yadevol Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 I see Efim is back. Anyone know what happened
KarenKraft Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 She's got everything she needs. She's an artist; **** She don't look back.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 "You will start out standing Proud to steal her anything she sees You will start out standing Proud to steal her anything she sees But you will wind up peeking through her keyhole Down upon your knees." I watched her practice her lines for an upcoming production; standing up, moving with the blocking: the best way to memorize a part. It restored my faith in those few RLC women who have something inside their skulls. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
hampelo Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 "You will start out standing Proud to steal her anything she sees You will start out standing Proud to steal her anything she sees But you will wind up peeking through her keyhole Down upon your knees." I watched her practice her lines for an upcoming production; standing up, moving with the blocking: the best way to memorize a part. It restored my faith in those few RLC women who have something inside their skulls. outside is nice too ;) (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
komptreyes Posted October 24, 2014 Posted October 24, 2014 I wish Diana would stop obsessing over plucking her eyebrows. She should let them look more natural. I know that some women have pretty neanderthal looking eyebrows if they don't pluck them (I saw some pictures of my second wife when she was younger), but she plucks her eyebrows way too much.
Cho Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 I wish Diana would stop obsessing over plucking her eyebrows. She should let them look more natural. I know that some women have pretty neanderthal looking eyebrows if they don't pluck them (I saw some pictures of my second wife when she was younger), but she plucks her eyebrows way too much. Il est quasiment certain que Diana pratique la scène quotidiennement et évolue dans le monde du spectacle. Il est donc indispensable pour elle d'être parfaitement maquillée et épilée chaque jour. Le maquillage fait partie du métier... -- It is almost certain that Diana daily practices the scene and is a part of the entertainment world. It is therefore essential for her to be perfectly made up and shaved every day. Makeup done part of the job ...
piedpiper1968 Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 I watched for a number of hours tonight and while the music is enjoyable I notice often that Efim shuns Diana when she tries to hold him or kiss him. It is obvious she loves him and makes every effort to show everyone that she cares about him. He, on the other hand, shows little affection for her. It has been this was lately. And he is so immature. When the guests all went to bed on the couch (four of them) and Diana and Efim went to bed he came back to the couch to lay with them. Diana came from the bedroom and practically had to beg him to come back to her and their bed. He went with her, but returned to the couch again and now has gone back to his bedroom. In my humble opinion, he acts like a spoiled little child who always must get his way.
KarenKraft Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 **** In my humble opinion, he acts like a spoiled little child who always must get his way. That pretty much describes most of the "men" on RLC at present, with the possible exception of Stepan.
Cho Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 **** In my humble opinion, he acts like a spoiled little child who always must get his way. That pretty much describes most of the "men" on RLC at present, with the possible exception of Stepan. Depuis quelques temps, Efim est assez désagréable avec Diana. J'ai remarqué vendredi matin qu'il regardait des photos sur VK ou Instagram sur lesquelles j'ai cru reconnaître Diana en habits de scène. Il se moquait ostensiblement des images mais le rire était forcé. De son côté, Diana ne souriait pas vraiment et après avoir écouté quelques réflexions, elle ferma assez sèchement l'ordinateur, coupant court aux quolibets d'Efim. Nous pouvons donc raisonnablement imaginer une certaine jalousie d'Efim qui démontre qu'elle est plus mure que lui, voire plus intelligente. Je ne suis donc pas surpris de son attitude avec les invitées. C'est une forme de vengeance face à celle qui a un emploi alors qu'il est à la maison. Peut-être même est-il jaloux du metteur en scène ou d'un autre acteur. Peut-être n'est-il pas d'accord qu'elle ait accepté ce rôle. Peut-être trouve-t-il la pièce nulle. N'oublions pas que les hommes russes sont assez machos et Diana est une jeune femme moderne qui prend des décisions. Comme il n'a pas une emprise suffisante il est prêt à la tromper pour se venger. Aussi je vous rejoins lorsque vous dites qu'il n'est pas mature, à la manière d'un jeune chien fou. Quel imbécile... -- For some time, Efim is quite rude to Diana. Friday morning I noticed he was looking pics on Instagram or VK which I thought recognize Diana dressed scene. He openly mocked the pics, but the laughter was forced. For its part, Diana didn't really smile and after a hearing some thoughts, she closed the computer dryly, cutting short his jeers. We can reasonably imagine a certain jealousy of Efim who demonstrates that she is more mature or smarter. I'm not surprised with his attitude with guests. It is a form of vengeance face to Diana who has a job while he stays at home. Maybe he is jealous of the director or another actor. Maybe he does not agree that she has accepted this role. Maybe he finds theater play very bad. Remember that Russian men are pretty macho and Diana is a modern young woman who makes decisions. As he does not have sufficient grip, he is ready to cheat for revenge. So, I agree with you when you say he is not yet mature, like a young silly dog. What an idiot...
