StnCld316 Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 6 minutes ago, blue is the colour said: Free speech is ok but to instigate a riot is another thing from the right wing ! For woman who are not allowed to have control over their bodies that smacks of a communist ideaology but this is coming from the right wing element ! Abortion was one of the things on Trumps agenda he never accomplished in his 1 Term as President, he was against abortion. That's why an abundance of Conservative Judges were placed on the SCOTUS to carry out this feat if he never goot re-elected. Now some document info. got leaked and the turd nuggets of the GOP are having a fit trying to play the blame game. Abortion should never have been a political issue to begin with, what one does with their own body is their own choice and should not be dictated as to what one can and cannot do with it. Political and Religeous factions should really have no say in the matter and sit back and mind their own business. 3
Ridgerunner Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 9 hours ago, StnCld316 said: You said he fears for his life. What's he got to fear. That's why I quoted the post. Because the Russians have made threats against his life because he provided internet service to Ukraine during the war, and Putin has shown he has the ability to get to people outside Russia.
Ridgerunner Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 9 hours ago, StnCld316 said: Abortion was one of the things on Trumps agenda he never accomplished in his 1 Term as President, he was against abortion. That's why an abundance of Conservative Judges were placed on the SCOTUS to carry out this feat if he never goot re-elected. Now some document info. got leaked and the turd nuggets of the GOP are having a fit trying to play the blame game. Abortion should never have been a political issue to begin with, what one does with their own body is their own choice and should not be dictated as to what one can and cannot do with it. Political and Religeous factions should really have no say in the matter and sit back and mind their own business. In overturning Roe v Wade the Supreme Court would be agreeing with you that they have no authority to rule on the legality or illegality of abortion. They would be saying that it is an issue to be determined by each state. And that the people of each state should have the right to determine what their laws are governing abortion. The key question that needs to be resolved in the abortion issue is "when does life begin?" 1
StarLight28 Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 "Wann beginnt das selbständige Leben?" Dumme Religions-Idioten behaupten bei der Verschmelzung von Samen und Ei-Zelle. Diese Idioten wollen nur Religions-Mitglieder zur Macht zählen. Mediziner halten ein Kind erst als selbständig lebensfähig wenn die Nabelschnur durchschnitten ist und das Kind selbständig, unabhängig lebt. Die Wahrheit liegt wohl dazwischen. Staatliches Verbot von "Abtreibung" nach Trump ist dumm und kriminell. In USA gilt Freiheit zum Besitz von Waffen - und alle mögliche Scheisse. Doch Frauen werden niedrig gemacht und sollen verpflichtet werden Kinder von Kriminellen Vergewaltigern austragen zu müssen. Diese kriminell erzeugten Föten sind ein Stück Scheisse und fit für den Abort. 1
StarLight28 Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 @happyone dieser dumme Spying 1 bringt immer und immer wieder neuen Unsinn hier. Nun hat er 28 Seiten hier im Forum mit Dummheiten erreicht - noch 2 bis 30. Sei aufmerksam und reagiere schnell !!
Ridgerunner Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 14 hours ago, blue is the colour said: Free speech is ok but to instigate a riot is another thing from the right wing ! For woman who are not allowed to have control over their bodies that smacks of a communist ideaology but this is coming from the right wing element ! But instigating riots and violence from the left wing is okay?
Ridgerunner Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: "When does independent living begin?" Stupid religious idiots claim in the fusion of sperm and egg cell. These idiots only want to count religious members in power. Doctors only consider a child to be capable of living independently when the umbilical cord has been cut and the child is living independently. The truth probably lies in between. State ban on "abortion" after Trump is stupid and criminal. The US is free to own guns - and all sorts of shit. But women are being put down and made to bear the children of criminal rapists. These criminally produced fetuses are a piece of shit and fit for miscarriage. If there was no life at conception then there would be no life 9 months later. That is a biological truth that cannot be contested.
StarLight28 Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: If there was no life at conception then there would be no life 9 months later. That is a biological truth that cannot be contested. Bis zur vollendete Geburt und Durchschnitt der Nabelschnur ist der Fötus Bestandteil der Mutter und KEIN eigenständisches Leben. 1
Ridgerunner Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Until the birth is complete and the umbilical cord is cut, the fetus is part of the mother and NOT an independent life. Wrong! 1
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