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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #23


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Looks like a nice celebration happening tonight.  I hope Martina has several wonderful orgasms tonight.

Happy New Year everyone!  Here's a toast to a great 2023 and may everyone find true happiness no matter how that looks to each of us.

I've dialed this place back quite a bit as most of you know.  I was thinking just now, what happened to @ddhm ?   He is to me like the scarecrow was to Dorothy.  I know my time involvement has been reduced but I do keep up with 1 or 2 apartments and I don't think I've seen a post from him in ages.

What are all of you doing with all this excess free time you have not reading dreadfully long posts from DD and I?????

All the best in 2023!!!

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10 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Sieht nach einer schönen Feier heute Abend aus. Ich hoffe, Martina hat heute Abend mehrere wundervolle Orgasmen.

Allen ein frohes neues Jahr! Hier ist ein Toast auf ein großartiges Jahr 2023 und möge jeder wahres Glück finden, egal wie das für jeden von uns aussieht.

Wie die meisten von euch wissen, habe ich diesen Ort ziemlich zurückgedreht. Ich dachte gerade, was passiert ist@dhm? Er ist für mich wie die Vogelscheuche für Dorothy. Ich weiß, dass mein Zeitaufwand reduziert wurde, aber ich halte mit 1 oder 2 Wohnungen Schritt und ich glaube, ich habe seit Ewigkeiten keinen Beitrag von ihm gesehen.

Was macht ihr alle mit all dieser überschüssigen Freizeit, die ihr nicht habt, um schrecklich lange Posts von DD und mir zu lesen?????

Alles Gute für 2023!!!

I enjoy this time...happy new year :biggrin:

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12 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Looks like a nice celebration happening tonight.  I hope Martina has several wonderful orgasms tonight.

Happy New Year everyone!  Here's a toast to a great 2023 and may everyone find true happiness no matter how that looks to each of us.

I've dialed this place back quite a bit as most of you know.  I was thinking just now, what happened to @ddhm ?   He is to me like the scarecrow was to Dorothy.  I know my time involvement has been reduced but I do keep up with 1 or 2 apartments and I don't think I've seen a post from him in ages.

What are all of you doing with all this excess free time you have not reading dreadfully long posts from DD and I?????

All thee cut back in the time I spend best in 2023!!!

Hi Jen,

     Well I too have also cut back on the time I spend on both CC and RLC...just not enough to keep me interested although I do miss your posts. They always were interesting and great reading. Along with with resident comediene Girlsfun2, you and her are at the top of my list of posters although there are others I enjoyed also. I've decided to temporarily end my sub to RLC until something improves...especially with Martina and Alberto. I never really cared for the fake lesbian shows in the other apartments as the tryst between Martina and Nelly spoiled me I guess. Anyway, have a great New Year and maybe we'll have more to talk about with RLC next year.

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