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B4 - General Topic 2022 #37 (April)

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

Ok …Let’s make a bit of an update because the situation starts becoming ridiculous ..

I have no idea who runs the project in Barcelona , who the responsible that takes decisions is and has the last word but since the beginning of the year we have seen some “ unexplained “ situations and decisions .

- Tweety and Holly going on holidays , Tweety extending her holidays , suddenly getting removed only to rejoin the project more than a month later . RLC hires a person , gives her the best room with her friend in the best house , this person decides or finds the opportunity that there are better things than her RLC job and then one day just like that returns . Soon after , this same person goes again on holidays and RLC or the tenant let the subscribers know about it after 72 hours off cameras .

- Then , another tenant decides that she goes on holidays and again there’s absolutely no information to the subscribers who pay to watch the tenants or know at least when they aren’t “ available “ and be informed of the absence time , RLC mistake or tenant’s not given information ? Again , 72 hours after being off cameras ,  we learnt that Martina was on holidays .

-We have a tenant that her name is listed in the villa apartment and the last 5-6 days , she’s daily sleeping at the bed of the tenant named Cleopatra and in her absence ,we are seeing an unknown girl , non participant occupying the empty room during the times that this tenant sleeps daily at another apartment. What’s going RLC with Radislava ? 

-We see a tenant either quitting or finishing the contract ( Tata ) and then suddenly we get two of the tenants getting a  weekend away from their original  residence and sleeping over the empty apartment ( Holly and Tweety ) .

- And last but certainly not least as nobody knows what’s going on to be more , another tenant decides to take a bag and abandon her residence ( Harley ) and more than 48 hours later , AGAIN , no information if this person is on holidays , plans to return or any information for the absence .

What I want to say is simple and come as a conclusion , that is RLC absolutely seems not caring at all of what’s going with its employees ( tenants ) , I always believed that there should be some “ unwritten “ rules “ followed let’s say , not covering  the cameras , information given so as a subscriber knows what’s going on , after all , there are many who pay to watch only certain participants ,there’s no point for people to continue paying if tenants are away and off cameras , appearing and disappearing whenever they want , wherever they want .


RLC seems to have let its tenants do whatever they want with not much caring of the people who provide for the existence  of the site and the salaries of its employees , the subscribers .It is funny that it is an overcrowded Barcelona RLC hub with the lack of freedom most probably “ pushing “ the girls to disappear , sleep elsewhere , have more space to do things they like . It is like nobody being able to control the actions and have under certain “ unwritten “ rules the employees .If the participants don’t like the conditions , if they are tired or bored or they believe being on cameras isn’t ok anymore , they can quit , go out to real life conditions and find a job . The mess and the difficulty to follow the ongoing situations , who sleeps where and when , outsiders appearing and occupying beds , in my opinion shows RLC HQ in Barcelona currently not controlling anything there .They chose to give quantity and this is making many co living conditions difficult resulting to the tenants going away to get the essential freedom needed .

What do you know about Cecilia?  She frequently visits.  Any chance she'll join?

Radislava had a middle aged woman and a dog visit. She acted very strange in front of her. Very strange body positioning.

Hope it's not her mom. Strange woman Radislava.

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7 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

What do you know about Cecilia?  She frequently visits.  Any chance she'll join?

Radislava had a middle aged woman and a dog visit. She acted very strange in front of her. Very strange body positioning.

Hope it's not her mom. Strange woman Radislava.

She is.

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Unsubscribed for almost two months, I hesitated today to take out a new subscription for 6 months, but the vision of B4 almost empty afternoon, otherwise Fiora taking the sun outside and Loraine on her bed, as well as your comments, make me think a little more. I always regretted during the time I was a subscriber (1 year), the lack of information coming from RLC, even if I understand that it is the concept, Russian speakers or understanding Ukrainian could however have more information information we. It's not very fair, so we could have had access, if not to subtitling, at least to a daily summary of past or future events, which in my opinion would have made the follow-up more interesting. So I will still wait...

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

Ok… Facciamo un piccolo aggiornamento perché la situazione inizia a diventare ridicola..

Non ho idea di chi gestisca il progetto a Barcellona, chi sia il responsabile che prende le decisioni e ha l'ultima parola, ma dall'inizio dell'anno abbiamo assistito a situazioni e decisioni “inspiegabili”.

- Titti e Holly vanno in vacanza, Titti prolunga le sue vacanze, venendo improvvisamente rimossa solo per rientrare nel progetto più di un mese dopo. RLC assume una persona, le dà la stanza migliore con la sua amica nella casa migliore, questa persona decide o trova l'opportunità che ci sono cose migliori del suo lavoro RLC e poi un giorno ritorna proprio così. Subito dopo, questa stessa persona va di nuovo in vacanza e RLC o l'inquilino lo informano degli abbonati dopo 72 ore di assenza dalle telecamere.

- Quindi, un altro inquilino decide che va in ferie e ancora una volta non ci sono assolutamente informazioni per gli abbonati che pagano per guardare gli inquilini o almeno sanno quando non sono "disponibili" ed essere informati del tempo di assenza, errore RLC o inquilino non hai dato informazioni? Ancora una volta, 72 ore dopo essere stati fuori dalle telecamere, abbiamo appreso che Martina era in vacanza.

- Abbiamo un inquilino che il suo nome è elencato nell'appartamento della villa e negli ultimi 5-6 giorni, dorme quotidianamente nel letto dell'inquilina di nome Cleopatra e in sua assenza stiamo vedendo una ragazza sconosciuta, non partecipante che occupa il vuoto camera durante i periodi in cui questo inquilino dorme ogni giorno in un altro appartamento. Cosa sta succedendo RLC con Radislava? 

