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new couple Lucas and Veronica

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The apartment is under maintenance.

Could be under maintenance because it needs a stove replacement.

They scraped the stove top pretty good trying to get at the elements beneath the surface.

I don't think they realized it was one of those newer efficiency models.

And I almost though that I heard them speak some English while they had company.

Sure would be nice to have an English speaking couple for a change instead of Spanish or Russian that you can't understand.

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There was an older woman before the apartment went into maintenance mode. Apparently, Veronica's mother. The bed was bedded at the time. When apartment returned to the online, the bed was a mess, in the lens of the bathroom camera were drops and Veronica lifted the carpet from the bathroom floor to the edge of the tub. Then they went out, so we would lose today.

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salut les petits loups

eh oui de retour je m'ennuyais un peu de nos petits couples espagnoles les petits nouveaux trop mimi en plus le mec est super beau

donc tout pour revenir commenter

vu se que j'ai vue se soir c'est un bon début un peu timide la petite mais bon ça va ils sont réellement beaux

bisous les petits loups

Océane ;) :-*

yyyesss Oceane est revenu  ....tu nous as manqué ,  beh alors

et en plus t'es en avance sur moi , juste vu veronica hier soir dans son lit , lui j'connais pas encore , j'suis pas bi mais te fait confiance (!) si il te plait ...

yé snoop contente de te revoir aussi en effet se petit couple est prometteur je les ai vue hier soir miam miam !!!! ;)

en plus un beau mec se qui ne gache rien  ;D donc contente lol  ;D ;D

bisous snoop !!!

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Va falloir qu'il les fabrique ses protéines "Musclor" s'il veut garder la forme parce que c'est pas encore sa chérie qui va se taper toute la cuisine.

Il ont le chic pour choisir des machos chez RLC.  :-\


Going to make its protein alone "Musclor" if he wants to keep in shape because it is not yet his babe who will prepare cooking every day.

They are gifted to choose machos in RLC.

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