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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #16


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In addition to my previous post, a summary "Martina's weekend"


23.06 Thursday

go out with fat guy 21:20

1:30 a.m. home

In bed around 2:30 am


24.06 Friday

20:44 went out with a young guy who followed her everywhere in the apartment, including the bathroom and toilet.

About 1 o'clock back home

Hip flask filled with high-proof alcohol and taken away to keep the alcohol level high. These hip flasks are widespread among alcoholics in Germany.

Alberto on the Playstation.

Martina in a big hurry and excited as if she had an appointment

Approximately 1:02 a.m.: Exit to the second session

Back and to bed about 7am


25.6 Saturday

Visit to Nelly in the afternoon

dead tired, yawns constantly, nodded off twice.

Saturday night:

22:10 Makes violent fucking movements on the bed in the presence of Alberto, in anticipation of what is to come.

23:44 Exit, dressed like a whore only bra and blouse open

Alberto on the Playstation.

Albert is sleeping on the couch

Sunday morning 7 a.m. Martina comes home, goes to bed naked at 7:42 a.m

12 p.m.: Albert goes out with Taco.

Lady Martina in a deep sleep...


No matter how and why. One thing is certain, such a life cannot be maintained for long. Alcohol, drugs and lack of sleep destroy people. We will probably not see how Martina looks like in a few years. Maybe it's better that way.

How Alberto can live with Martina's lifestyle is his problem. But I don't think he's really happy with that, unless he has a completely different problem. Martina knows how to keep her housekeeper happy (e. g. oil change). And what alternative does he have?

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1 hour ago, berty_47 said:


In addition to my previous post, a summary "Martina's weekend"


23.06 Thursday

go out with fat guy 21:20

1:30 a.m. home

In bed around 2:30 am


24.06 Friday

20:44 went out with a young guy who followed her everywhere in the apartment, including the bathroom and toilet.

About 1 o'clock back home

Hip flask filled with high-proof alcohol and taken away to keep the alcohol level high. These hip flasks are widespread among alcoholics in Germany.

Alberto on the Playstation.

Martina in a big hurry and excited as if she had an appointment

Approximately 1:02 a.m.: Exit to the second session

Back and to bed about 7am


25.6 Saturday

Visit to Nelly in the afternoon

dead tired, yawns constantly, nodded off twice.

Saturday night:

22:10 Makes violent fucking movements on the bed in the presence of Alberto, in anticipation of what is to come.

23:44 Exit, dressed like a whore only bra and blouse open

Alberto on the Playstation.

Albert is sleeping on the couch

Sunday morning 7 a.m. Martina comes home, goes to bed naked at 7:42 a.m

12 p.m.: Albert goes out with Taco.

Lady Martina in a deep sleep...


No matter


Excellent timeline Berty.  I’m sure this took some time to pull this together.  But when you look at the bigger picture, it does raise some interesting questions.

I agree with you that if Alberto is OK with all of this, then yes this is an FWB relationship of convenience.  Yes they are very close friends and fuck buddies but neither see a long term future being with each other.  


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1 hour ago, berty_47 said:

"Anyone who, against their better knowledge, asserts or disseminates an untrue fact in relation to another, which is likely to make him despicable or degrading in public opinion or to jeopardize his credit, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or with a fine and, if the act is committed in public, in a meeting or by disseminating content (§ 11 Paragraph 3), punishable by imprisonment of up to five years or a fine.

The kicker there would be the "better knowledge" clause.. Since none of us has better knowledge I don't think they could win a defamation suite... Also in the US for a public figure to win a defamation suite they also have to prove the statements were made with malice.. Not sure about in Germany...

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4 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Excellent timeline Berty.  I’m sure this took some time to pull this together.  But when you look at the bigger picture, it does raise some interesting questions.

I agree with you that if Alberto is OK with all of this, then yes this is an FWB relationship of convenience.  Yes they are very close friends and fuck buddies but neither see a long term future being with each other.  


Agree.  Alberto accepts Martina's promiscuity.  There is nothing he can do about it, except leave.  But staying is too good. 

FWIW, the only reason for some people suggesting that Martina (and Alberto) was at B-7 with Nelly on the night of Gina's party is that Martina appears in an Instagram post of the party.  (And that Martina and Alberto did not arrive at their apartment until after 03:00.)

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1 hour ago, berty_47 said:

Elke dag vraag ik me af wat bepaalde mensen drijft om zonder enig bewijs steeds nieuwe fantasieën en veronderstellingen over Martina te verspreiden. En wat beweegt andere mensen om Martina en Alberto heftig te verdedigen, hoewel ze ook geen verifieerbaar bewijs hebben.




Voorbeeld 1 Martina's reis naar Kroatië: Wie heeft het bewijs dat ze met Luis in Kroatië was? En wie heeft bewijs dat ze met iemand anders reisde?




