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B4 - General Topic 2022 #34 (April)

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X-Factor Harley gets to shine more and more day by day , especially since she moved to a normal human conditions living apartment , her glory presence unfolds gradually like when we were first introduced to her back in B1 days .

An amazing  afternoon treatment with the good old traditional way and with her now routine procedure of the buttplug toy .Well done Harley , the best is yet to come if she ever both her and Ulyana get the recognition they deserve by giving them their own rooms ..RLc has the nuclear weapons holding them tight in their hands and they don’t know how to get advantage of them and they have Loraine laying down on her bed the whole day doing nothing ..What more to say and add ? 

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

X-Factor Harley glänzt von Tag zu Tag mehr, besonders seit sie in eine Wohnung mit normalen menschlichen Bedingungen umgezogen ist, entfaltet sich ihre glorreiche Präsenz allmählich, so wie wir sie in B1-Tagen zum ersten Mal kennengelernt haben.

Eine erstaunliche Nachmittagsbehandlung auf die gute alte traditionelle Weise und mit ihrem mittlerweile routinemäßigen Verfahren des Buttplug-Spielzeugs. Gut gemacht, Harley, das Beste kommt noch, wenn sie jemals sowohl ihr als auch Ulyana die Anerkennung zukommen lässt, die sie verdienen, indem sie ihnen ihre eigenen Zimmer gibt. .RLc hat  die Atomwaffen fest in ihren Händen und sie wissen nicht, wie sie sie ausnutzen können, und sie haben Loraine den ganzen Tag auf ihrem Bett liegend und nichts tun ... Was gibt es noch zu sagen und hinzuzufügen? 

Ich schaue mir zehnmal lieber den hübschen Körper von Loraine an als die fetten, von Alkohol u. Drogen aufgedunsenen Körper von Ulyana u. Olivia an. Die ersten Wochen ihres Aufenthaltes hier hatte Ulyana einen tollen, sexy Körper.

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15 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Tweety obsessed Loraine, still on video call with her

it's still nicer to see that they have become close friends again after the fight they had in the kitchen a few weeks ago

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4 minutes ago, moos54 said:

è ancora più bello vedere che sono diventati di nuovo amici intimi dopo il litigio che hanno avuto in cucina qualche settimana fa

I think differently, I don't like this report, we all know that Loraine is negative and whatever she does she does it for self-interest. Tweety is young, enthusiastic about those around her and does not see evil

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10 minutes ago, poncherello said:

I think differently, I don't like this report, we all know that Loraine is negative and whatever she does she does it for self-interest. Tweety is young, enthusiastic about those around her and does not see evil

Would you find it normal if I told you that I would like to be punished by the devil? 🤣

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