point is Radi is Radi and she will get the views/clicks no matter where in the RLC universe she decides to touch and rub  her clit.

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