-Vediamo un inquilino che si dimette o termina il contratto (Tata) e poi all'improvviso vediamo due degli inquilini che si prendono un fine settimana lontano dalla loro residenza originale e dormono nell'appartamento vuoto (Holly e Titti).

- E ultimo ma certamente non meno importante poiché nessuno sa cosa accadrà di più, un altro inquilino decide di prendere una borsa e abbandonare la sua residenza (Harley) e più di 48 ore dopo, ANCORA, nessuna informazione se questa persona è in vacanza, piani restituire o qualsiasi informazione per l'assenza.

Quello che voglio dire è semplice e arriva come conclusione, cioè RLC sembra assolutamente non preoccuparsi di quello che sta succedendo con i suoi dipendenti (inquilini), ho sempre creduto che ci dovrebbero essere alcune regole "non scritte" seguite diciamo, non coprendo le telecamere, informazioni fornite in modo che un abbonato sappia cosa sta succedendo, dopo tutto, ci sono molti che pagano per guardare solo alcuni partecipanti, non ha senso che le persone continuino a pagare se gli inquilini sono lontani e fuori dalle telecamere, apparendo e scomparendo ogni volta che vogliono, dove vogliono.


RLC sembra aver lasciato che i suoi inquilini facessero quello che volevano senza preoccuparsi molto delle persone che provvedono all'esistenza del sito e agli stipendi dei suoi dipendenti, gli abbonati. È divertente che sia un hub RLC di Barcellona sovraffollato con la mancanza di libertà molto probabilmente “spingendo” le ragazze a scomparire, dormire altrove, avere più spazio per fare le cose che gli piacciono. È come se nessuno fosse in grado di controllare le azioni e avesse sotto certe regole "non scritte" i dipendenti. Se ai partecipanti non piacciono le condizioni, se sono stanchi o annoiati o credono che essere davanti alle telecamere non sia più ok, può smettere, andare in condizioni di vita reale e trovare un lavoro. Il disordine e la difficoltà a seguire le situazioni in atto, chi dorme dove e quando, gli estranei che compaiono e occupano i letti,

You're right, now Cecilia returns and everything returns to normal

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

Ok …Let’s make a bit of an update because the situation starts becoming ridiculous ..

I have no idea who runs the project in Barcelona , who the responsible that takes decisions is and has the last word but since the beginning of the year we have seen some “ unexplained “ situations and decisions .

- Tweety and Holly going on holidays , Tweety extending her holidays , suddenly getting removed only to rejoin the project more than a month later . RLC hires a person , gives her the best room with her friend in the best house , this person decides or finds the opportunity that there are better things than her RLC job and then one day just like that returns . Soon after , this same person goes again on holidays and RLC or the tenant let the subscribers know about it after 72 hours off cameras .

- Then , another tenant decides that she goes on holidays and again there’s absolutely no information to the subscribers who pay to watch the tenants or know at least when they aren’t “ available “ and be informed of the absence time , RLC mistake or tenant’s not given information ? Again , 72 hours after being off cameras ,  we learnt that Martina was on holidays .

-We have a tenant that her name is listed in the villa apartment and the last 5-6 days , she’s daily sleeping at the bed of the tenant named Cleopatra and in her absence ,we are seeing an unknown girl , non participant occupying the empty room during the times that this tenant sleeps daily at another apartment. What’s going RLC with Radislava ? 

-We see a tenant either quitting or finishing the contract ( Tata ) and then suddenly we get two of the tenants getting a  weekend away from their original  residence and sleeping over the empty apartment ( Holly and Tweety ) .

- And last but certainly not least as nobody knows what’s going on to be more , another tenant decides to take a bag and abandon her residence ( Harley ) and more than 48 hours later , AGAIN , no information if this person is on holidays , plans to return or any information for the absence .

What I want to say is simple and come as a conclusion , that is RLC absolutely seems not caring at all of what’s going with its employees ( tenants ) , I always believed that there should be some “ unwritten “ rules “ followed let’s say , not covering  the cameras , information given so as a subscriber knows what’s going on , after all , there are many who pay to watch only certain participants ,there’s no point for people to continue paying if tenants are away and off cameras , appearing and disappearing whenever they want , wherever they want .


RLC seems to have let its tenants do whatever they want with not much caring of the people who provide for the existence  of the site and the salaries of its employees , the subscribers .It is funny that it is an overcrowded Barcelona RLC hub with the lack of freedom most probably “ pushing “ the girls to disappear , sleep elsewhere , have more space to do things they like . It is like nobody being able to control the actions and have under certain “ unwritten “ rules the employees .If the participants don’t like the conditions , if they are tired or bored or they believe being on cameras isn’t ok anymore , they can quit , go out to real life conditions and find a job . The mess and the difficulty to follow the ongoing situations , who sleeps where and when , outsiders appearing and occupying beds , in my opinion shows RLC HQ in Barcelona currently not controlling anything there .They chose to give quantity and this is making many co living conditions difficult resulting to the tenants going away to get the essential freedom needed .

The slow notification of what's happening is never the tenants, it's always RLC. It's always been the same as well, they never update on weekends, which is when all the delayed information happens.

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25 minutes ago, corpslibre said:

Unsubscribed for almost two months, I hesitated today to take out a new subscription for 6 months, but the vision of B4 almost empty afternoon, otherwise Fiora taking the sun outside and Loraine on her bed, as well as your comments, make me think a little more. I always regretted during the time I was a subscriber (1 year), the lack of information coming from RLC, even if I understand that it is the concept, Russian speakers or understanding Ukrainian could however have more information information we. It's not very fair, so we could have had access, if not to subtitling, at least to a daily summary of past or future events, which in my opinion would have made the follow-up more interesting. So I will still wait...

Knowing rlc subtitles would be in russian/ukrainian too. 🙂 

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