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B4 - General Topic 2022 #68 (December)

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1 hour ago, moules said:

I view Holly and Thor as a couple.  They are supposed to do things together.  Tim and Tani are not yet a couple in the eyes of RLC.  I expect there are many things they don't do together.  When Tani and Tim fuck, --and they fuck frequently but nowhere near the frequency of Thor and Holly -- almost always the fucking is in B-4, in her bed and on her cams.  I assume bonus money is based on the cams that viewers are watching the most, and if Tani was always fucking Tim in B-7, the bonus money would go to Tim as the cams were in his room.  If I am wrong in this assumption, please correct.

I note that when Tani goes to clubs in Barcelona, Tim is not invited.

I just find it surprising that a middle-aged guy makes a second appearance on RLC, this time as an unattached single.  As a gigolo for younger women rather than wealthy old ladies.  He is at a point in life where his occupation should be advancing him economically.  Apparently, he was unemployed or employed in a low wage job.  Otherwise, why would he even sign up for the gig?

And his adolescent behavior in B-4, when he refused to leave Tani's bed, and she was only able to get him to leave the bed by enlisting Taylor to start a pretend lesbian encounter with Tani's guest on the bed.


i agree with you about her and tim not being a couple.  if they were a couple wouldn't they be sharing a bedroom together instead of split up at two different places?  they are fuck buddies for the camera and that's it as far as i'm concerned.

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9 hours ago, moules said:

I view Holly and Thor as a couple.  They are supposed to do things together.  Tim and Tani are not yet a couple in the eyes of RLC.  I expect there are many things they don't do together.  When Tani and Tim fuck, --and they fuck frequently but nowhere near the frequency of Thor and Holly -- almost always the fucking is in B-4, in her bed and on her cams.  I assume bonus money is based on the cams that viewers are watching the most, and if Tani was always fucking Tim in B-7, the bonus money would go to Tim as the cams were in his room.  If I am wrong in this assumption, please correct.

I note that when Tani goes to clubs in Barcelona, Tim is not invited.

I just find it surprising that a middle-aged guy makes a second appearance on RLC, this time as an unattached single.  As a gigolo for younger women rather than wealthy old ladies.  He is at a point in life where his occupation should be advancing him economically.  Apparently, he was unemployed or employed in a low wage job.  Otherwise, why would he even sign up for the gig?

And his adolescent behavior in B-4, when he refused to leave Tani's bed, and she was only able to get him to leave the bed by enlisting Taylor to start a pretend lesbian encounter with Tani's guest on the bed.



We, or maybe only me, don't care about that, the most important thing is not that RLC considers them a couple but that they consider themselves a couple
If RLC tells you to jump out of the window, will you? sometimes you have to know how to think for yourself

I don't know how RLC does for their bonus but I think it's much more complex than what you think otherwise we wouldn't have shows in the various rooms of the apartments with several participants, do you think that when the girls give a massage in Monica's room, the bonus is only for Monica? let me laugh ^^

I don't really see the connection with the fact that Tim doesn't go out with Tani all the time, luckily they can do things independently of each other.

I just have one question, how old do you think Tim might be with that comment? another question, a gigolo normally shouldn't be with all the girls instead of just one?
What tells you that he doesn't have a job because he lives in B7?

The problem most of the time is that you don't know people, you don't understand what they say to each other and you don't understand what you see either but you still allow yourself to have an opinion about their behavior, I find it funny and heartbreaking at the same time 😁

I am not targeting you personally, I am simply making an overall observation of many members of this forum



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8 hours ago, FrankZabba said:

i agree with you about her and tim not being a couple.  if they were a couple wouldn't they be sharing a bedroom together instead of split up at two different places?  they are fuck buddies for the camera and that's it as far as i'm concerned.

Because you when you start a relationship, you live from the first day with the other person? so if you are not living with her, that means you are not in a relationship with her 🤔
Funny way of thinking 😁

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1 hour ago, moos54 said:

I don't know how RLC does for their bonus but I think it's much more complex than what you think otherwise we wouldn't have shows in the various rooms of the apartments with several participants, do you think that when the girls give a massage in Monica's room, the bonus is only for Monica?

I don't know if there are bonuses, but it makes sense that it would

push the participants to action, leaving the passives more poor.

So Monica's bed sessions is work for more viewers,

reflected in the computer controlled order of thumbnails,

stemming from the around 10.000 subscribers of RLC.

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