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Carla & Yanai (2022) #3

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Carla allows the guest into the bedroom and converses with him for an extended time while bottomless. I don't know but this may be the first time he sees her naked pussy on camera. Yanai seemed to be OK with it. Still, they keep the pretense of the modesty towel when moving from room to room. Makes no sense if he has already seen her pussy.

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`I can foresee a time when Carla might allow the guest some privileges. I recall when she was upset with Yanai, she brought some guys over for an evening of fun. Carla seemed to be intimate with one of the guys but there was a second guy who also took liberties touching her body. I thought she was going for a gang bang but it never developed. The one guy slept overnight in bed with her but did not make any move on camera. From their body language and the way they touched each other...holding hands, etc., It looked to me like they had already been together before they came on camera. Tonight might be the line that they crossed that will lead to more variations in the future.

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8 minutes ago, philo said:

`Posso prevedere un momento in cui Carla potrebbe concedere all'ospite dei privilegi. Ricordo che quando era arrabbiata con Yanai, portò alcuni ragazzi per una serata di divertimento. Carla sembrava essere intima con uno dei ragazzi, ma c'era un secondo ragazzo che si è anche preso delle libertà toccandole il corpo. Pensavo che stesse andando per una gang bang ma non si è mai sviluppata. L'unico ragazzo ha dormito tutta la notte a letto con lei ma non si è mosso davanti alla telecamera. Dal loro linguaggio del corpo e dal modo in cui si toccavano... tenendosi per mano, ecc., mi sembrava che fossero già stati insieme prima che arrivassero alla telecamera. Stanotte potrebbe essere la linea che hanno attraversato che porterà a ulteriori variazioni in futuro.

I understand a little Spanish and they speak very fast: I think Don is Carla's brother

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Just now, Boing said:

I understand a little Spanish and they speak very fast: I think Don is Carla's brother

I appreciate your opinion. However, I have been on this forum long enough to observe an interesting phenomenon...whenever someone's status is unknown, many people have assumed that he/she is a relative. It has always turned out not to be true. The longest held false claim of kinship occurred with Masha and one of her recurring guests. By now there have been scores of people on RLC but the only confirmed case of siblings has been the twins.

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There was another instance during the RLC Russia phase when Bogdan was alleged to bring his sister to visit as an actor. When I commented about an instance of him snuggling and kissing her on the neck, the sentiment changed. However some contended that in Russia the culture allowed for siblings to be intimate and it was not so big a deal as in the west. Whomever said that had never spent time in the USA rural south. LOL

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24 minutes ago, philo said:

Apprezzo la tua opinione. Tuttavia, sono stato su questo forum abbastanza a lungo per osservare un fenomeno interessante... ogni volta che lo stato di qualcuno è sconosciuto, molte persone hanno pensato che fosse un parente. Si è sempre rivelato non essere vero. La falsa affermazione di parentela più lunga si è verificata con Masha e uno dei suoi ospiti ricorrenti. Ormai ci sono state decine di persone su RLC, ma l'unico caso confermato di fratelli sono stati i gemelli.

My opinion is based on some conversations between Carla and Yanai. Knowing a little Spanish I wanted to contribute to this forum: I see that it is not appreciated.

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1 hour ago, Boing said:

My opinion is based on some conversations between Carla and Yanai. Knowing a little Spanish I wanted to contribute to this forum: I see that it is not appreciated.

Philo is a fucking nutjob that spouts nonsense in multiple threads. And different people can and will confirm this. Do not take his nonsense to mean anything important.

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4 hours ago, Boing said:

Mi opinión se basa en algunas conversaciones entre Carla y Yanai. Sabiendo un poco de español quería aportar a este foro: veo que no se agradece.

Carla is Latina and the guy is Spanish, I don't mean to say that they couldn't be brothers, but I assure you that they are not.

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5 hours ago, philo said:

Agradezco tu opinión. Sin embargo, he estado en este foro el tiempo suficiente para observar un fenómeno interesante... cada vez que se desconoce el estado de alguien, muchas personas asumen que él/ella es un pariente. Siempre ha resultado no ser cierto. La afirmación de parentesco falsa más prolongada ocurrió con Masha y uno de sus invitados recurrentes. Hasta ahora ha habido decenas de personas en RLC, pero el único caso confirmado de hermanos han sido los gemelos.

Esmi-Zabava, confirmed by RLC

Martina&brother, confirmed by me 😁

Numi&brother, confirmed by Numi herself

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1 minute ago, omedo said:

Esmi-Zabava, confirmed by RLC

Martina&brother, confirmed by me 😁

Numi&brother, confirmed by Numi herself

Olivia and Ulyana - confirmed by Nana, not the best source but is the only one that we got. 🤣

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