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B4 - General Topic 2022 #36 (April)

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55 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Great beautiful girl, calm and calm in her proposals but I observe her carefully and some doubts arise such as her ways of being so calm, I dare say awkward, her craving and her continuous search for sex, always with the glass in hand but not full there coca-cola, could they be a consequence of some problem deriving from alcohol and drug abuse?

This is an interesting speculation.  I don't think you are right but it isn't without merit.  People who have addictive behaviors can easily replace one addiction with another.  Replacing alcohol and drugs with sex is not uncommon.  Eating disorders tend to cover up other addititive behaviors.  George W Bush was famously accused of using his "reborn Christian" behavior as a replacement for his alcoholism.  I think there is agreement here that Nelly's lust for Martina helps her with her issues.

But like I said, I don't think this is what we are seeing here.  Questions for veterans:

Did Eva used to drink and/or do drugs?  She clearly avoids those things now.  Her only focus seems to be Mat's cock which is so hot to me

The impression I get from veterans and after seeing an older video of Eva, she used to be more carefree and open about sex and now she is more sultry and seems to be very committed to her new man.

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2 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Questa è una speculazione interessante. Non credo tu abbia ragione ma non è senza merito. Le persone che hanno comportamenti di dipendenza possono facilmente sostituire una dipendenza con un'altra. Sostituire alcol e droghe con il sesso non è raro. I disturbi alimentari tendono a nascondere altri comportamenti additivi. George W. Bush è stato notoriamente accusato di aver usato il suo comportamento da "cristiano rinato" come sostituto del suo alcolismo. Penso che ci sia accordo sul fatto che la brama di Nelly per Martina l'aiuti con i suoi problemi.

Ma come ho detto, non credo che questo sia ciò che stiamo vedendo qui. Domande per i veterani:

Eva beveva e/o si drogava? Lei evita chiaramente quelle cose ora. Il suo unico obiettivo sembra essere il cazzo di Mat che è così caldo per me

L'impressione che ho avuto dai veterani e dopo aver visto un vecchio video di Eva, era più spensierata e aperta riguardo al sesso e ora è più sensuale e sembra molto impegnata con il suo nuovo uomo.

I also doubt that she is so attached to Matvei for fear of losing him and being alone

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56 minutes ago, poncherello said:

I also doubt that she is so attached to Matvei for fear of losing him and being alone

Can you clarify?  Are you saying she is afraid of losing him or being alone?  Or you doubt this?   From what I can see, he is a wonderful boyfriend to her.  If she is afraid of losing him, it's a natural fear I think.  Of all the males on RLC, I can't rank on higher than him right now.  Of course, it is too early to tell. 

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7 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Puoi chiarire? Stai dicendo che ha paura di perderlo o di restare sola? O ne dubiti? Da quello che posso vedere, è un ragazzo meraviglioso per lei. Se ha paura di perderlo, credo sia una paura naturale. Di tutti i maschi su RLC, non posso classificarmi più in alto di lui in questo momento. Certo, è troppo presto per dirlo. 

You answered yourself. Yes, I think she is so sexually active (I say too much) for fear of losing someone close to her. Losing him would mean she would be alone for who knows how long and that would be a bad blow

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10 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Puoi chiarire? Stai dicendo che ha paura di perderlo o di restare sola? O ne dubiti? Da quello che posso vedere, è un ragazzo meraviglioso per lei. Se ha paura di perderlo, credo sia una paura naturale. Di tutti i maschi su RLC, non posso classificarmi più in alto di lui in questo momento. Certo, è troppo presto per dirlo. 

After two hours from your question to the veterans no one has yet answered so it makes me think that I have not gone far from reality and they do not answer so as not to dirty his beautiful image, or ............ .... I'm not online  😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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It seems this party was planned well in advance.  Orchestrated by RLC and three of the Russian quartet.  The party is probably more notable for who chose to leave the villa and not attend:  Holly, Tweety, Harley.

Fiora attended, but then brought Vamp for companionship and sex.

E&M attended as a couple, and remained as a couple.

Mr. and Mrs. Rus attended, but often drifted away to do their own thing.  Kylie might play with girls, but this was a boys party.

Lorraine attended, but more from politeness, probably because she had nowhere to go.  

Radi stayed at B-2, and went clubbing in Barcelona with Cleopatra.  (As did Holly and Tweety.)

Cecelia was at the villa but did not attend.  She was there to give subscribers nudity and sex, because the villa participants would not be providing such.

