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B2 - General Topic 2023 #2 (February / March)

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I hadn’t been able to watch , so , i don’t know if it happened or not , but did anyone see Lavika and Anthony talking to one another ? I have the impression that Lavika played Anthony so much fool that I personally - if it has happened - , it would make me have a sadistic  face of pleasure 😂🤣😈😈


I am usually as male supporting the guys , many times the women know how to play us because we stupid men are addicted and can’t say no to pussy when we should in order to be benefited in the future . But I do really hope that Lavika had her fun with Antony and she made him believe that something more might happen till she felt that she would be bored due to his character or just without any reason  she “ threw “ him away .. 


Now , Anthony looks a good guy and seeming to care but maybe anyone should wonder why and how from visiting Loraine back at Christmas of 2021 and spending the time with her in the villa , we suddenly saw Loraine after his visit going into a really big depression that lasted for many months and affected her psychology , her character , she lost too many kilos and it was maybe 6 months before she got herself back and with the presence of Samson finally managing to let go all behind , enjoy some fantastic sex with him before turning to an adult model career .. So , Karma is a bitch for Anthony , still , he will get chances easily with others as he is a matured guy and know how to approach women ( but not like Master Tim 😂 ) . 

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8 minutes ago, ddhm said:

I hadn’t been able to watch , so , i don’t know if it happened or not , but did anyone see Lavika and Anthony talking to one another ? I have the impression that Lavika played Anthony so much fool that I personally - if it has happened - , it would make me have a sadistic  face of pleasure 😂🤣😈😈


I am usually as male supporting the guys , many times the women know how to play us because we stupid men are addicted and can’t say no to pussy when we should in order to be benefited in the past . But I do really hope that Lavika has her fun with Antony and she made him believe that something more might happen till she felt that she would be bored due to his character or just without any reason and she “ threw him “ away .. 


Now , Anthony looks a good guy and seeming to care but maybe anyone should wonder why and how from visiting Loraine back at Christmas of 2021 and spending the time with her in the villa , we suddenly saw Loraine after his visit going into a really big depression that lasted for many months and affected her psychology , her character , she lost too many kilos and it was maybe 6 months before she got herself back and with the presence of Samson finally managing to let go all behind , enjoy some fantastic focus with him before turning to an adult model career .. So , Karma is a bitch for Anthony , still , he will get chances easily with others as he is a matured guy and know how to approach women ( but not like Master Tim 😂 ) . 

From what I saw, Lavi was talking to the guest guy a lot & Ant was hanging around the W's friend

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On 4/3/2023 at 09:36, ddhm said:

Non ero stato in grado di guardare, quindi, non so se sia successo o no, ma qualcuno ha visto Lavika e Anthony parlare tra loro? Ho l'impressione che Lavika abbia interpretato così tanto Anthony che io personalmente - se è successo -, mi farebbe avere una faccia sadica di piacere 😂 🤣 😈 😈


Di solito sono un uomo che sostiene i ragazzi, molte volte le donne sanno come giocarci perché noi uomini stupidi siamo dipendenti e non possiamo dire di no alla figa quando dovremmo per trarne beneficio in futuro. Ma spero davvero che Lavika si sia divertita con Antony e gli abbia fatto credere che sarebbe potuto succedere qualcosa di più fino a quando non ha sentito che si sarebbe annoiata a causa del suo carattere o semplicemente senza motivo l'ha "buttato via".. 


Ora, Anthony sembra un bravo ragazzo e sembra preoccuparsene, ma forse qualcuno dovrebbe chiedersi perché e come dopo aver visitato Loraine nel Natale del 2021 e aver trascorso del tempo con lei nella villa, improvvisamente abbiamo visto Loraine dopo la sua visita entrare in una grande depressione che è durato per molti mesi e ha influenzato la sua psicologia, il suo carattere, ha perso troppi chili e ci sono voluti forse 6 mesi prima che si riprendesse e con la presenza di Sansone finalmente riuscendo a lasciarsi andare tutto alle spalle, godersi del fantastico sesso con lui prima passando a una carriera da modello per adulti .. Quindi, Karma è una stronza per Anthony, tuttavia, avrà facilmente possibilità con gli altri dato che è un ragazzo maturo e sa come avvicinarsi alle donne (ma non come il Maestro Tim 😂 )

Maybe I say the wrong things but I remember that it was discussed on the interruption of the relationship between Loraine and Antony because of the latter. It seems that the two were also married and he took away all the couple's money to renovate and furnish him in Italy. Loraine planted it and went into depression. As far as I am concerned, Antony is so stupid, but I say stupid stupid that a stupid competition would come second for his stupidity

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