KarenKraft Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 **** In my humble opinion, he acts like a spoiled little child who always must get his way. That pretty much describes most of the "men" on RLC at present, with the possible exception of Stepan. Depuis quelques temps, Efim est assez désagréable avec Diana. J'ai remarqué vendredi matin qu'il regardait des photos sur VK ou Instagram sur lesquelles j'ai cru reconnaître Diana en habits de scène. Il se moquait ostensiblement des images mais le rire était forcé. De son côté, Diana ne souriait pas vraiment et après quelques avoir écouté quelques réflexions, elle ferma assez sèchement l'ordinateur, coupant court aux quolibets d'Efim. Nous pouvons donc raisonnablement imaginer une certaine jalousie d'Efim qui démontre qu'elle est plus mure que lui, voire plus intelligente. Je ne suis donc pas surpris de son attitude avec les invitées. C'est une forme de vengeance face à celle qui a un emploi alors qu'il est à la maison. Peut-être même est-il jaloux du metteur en scène ou d'un autre acteur. Peut-être n'est-il pas d'accord qu'elle ait accepté ce rôle. Peut-être trouve-t-il la pièce nulle. N'oublions pas que les hommes russes sont assez machos et Diana est une jeune femme moderne qui prend des décisions. Comme il n'a pas une emprise suffisante il est prêt à la tromper pour se venger. Aussi je vous rejoins lorsque vous dites qu'il n'est pas mature, à la manière d'un jeune chien fou. Quel imbécile... -- For some time, Efim is quite rude to Diana. Friday morning I noticed he was looking pics on Instagram or VK which I thought recognize Diana dressed scene. He openly mocked the pics, but the laughter was forced. For its part, Diana didn't really smile and after a hearing some thoughts, she closed the computer dryly, cutting short his jeers. We can reasonably imagine a certain jealousy of Efim who demonstrates that she is more mature or smarter. I'm not surprised with his attitude with guests. It is a form of vengeance face to Diana who has a job while he stays at home. Maybe he is jealous of the director or another actor. Maybe he does not agree that she has accepted this role. Maybe he finds theater play very bad. Remember that Russian men are pretty macho and Diana is a modern young woman who makes decisions. As he does not have sufficient grip, he is ready to cheat for revenge. So, I agree with you when you say he is not yet mature, like a young silly dog. What an idiot... Nice to have avoided any projection here.
piedpiper1968 Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 I have enjoyed her since the beginning. I do not think she is very experienced sexually. Efim may actually be her first. But what is amazing is her willingness to try new things. Have not really seen a limit to what she will try. From anal to watersports to cum swallowing she has done it all. Sometimes she has looked a little frightened but she was a trouper and continued on with whatever they were doing. And she is talented. But, in my opinion, her best quality is she shows her affection without hesitation. What more could a man ask for. I know there have been times when she has done some wired things like hitting herself in the head repeatedly in middle of sex but still I have come to enjoy her passion, both for Efim and for life in general.
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