oceane17 Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 go on efim & diana forum if you want to talk about them please ......... oh c'est bon on peut discuter quand même non ! c'est quoi cette censure la ! >:( >:( notre petite cochonne est en pleine forme!!!! wé lol je pète la forme ;D bon se passera rien de plus se soir chez veronica et lucas ! ;) ;)
tripod2 Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 brainless guy .... I saw him flexing in front of the mirror today and thought the same thing.
corboblanc Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 go on efim & diana forum if you want to talk about them please ......... oh c'est bon on peut discuter quand même non ! c'est quoi cette censure la ! >:( >:( notre petite cochonne est en pleine forme!!!! non, ce soir c'est mort sur tout rlc!!! virage vers coqnu pour se rassasier, et musique à fond!!! ya pas les voisins!!! wé lol je pète la forme ;D bon se passera rien de plus se soir chez veronica et lucas ! ;) ;)
snaky Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 go on efim & diana forum if you want to talk about them please ......... oh c'est bon on peut discuter quand même non ! c'est quoi cette censure la ! >:( >:( Ohh, so this ocean lady understands English, yet she insists on posting exclusively in French, like everyone is supposed to understand what the fuck she is saying. And she has to quote every fucking quoted quote. Which makes every conversation go on for several pages. And by the end you get all confused as to who said what. I say English is a universal language, so either talk in English or butt out of it >:( >:( >:(
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 Ohh, so this ocean lady understands English, yet she insists on posting exclusively in French, like everyone is supposed to understand what the fuck she is saying. And she has to quote every fucking quoted quote. Which makes every conversation go on for several pages. And by the end you get all confused as to who said what. I say English is a universal language, so either talk in English or butt out of it >:( >:( >:( I think I'll sit this one out. ;D
Ozi Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 Ohh, so this ocean lady understands English, yet she insists on posting exclusively in French, like everyone is supposed to understand what the fuck she is saying. And she has to quote every fucking quoted quote. Which makes every conversation go on for several pages. And by the end you get all confused as to who said what. I say English is a universal language, so either talk in English or butt out of it >:( >:( >:( I think I'll sit this one out. ;D Well I must admit, I can understand where snaky is coming from. It is obvious that a number of the French posters can speak English, what was the most common language being used by this forum. Many of the threads are almost exclusively foreign which I avoid (foreign to me as in not English) and now French is adding to that list, so apart from Old Dudes, there is very little I bother with anymore. As I have proven, the translators do not work, all you get is meaningless crap. I'm already brushing up on my Arabic, the new universal language, so don't have time or care to worry about the others. (I still love foreign women though, even if I can't understand them, especially when they speak French!) This will be another debate that will go nowhere, again.
darkman Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 esta la mama haciendo limpieza a fondo , cortinas fuera , cristales , y el sofa , bendito sofa , muscle man en la cocina comiendo lo que trajo la mama , benditas , mamas que nos duren muchos años
Cho Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 I think I'll sit this one out. ;D Well I must admit, I can understand where snaky is coming from.... ... ...even if I can't understand them, especially when they speak French!) This will be another debate that will go nowhere, again. Réveillez-vous les mecs. L'anglais est la langue COMMERCIALE universelle et ça s'arrête là. Dire que c'est la langue la plus commune est un postulat qui arrange les anglicistes et que rien ne démontre. La langue parlée par le plus grand nombre dans le monde est l'espagnol, si l'on fait abstraction du chinois. En réalité, ce qui vous dérange, c'est de ne pas tout comprendre dans les échanges en français, tout comme Darkman lorsqu'il écrit en Catalan. Dites vous que vous n'êtes pas les seuls à ne pas tout comprendre des messages postés ici car lorsque vous écrivez, en raccourcis, argot ou autres expressions, votre gogole de merde ne traduit pas mieux dans notre sens et nous devons faire un effort afin de comprendre la signification de vos propos. Alors, on se calme et on travaille les langues étrangères ou alors on devient tolérant... ----------------------------- Wake up guys. English is the universal COMMERCIAL language and it stops there. To say that English is the most common language is a postulate that arranges Anglicists . The language spoken by the largest number in the world is Spanish, if we exclude the Chinese. Actually, what bothers you, is not to understand everything in french trades, as Darkman when written in Catalan. Tell yourself that you are not the only ones who don't include any posts here. When you write, in shortcuts, abbreviations, slang or expressions, "gogole" does not translate better in our direction and we must make an effort to understand the meaning of your words. So calm down and languages working or become tolerant... ;)
Ozi Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 I think I'll sit this one out. ;D Well I must admit, I can understand where snaky is coming from.... ... ...even if I can't understand them, especially when they speak French!) This will be another debate that will go nowhere, again. Réveillez-vous les mecs. L'anglais est la langue COMMERCIALE universelle et ça s'arrête là. Dire que c'est la langue la plus commune est un postulat qui arrange les anglicistes et que rien ne démontre. La langue parlée par le plus grand nombre dans le monde est l'espagnol, si l'on fait abstraction du chinois. En réalité, ce qui vous dérange, c'est de ne pas tout comprendre dans les échanges en français, tout comme Darkman lorsqu'il écrit en Catalan. Dites vous que vous n'êtes pas les seuls à ne pas tout comprendre des messages postés ici car lorsque vous écrivez, en raccourcis, argot ou autres expressions, votre gogole de merde ne traduit pas mieux dans notre sens et nous devons faire un effort afin de comprendre la signification de vos propos. Alors, on se calme et on travaille les langues étrangères ou alors on devient tolérant... ----------------------------- Wake up guys. English is the universal COMMERCIAL language and it stops there. To say that English is the most common language is a postulate that arranges Anglicists . The language spoken by the largest number in the world is Spanish, if we exclude the Chinese. Actually, what bothers you, is not to understand everything in french trades, as Darkman when written in Catalan. Tell yourself that you are not the only ones who don't include any posts here. When you write, in shortcuts, abbreviations, slang or expressions, "gogole does not translate better in our direction and we must make an effort to understand the meaning of your words. So calm down and languages working or become tolerant... ;) Mate, if you are going to quote me, do it accurately. I said English was the most COMMON LANGUAGE USED BY THIS FORUM. I said translators are useless. That obviously means in both directions. I said I love foreign women even though I can't understand them, in other words when they are talking, not writing, ESPECIALLY FRENCH (very sexy). I also said this will be another debate that will go nowhere, again. In other words, a waste of time. Certain languages dominate certain threads, so be it. It only becomes a problem for those that feel they have to comment on everything.
