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B2 - General Topic 2023 #5 (May)

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2 minutes ago, northguy said:

In Denmark males drink a lot because they are afraid of women. Cheers.

Some danish women are brough up to take no piss. Try to say hello to a woman in a bar/club when she's with her girlfriends and 8/10 times you will be told "I am no interested and not here to fuck you"...No matter who you are, how good you are looking and how innocent your "hello" was 😉 

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Whatever you say 😂 The benefits of living in an island are incredibly enormous ( just think why people choose them and what it offers them so as to make holidays there ) .. I am sad to tell you that the girls of your country are considered “ easy “ to have. 😂 .. some of the most difficult are Italians and also the French in a way .. I can tell you any detail you wish for any European nationality girl you want , how to flirt them , approach ,  what to expect , chances and so on .. and .. who are maybe the hottest to sleep with .. But if you say “ keep dreaming “ , nothing more to add since I will be going very very fast off topic 😂🤣😂 

aww Mr. Macho man who got it all figured out. try to come to our part of the world and you would not have a chance. The girls who go to the islands are considered big time hoe's or cuckold wifes 😉 

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2 minutes ago, kris66 said:

I guess "some" here dont respect women as much as we are brought up to do.  I am not generlizing as I know people in many places who are very respectful to women and could never even think about groping a sleeping woman - knowing her or not. But I have noticed a trend here. Its not pretty.

Get it. The line between a "decent" voyeur and "not pretty"

maybe isn't always there. It should be no problem to

both enjoy and respect. Sounds like a marriage though.

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4 minutes ago, northguy said:

Get it. The line between a "decent" voyeur and "not pretty"

maybe isn't always there. It should be no problem to

both enjoy and respect. Sounds like a marriage though.

When some men here get so upset because I reported a guy who woke up a sleeping girl to grope her then I think some of them need to take a good look into the mirror and maybe ask themselves how they want to be as a man.

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11 minutes ago, Epikouros said:

Non posso chiederti perché ti interessa?

Si parlava se RLC rispettasse i suoi standard e le regole, e considerando che una di queste, vieta l’uso di droghe, ma ne fanno uso comunque davanti le telecamere, e non fanno nulla.

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il y a 26 minutes, kris66 a dit :

You are being told very old stories about Denmark and weed once smoked freely at a free town claled "Christania". and in the parks etc... Its a long time since it was like this in Denmark. Now they crack down on all weed consumption..No one just sit free and smoke here anylonger.  I wish it was like the old days but its not..We have a very conservative to the right goverment who fucked up a lot here.

I was mainly talking about Germany (Berlin, mostly). So you didn't reply to my main point.

I only referenced Denmark very shortly, between brackets. The info I got was from Danish people I met holidaying in Southern Europe.

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