Voorbeeld 2 De relatie met Nelly: Door het bezoek van Martina aan Nelly op zondag leek alles wat er de afgelopen weken over hen beiden is geschreven op geruchten en aannames.




Voorbeeld 3 Het trio in het park: Op 25-06-22 16:44 uur antwoordde Ash1 op "darkman" met betrekking tot het drietal en beschrijft dat het drietal niet is doorgegaan. Desalniettemin wordt dit op het forum genegeerd en wordt het drietal als een feit gepresenteerd. Welk bewijs is er?




Ik ken de wetten in de getroffen landen niet, maar in Duitsland is § 187 laster van toepassing:


"Ieder die tegen beter weten in jegens een ander een onwaar feit beweert of verspreidt dat hem in de publieke opinie verachtelijk of vernederend zou kunnen maken of zijn reputatie in gevaar zou kunnen brengen, wordt gestraft met gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste twee jaar of met een boete en, indien de handeling in het openbaar wordt gepleegd, in een vergadering of door het verspreiden van inhoud (§ 11, lid 3), bestraft met een gevangenisstraf van maximaal vijf jaar of een boete.


Zelfs als veel van de "RLC-acteurs" in RLC hoeren zijn of op zijn minst tragische figuren of mislukte/verbroken existenties, mogen de getroffenen niet publiekelijk worden belasterd.


Excuseer mijn vermaning, ik heb het recht niet om dat te doen. Maar het drama van Martina en Alberto houdt me erg bezig. En ik zou heel graag enkele waarheden willen weten.


Het hele scenario is zo onwerkelijk en vol tegenstrijdigheden. Laten we samen de waarheid vinden.




Excuseer mijn slechte E

Ze zitten op een camsite en gebruiken hun echte namen niet, daar kan je niets tegen doen

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49 minutes ago, tle said:

The kicker there would be the "better knowledge" clause.. Since none of us has better knowledge I don't think they could win a defamation suite... Also in the US for a public figure to win a defamation suite they also have to prove the statements were made with malice.. Not sure about in Germany...

In many counties in europe this is a bit different but but I don't want to go here in details because laws are a bit boaring area  even it doesn't matter here😂

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1 hour ago, JenniferMom said:

I agree with you that if Alberto is OK with all of this, then yes this is an FWB relationship of convenience.  Yes they are very close friends and fuck buddies but neither see a long term future being with each other.  

Requesting permission  to revise and extend my remarks ...

The other thought that occurs to me:   

I am assuming they are not in a committed monomagous relationship.  If you think they are, then this point is not for you.  I think these people have other issues as clearly Martina has not been monomagous over the last 18 months.  

Assuming they are lovers and this is more than FWB (as you all know I am skeptical of this), but let's assume this is what we see here.  Let's assume that @Deepdave and others are essentially correct in their assessment.  They truly love each other now and for the long term.

This implies they are at the point in their relationship where they are thinking "is he the one?"  and  "is she the one?".   We know both of them are serious about their futures, planning for their features, which is the best part of this couple.  So it is natural to assume they are thinking about this, i.e. "is this it?  is he or she the one?".  "Are we ready to tie the knot?"

It seems obvious that for Alberto this is a no brainer.   He would marry Martina tomorrow if he could.  He would be crazy not to.   He adores her and she is extremely fond of him as we know.  

But what is Martina thinking?  Does anyone believe that deep in her heart she thinks that "Alberto is the one for her"?   Maybe, but we see lots of behaivor like Berty's timeline summary that does not comport with someone who feels that "Alberto is the one".   Does she see a bright future with her new skills and career that includes the love of her life Alberto?   What evidence do we have that she feels this way?  Or does she go out and enjoy party life in search of someone who might be "the one" ultimately.  

I bring this subtle point up (acknowledging it is very similar to my main point all along) ... because maybe we are seeing a slow evolution here.  This is where I think Deepdave and others might ultimately be vindicated.  At some point she will realize that Alberto IS the one and there is no point to continue looking and she will focus more of her energy and time on her man.   And Alberto would indeed be supportive as he is loving and very patient, knowing ultimately she will be his.  You can even imagine him at the game consol saying "enjoy the party sweetie and have fun, I will be here for you always".    

Thank you for allowing me to indulge myself in these thoughts.  Yes we see the world through love stories!

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I have to wonder why Martina has decided to stop showing her relationships on camera. She was not timid about doing it in the villa with the girls before Nelly. She was not reluctant to show us both at the villa and at home with Nelly. Now she has "visitors" that it is obvious she is intimate with. She must be intimate with them if she sleeps next to one in the guest room, pisses in the bathroom with another of them watching, and lets another rub her, snuggle her, and chew her hair. So why now is everything that she does that is intimate, is off camera? Why? 

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9 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Does she see a bright future with her new skills and career that includes the love of her life Alberto?   What evidence do we have that she feels this way?  Or does she go out and enjoy party life in search of someone who might be "the one" ultimately.  

You don't usually find "the one" for a stable family life while you're out partying...

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