So ultimately, this was Olivia the Chaste and Ulyana the Modest with five or six guys

I thought the DJ party organized by Bruno and Gina, with Bruno inviting his friends, was a villa party low point, but this weekend's party sinks way below that,  ... unless RLC is planning on a gay apartment.  (That's happened before in the history of 'voyeur' livestream sites.) 

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5 minutes ago, poncherello said:

You answered yourself. Yes, I think she is so sexually active (I say too much) for fear of losing someone close to her. Losing him would mean she would be alone for who knows how long and that would be a bad blow

I think it's difficult to assess whether they are "too sexually active" right now.  Clearly, they have high sex drives.  Also they are a new couple and some new couples like to fuck many times per day.  Nothing abnormal about this.  I don't perceive that she is "putting out for him" for fear of losing him.  Others can chime in.  There has been no evidence that his eyes are straying.  This isn't Bruno where Gina would let him fuck her constantly for fear of losing him.  Bruno was clearly a flight risk.  Gina needed to put an ankle bracelet on him.

The other aspect of this is simply, what else do they have to do?  They are in GOV segment not "couples" segment.  It seems like they both have the time, they both like to fuck, and she has the connection to RLC, so they both said "why not"?   They seem to be here mostly to kill some time, be together, and fuck.  It's wonderful really, but of course it can't last forever.  If they were not on RLC, I am guessing they would make love just as often as they do now. 

At risk of waking up @ddhm, I would add that they seem to be respectful of the viewers.  They are both very open and seem to enjoy showing the viewers how much in love they are.

None of what you have said Ponch is necessarily wrong.  But this story has just begun.

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26 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Can you clarify?  Are you saying she is afraid of losing him or being alone?  Or you doubt this?   From what I can see, he is a wonderful boyfriend to her.  If she is afraid of losing him, it's a natural fear I think.  Of all the males on RLC, I can't rank on higher than him right now.  Of course, it is too early to tell. 

They left Russia with literally the clothes on their backs.  I don't think there is a fear of losing him, or vice versa.  They are companions on a new journey who enjoy each other very much, and are secure enough in their relationship that Mat may enjoy other women (Eva masturbating while 'secretly' watching him massage a frontally nude Masha).  If Lucien were around, I wonder if Eva would be interested in sex with him.  Rus is off-limits.  Bogdan ?

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5 minutes ago, moules said:

Sembra che questa festa sia stata programmata con largo anticipo. Orchestrato da RLC e tre del quartetto russo. La festa è probabilmente più notevole per chi ha scelto di lasciare la villa e non partecipare: Holly, Titti, Harley.

Fiora ha partecipato, ma poi ha portato Vamp per compagnia e sesso.

E&M ha partecipato in coppia ed è rimasta in coppia.

Il signor e la signora Rus erano presenti, ma spesso si allontanavano per fare le loro cose. Kylie potrebbe giocare con le ragazze, ma questa era una festa per ragazzi.

Lorraine ha partecipato, ma più per gentilezza, probabilmente perché non aveva un posto dove andare.  

Radi rimase in B-2 e andò in discoteca a Barcellona con Cleopatra. (Come hanno fatto Holly e Titti.)

Cecelia era alla villa ma non ha partecipato. Era lì per offrire agli abbonati nudità e sesso, perché i partecipanti alla villa non lo avrebbero fornito.

Quindi, alla fine, queste erano Olivia la Casta e Ulyana la Modesta con cinque o sei ragazzi

Pensavo che il DJ party organizzato da Bruno e Gina, con Bruno che invitava i suoi amici, fosse un punto debole della festa in villa, ma la festa di questo fine settimana scende molto al di sotto, ... a meno che RLC non abbia in programma un appartamento gay. (È successo prima nella storia dei siti di live streaming "voyeur".) 

I took the liberty of indicating it as a party for idiots, I see that I'm not the only one who thinks so. There is one thing that bothers me a lot and this will be a topic for a very long post by Dhm. Nobody feels at home, neither the tenants nor the guests (invited) They enter everywhere, everyone does everything, everyone puts their hands everywhere, I speak of the kitchen, the bathrooms, the bedrooms. In my house I would never allow guests, for the moment complete strangers, to behave like this. I have seen things that are neither in heaven nor on earth and no one who allows himself to point out that a little decency usually does not hurt. But it's true, it's a party for idiots, including us who watch them hoping that ................................

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