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They all know each other....

Guest chillifingers

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Guest observer1

Oh no, not another one of these "I know but I'm not telling you how" people!  They infest more forums than I'd care to count. 

Either put up or shut up as we say over here - provide the evidence or the lingering aroma of troll will for ever infest your posts.

Saying things like this just makes them feel better about themselves - bigging themselves up because someone is taking interest in their lonely life.

Please, please - just fuck off....  OK?

PS - What does "guest" mean - is it another word for troll?

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Guest observer1

This forum is amazing.....a newbie states that they know stuff and is immediately shot down in flames. I'm so glad I don't come here much now.  ;D ;D

Be fair - anyone can come on here and say they know stuff.  But this guy presents the information as fact and then can't (or won't) back it up with evidence.

So its speculation until he proves otherwise.

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If I am correct chillifingers is a former poster not a troll and I would have to say I believe some of what he is saying even if it does sound far fetched.

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Guest Doct19

It's a fact, although I can't divulge how or why I know this, but all the RLC participants not only know of each other, but have also agreed between themselves how this whole charade is played out. They are acting more as cooperative partners than an owner led business. I will probably be axed for revealing this information on here as I know they patrol this site regularly. Some of them are not even real couples. I have probably revealed too much already but you need to know this.

So you yourself belong to the same family?

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Question, how can the spanish know the russians

pareceis tontos , nadie ha dicho que se conozcan todos si no que hay una conexion entre ellos , uno conoce a otro que a su vez conoce a kiko que conoce a alma que es rusa ella conoce a isabel que es amiga del subnormal del gordo de estefan y asi estan todos metidos en el tema .

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It's a fact, although I can't divulge how or why I know this, but chillifingers smokes a lot of crack and likes to masturbate with crunchy peanut butter while he reads the responses to his post.

Hmmm, guess it works for any of us too...guess that makes it true now, right?

Anyhow, what I do find interesting in chillifingers original post is that he/she/it thinks that we should know this information.  I'm still trying to figure out what we really need to know...that all of the participants on RLC know each other and....what?  So, for arguments sake, let's say they all do know each other and have attended some secret meeting in the Ukraine.  Now what?  What's the next step for us, chillifingers?

You want us to do some research?  You want us to discover that they know each other?  As with some previous posts, we know some of them do. 

I also found the comment that some of the couples are not real couples pretty interesting.  Which ones are not real couples?  Katya & Ruslan and Sofia & Roman? 

And, what is the big plan in the Ukraine?  Can you give a a few more clues? 

Of course, I'll understand if you can't because your life could be in danger for sharing as much as you did.  But, since no one really believes you without any evidence, I think you'll be okay, and the RLC Mafia will probably go easy on you.

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