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Politically Incorrect Jokes

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Greetings from Squirrel.

I ask all visitors to this section to understand a few simple concepts.

This site is for POLITICALLY INCORRECT JOKES. It will also include comments regarding the content of the posts. SOME OF THESE POSTS WILL BE OFFENSIVE. Enter at your own discretion.

Don't like a cartoon or comment? Tough shit. Live with it. Post your own politically incorrect jokes. Vent yourself. Don't like whitey or crackers? Don't like Christians? I don't give a shit. Don't like obscene English words? I don't give a fuck.

This thread needs to be 100% Free Speech, so I ask that all the fucking PC Puritans quite reporting posts which they dislike. Post your own goddamn shit or go to another thread, or bribe one of the other mods to support you in your anal retentiveness.

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They're like little babies.  They have to go run and tell daddy. 

What a contrast, between the guys I once knew, and just the way we were back then.  And now to have to endure these thumb sucking sissy's, is a bit too much for me anymore.


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They're like little babies.  They have to go run and tell daddy. 

What a contrast, between the guys I once knew, and just the way we were back then.  And now to have to endure these thumb sucking sissy's, is a bit too much for me anymore.

No, we ought not call them "babies."  They are called "Democrats."  Drill their heads.

Whirrrrrr......  spurt.

"Nuke a faggot whale for Jesus."

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This is not "politically incorrect" exactly, but funny nevertheless:

En ce moment, j’essaie de me faire des amis en dehors de Facebook tout en appliquant les mêmes principes. Alors tous les jours, je descends dans la rue et j’explique aux passants ce que j’ai mangé, comment je me sens, ce que j'ai fait la veille, ce que je suis en train de faire, ce que je vais faire ensuite...

J’écoute aussi les conversations des gens et  je leur dis «j’aime !».

Et ça marche  ! j’ai déjà 3 personnes qui me suivent : 2 policiers et un psychiatre.

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Sick puppy you are. I knew I liked you for a reason.

I never had a F/B or Twatter account. And I never will. I still only have 3 close friends in my life. My definition of a friend is, one that I can count on for anything. Anything at all, no matter what I did or said. This would be my wife and my 2 best buds of 40 years.

All others are simply acquaintances or business contacts.

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