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Diana is singing and it is wonderful

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Yeah the signing in english is impressive but the accent is very noticeable. Diana's singing is far from perfect but it's way better than mine so I can't hate.

As long as they don't get the music to loud where they have to scream and shout to sing.

Definitely not Grammy Award material but nice.

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must be russian yourself if you think she sings without an accent.

The song I heard was perfect. Perhaps she has practiced it many times.

It's not sung with an Ebonics accent, and that alone is refreshing...  ;)

dear friend, the perfect voice is that !!!

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je suis très étonné après que Diana nous ai chanté une version lente de Joe Dassin, qu'elle n'est aucun accent en chantant en français... A-t-elle des parents français (père ? mère ?)

trad . :

I am very surprised after Diana was singing us a slower version of Joe Dassin, it is no accent singing in French ... A Does French parents (father? mother?)

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je suis très étonné après que Diana nous ai chanté une version lente de Joe Dassin, qu'elle n'est aucun accent en chantant en français... A-t-elle des parents français (père ? mère ?)

trad . :

I am very surprised after Diana was singing us a slower version of Joe Dassin, it is no accent singing in French ... A Does French parents (father? mother?)

Sans accent... n'exagérons pas, même si on la comprend parfaitement. Elle est sans doute douée en langue, comme le sont souvent les slaves, contrairement à nous autres latins.  ;)  Cela dit, si elle veut se balader aux Champs Elysées, je veux bien lui servir de guide...

Without an accent... No exaggeration, although we understood her perfectly. She is probably gifted in language, as are often the Slavs, unlike us other latins. ;)  That said, if she wants to walk to the Champs Elysées, I should be happy to serve as a guide...  :)

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