Guest Tigurinn Posted November 10, 2014 Posted November 10, 2014
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted November 11, 2014 Author Posted November 11, 2014 It should be done with more moderation than that!
Ozi Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 I hope he / she / it wasn't peeing in the bucket!
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted December 7, 2014 Author Posted December 7, 2014 They don't make toys like they used to...
KarenKraft Posted December 8, 2014 Posted December 8, 2014 STARS AND STRIPES FOR PHARAOH! You Betcha! Brit director Ridley Scott couldn't resist. Pharaoh's digs (NPI) have columns topped with our very own (American) Stars and Stripes Banners! How cool is that? You know how Americans are always into slavery and such? Well this is why! It wasn't God who made Honky Tonk angels, that's for sure, but it WAS the damn Americans who enslaved all them folks back in Egypt. No script!
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted December 8, 2014 Author Posted December 8, 2014 Hey Karen. You forgot the eye in the triangle. You know, the Eye of Horus. The Third Eye. Very Egyptian. We could be on to something here, something bigger than even Area 51. I'll be studying the RLC girls to see if they're wearing scarab jewelry. You check out Kiko and see if the girls are fanning him with ostrich feathers...
StnCld316 Posted December 8, 2014 Posted December 8, 2014
KarenKraft Posted December 8, 2014 Posted December 8, 2014 Hey Karen. You forgot the eye in the triangle. You know, the Eye of Horus. The Third Eye. Very Egyptian. We could be on to something here, something bigger than even Area 51. I'll be studying the RLC girls to see if they're wearing scarab jewelry. You check out Kiko and see if the girls are fanning him with ostrich feathers... Not so sure about the rest but I sort of liked the title of the graphic, The Illuminati Is Inside You." ** short gasp ** (and swoon)
KarenKraft Posted December 8, 2014 Posted December 8, 2014 I was disappointed with last night's party events at Diana & Efim's place. This being the season of the witch, I figure for sure it would be one of these kinds of parties: They only do this on the Sabbath Day, and unfortunately for us, RLC has not placed any cameras in Diana & Efim's grotto. :( But imagine the fun! Some Amontillado down in the grotto, yes-yes? "Ha! ha! ha! -- he! he! -- a very good joke indeed -- an excellent jest. We will have many a rich laugh about it at the palazzo -- he! he! he! -- over our wine -- he! he! he!" "The Amontillado!" I said. "He! he! he! -- he! he! he! -- yes, the Amontillado . But is it not getting late? Will not they be awaiting us at the palazzo, the Lady Fortunato and the rest? Let us be gone." "But with you walled up, here in this niche, I shall have Countess Diana all to myself!" I don't know about Efim's acting capability, but Diana could make a wonderful Morticia: I thought of Morticia, but I settled on Diana being the reincarnation of Theda Bara instead.
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