jetlag8 Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 3 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said: Now it is logic that the second couple who will move to B5 is Samson & Loraine. As Thor & Samson (friends) moved in to B7 same day, it makes sense for them to move in to B5 with their new girlfriends as couples. I think moving Holly and Thor to B5 was a big mistake. Once a new couple join them in B5 they will have no more privacy in B5 than they had in B7, just a much smaller apartment without a pool or sunbathing areas. The cast left in b7, Nelly, Bogdan and Sampson will not interest anybody and it will be up to the new girl to attract viewers. If the new girl does not work out, it will just reinforce what I have always thought about B7, and that it's just an expensive failure. 3
moules Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 I was in error earlier. At about 20:25, when Lilith and Lorraine left, Lorraine left with a cart for food, and loose bags of food. She did not leave with a carry-on suitcase, although the handle is similar.
Gerald Knauft Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 Just now, jetlag8 said: Ich denke, Holly und Thor zu B5 zu bewegen, war ein großer Fehler. Sobald ein neues Paar in B5 zu ihnen kommt, wird es in B5 nicht mehr Privatsphäre haben als in B7, nur eine viel kleinere Wohnung ohne Pool oder Bereiche zum Sonnenbaden. Die Besetzung von b7, Nelly, Bogdan und Sampson, wird niemanden interessieren, und es wird an dem neuen Mädchen liegen, Zuschauer anzuziehen. Wenn das neue Mädchen nicht funktioniert, wird es nur bekräftigen, was ich immer über B7 gedacht habe, und dass es nur ein teurer Misserfolg ist. Ich bin nicht der Meinung dass Loraine/ Samson in das freie Zimmer ziehen werden. Mir scheint dass es mittlerweile ziemliche Spannungen zwischen den beiden existieren. Kann mich aber natürlich auch irren, aber das " Paar " macht ziemlich wenig gemeinsam und ist nicht so zueinander wie Holly/Thor deren Zuneigung echt zu sein scheint. Aber mal spekuliert: Tweety ist erschienen zur Einweihung. Wenn überhaupt jemanden könnte ich mir vorstellen dass auch Tweety wieder zu RLC zurückkehrt und dort einzieht. Ob das für die Beziehung des Paares gut sein könnte oder nicht entzieht sich meiner Beurteilung. Eine Werbung sagte mal: Nichts ist unmöglich.
MrFlexxy Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 3 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said: I don't think Loraine/ Samson will move into the vacant room. It seems to me that there is now quite a tension between the two. I could be wrong of course, but the "pair" have very little in common and aren't as into each other as Holly/Thor whose affection seems genuine. But let's speculate: Tweety appeared at the inauguration. If anyone at all, I could imagine Tweety returning to RLC and moving in there. Whether that could be good for the couple's relationship or not is beyond my judgment. An advertisement once said: Nothing is impossible. Tweety has her own apartment in Barcelona now, so she’s not moving into B5
Gerald Knauft Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 1 minute ago, MrFlexxy said: Tweety hat jetzt ihre eigene Wohnung in Barcelona, also zieht sie nicht in B5 Das wußte ich auch , aber man kann ja mal etwas anscheinend Unmögliches denken. Aber vom Typ her : jung, flippig, impulsiv und sexy, ,wenn sie es sein will, würde sie gut in den Mädchenreigen bei RLC passen
FrankZabba Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 6 hours ago, thinga69 said: Bisides their daily life I'm interested on their parties. Let's see how long until the first. their parties will be nothing special, the same girls you always see will be there with nobody being new. it's the rlc way lol 2
thinga69 Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 2 minutes ago, FrankZabba said: their parties will be nothing special, the same girls you always see will be there with nobody being new. it's the rlc way lol Yeah, I know. But at least is something different from tenants watching TV or looking at their phones.
FrankZabba Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 1 minute ago, thinga69 said: Yeah, I know. But at least is something different from tenants watching TV or looking at their phones. so that's what you watch rlc for is their stupid parties? nobody in real life throws as many parties as the people on rlc do and i believe it's only to try and attract more subscriptions. once most people join and see how rlc really is, they probably cancel their subscriptions and never come back.
thinga69 Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 Just now, FrankZabba said: so that's what you watch rlc for is their stupid parties? nobody in real life throws as many parties as the people on rlc do and i believe it's only to try and attract more subscriptions. once most people join and see how rlc really is, they probably cancel their subscriptions and never come back. Not just for that, only some apartments. Those parties are also a good way to watch how they interact, or don't, with each other. 1
FrankZabba Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 2 minutes ago, thinga69 said: Not just for that, only some apartments. Those parties are also a good way to watch how they interact, or don't, with each other. i'm not dissing you thinga69 i'm just questioning where your head is at. if you like the parties, i have no problem with it. enjoy my friend!
thinga69 Posted July 1, 2022 Posted July 1, 2022 1 minute ago, FrankZabba said: i'm not dissing you thinga69 i'm just questioning where your head is at. if you like the parties, i have no problem with it. enjoy my friend! No problem. I didn't understand that way even though I know that many members don't like the parties. I think that we only have so many parties because I believe that RLC refunds them the expenses. I don't believe that they would buy so many booze with their own money. Also to me they look like a normal party. I never expect to end on a big orgy or something like that. 😅
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