Cho Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 Mate, if you are going to quote me, do it accurately. I said English was the most COMMON LANGUAGE USED BY THIS FORUM. I said translators are useless. That obviously means in both directions. I said I love foreign women even though I can't understand them, in other words when they are talking, not writing, ESPECIALLY FRENCH (very sexy). I also said this will be another debate that will go nowhere, again. In other words, a waste of time. Certain languages dominate certain threads, so be it. It only becomes a problem for those that feel they have to comment on everything. Chacun fait ce qu'il veut. Si quelqu'un a envie de commenter TOUS les posts, c'est son droit et ton commentaire est déplacé. Cela dit, ma remarque précédente ne s'adressait pas spécialement à toi mais c'est très bien que tu y aies répondu de cette manière. Cela démontre qu'il est difficile, à travers un traducteur de comprendre le sens exact des phrases et des mots. C'est la raison pour laquelle je concluais par "langage working and tolerance" mais je suis d'accord avec toi lorsque tu écris que c'est un débat sans fin, une perte de temps. -------------------------------- Everyone does what he wants. Anyone want to comment the WHOLE posts is his absolute right and your comment is misplaced. :) That said, my previous comment was not specifically addressed to you but it is a very good way you have responded. This demonstrates how is much difficult through a translator to understand the exact meaning of the sentences or words. This is the reason why I concluded by "language working and tolerance" ;) and I agree with you when you write "another debate, a waste of time..." That's why I stop there.
Ozi Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 Holly Molly cow, are we in the topic of Lucas and Veronica or the fight club of the language topic. All the comment here have nothing to do with the real topic. I am new here and just by reading your comment I think is ridiculous how people acting. can we get back on the topic Lucas and Veronica . Thanks. Sure, when they do something interesting. When they do, what language would you prefer, English, French or Spanish? Sorry, my Arabic isn't up to speed yet. You see, if you don't understand what people are posting, it won't make any difference whether we are on topic or not, it will all be gibberish!
oceane17 Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 I think I'll sit this one out. ;D Well I must admit, I can understand where snaky is coming from.... ... ...even if I can't understand them, especially when they speak French!) This will be another debate that will go nowhere, again. Réveillez-vous les mecs. L'anglais est la langue COMMERCIALE universelle et ça s'arrête là. Dire que c'est la langue la plus commune est un postulat qui arrange les anglicistes et que rien ne démontre. La langue parlée par le plus grand nombre dans le monde est l'espagnol, si l'on fait abstraction du chinois. En réalité, ce qui vous dérange, c'est de ne pas tout comprendre dans les échanges en français, tout comme Darkman lorsqu'il écrit en Catalan. Dites vous que vous n'êtes pas les seuls à ne pas tout comprendre des messages postés ici car lorsque vous écrivez, en raccourcis, argot ou autres expressions, votre gogole de merde ne traduit pas mieux dans notre sens et nous devons faire un effort afin de comprendre la signification de vos propos. Alors, on se calme et on travaille les langues étrangères ou alors on devient tolérant... ----------------------------- Wake up guys. English is the universal COMMERCIAL language and it stops there. To say that English is the most common language is a postulate that arranges Anglicists . The language spoken by the largest number in the world is Spanish, if we exclude the Chinese. Actually, what bothers you, is not to understand everything in french trades, as Darkman when written in Catalan. Tell yourself that you are not the only ones who don't include any posts here. When you write, in shortcuts, abbreviations, slang or expressions, "gogole" does not translate better in our direction and we must make an effort to understand the meaning of your words. So calm down and languages working or become tolerant... ;) bonjour j'aurai pas dis mieux, je comprends pas du tout l'anglais mais y a des traductions plus ou moins bonne et j'écris dans ma langue en déplaise a certain il n'ont qu'a faire comme moi demander les traductions je pense que dans les sujets on peut aussi parler des autres participants RLC pour comparer tel que Paul et Lucas qui apparemment sont a peu près aussi rapide l'un que l'autre donc je ne vois pas le mal que je peux faire on le fais pratiquement tous depuis le début que se forum existe ! bises cho2vant
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