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Dasha & Sasha with Samantha #3 (2023)

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On 8/21/2023 at 3:36 PM, miscvoyeur said:

It's a shame that they still remain so inactive after all this time. I want to spend the majority of my free time and the rest of my subscription following them but the other realms just have so much more activity; parties, guests, etc. Dasha and Sasha seem to have improved their sex life but Eva and Matt are soooo bad and not hot to watch at all. The last comment was 4 days ago. Has anything of even halfway interest happened here lately?

I dont know whats going on, but they dont seem like they want any sex whatsoever. Eva probably hears the moaning and screaming of dasha and gets upset she cant get the same. The sex between mat and eva is boring af... she doesnt even masturbate lol.. hope the dude goes back to where he came from and eva at least masturbates again...

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1 hour ago, charlesvane said:

I dont know whats going on, but they dont seem like they want any sex whatsoever. Eva probably hears the moaning and screaming of dasha and gets upset she cant get the same. The sex between mat and eva is boring af... she doesnt even masturbate lol.. hope the dude goes back to where he came from and eva at least masturbates again...

She could always send Mat back home and simply take matters into her own hands.  Problem solved!  :biggrin:

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13 hours ago, charlesvane said:

I dont know whats going on, but they dont seem like they want any sex whatsoever. Eva probably hears the moaning and screaming of dasha and gets upset she cant get the same. The sex between mat and eva is boring af... she doesnt even masturbate lol.. hope the dude goes back to where he came from and eva at least masturbates again...

I've said a while back that it wasn't feasible to expect anything too crazy from them at this stage of their lives, but my god Eva and Matt act like they're already old. I don't know if Eva can hear Dasha getting fucked but whatever encouragement is needed to get more active I hope they get it. I agree that sex between Eva and Mat is not exciting at all to watch, and then they don't even do it often. Eva will go down as my favorite female participant ever on RLC but as of now there's nothing really to see.

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On 8/25/2023 at 2:56 PM, miscvoyeur said:

I've said a while back that it wasn't feasible to expect anything too crazy from them at this stage of their lives, but my god Eva and Matt act like they're already old. I don't know if Eva can hear Dasha getting fucked but whatever encouragement is needed to get more active I hope they get it. I agree that sex between Eva and Mat is not exciting at all to watch, and then they don't even do it often. Eva will go down as my favorite female participant ever on RLC but as of now there's nothing really to see.

Yes, I see that very much the same way. For me, Holly, Eva, and Anabelle were the best residents over all that time. In general, however, I can also recognize that Eva has grown older. Especially with her, there used to be events where more could happen, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Anyway, she's still one of those three all time stars in RLC for me. 

If you look at it more broadly, I think that's a big problem for RLC in general. There is a lack of young talent, which is similarly exciting to watch than the previous generation in their time. Either the girls behave like porn actors or do almost nothing and appear as trapped in a boring routine without any real excitement. Take Olimpa and Nefeil as an example. They seem zero attractive to me and everything looks like something out of a porn movie. The whole thing is almost repulsive and really not the least bit exciting to watch. Then there are girls like Aya and Oks, who look very good, and I think could use some fun in life, but where nothing ever really happens. 

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il y a 5 minutes, Alladino a dit :

Oui, je vois cela de la même manière. Pour moi, Holly, Eva et Anabelle ont été les meilleures résidentes pendant tout ce temps. Mais d’une manière générale, je peux aussi reconnaître qu’Eva a vieilli. Surtout avec elle, il y avait des événements où il pouvait se passer davantage, cela ne semble plus être le cas. Quoi qu'il en soit, elle est toujours pour moi l'une de ces trois stars de tous les temps dans RLC. 

Si vous regardez les choses de manière plus large, je pense que c'est un gros problème pour RLC en général. Il y a un manque de jeunes talents, ce qui est tout aussi passionnant à observer que la génération précédente de son époque. Soit les filles se comportent comme des actrices porno, soit elles ne font presque rien et apparaissent comme piégées dans une routine ennuyeuse sans réelle excitation. Prenons l'exemple d'Olimpa et Nefeil. Ils ne me semblent pas attirants et tout ressemble à un film porno. Le tout est presque repoussant et vraiment pas du tout excitant à regarder. Et puis il y a des filles comme Aya et Oks, qui ont l'air très bien, et je pense qu'elles auraient besoin de s'amuser dans la vie, mais où rien ne se passe vraiment. 

Non, Aya et OKS prennent leur pied en dehors de la villa , ce n'est pas pareil, elles s'amusent et vivent leur vie en dehors des caméras, elles font comme la majorité des filles de RLC 

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7 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

No, Aya and OKS get their kicks outside the villa, it's not the same, they have fun and live their lives outside the cameras, they do like most of the girls on RLC.


Yes, I think so too, but that means nothing to me as a voyeur. I don't stork the girls in social media, I have never done that with any of the residents, so all i see is two girls who look nice and like party girls but are just plain bores for months on RLC. By the way, these two are not the only ones. They were only meant to be an example of what is going wrong at RLC. It's just the contrast to girls like Holly, who really partied also in the apartments. 

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il y a 18 minutes, Alladino a dit :


Oui, je le pense aussi, mais cela ne veut rien dire pour moi en tant que voyeur. Je ne harcèle pas les filles sur les réseaux sociaux, je n'ai jamais fait ça avec aucun des résidents, donc tout ce que je vois, c'est deux filles qui ont l'air sympa et qui aiment faire la fête mais qui sont tout simplement ennuyeuses pendant des mois sur RLC. D’ailleurs, ces deux-là ne sont pas les seuls. Ils étaient uniquement censés être un exemple de ce qui ne va pas au RLC. C'est juste le contraste avec les filles comme Holly, qui faisaient aussi la fête dans les appartements. 

Complètement d'accord avec toi 

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On 8/25/2023 at 2:56 PM, miscvoyeur said:

I've said a while back that it wasn't feasible to expect anything too crazy from them at this stage of their lives, but my god Eva and Matt act like they're already old. I don't know if Eva can hear Dasha getting fucked but whatever encouragement is needed to get more active I hope they get it. I agree that sex between Eva and Mat is not exciting at all to watch, and then they don't even do it often. Eva will go down as my favorite female participant ever on RLC but as of now there's nothing really to see.

Oh believe me she hears it. she sometimes walks by their door to the kitchen, back to her room, back to the kitchen. Even when her room door is closed, she can hear her moaning ( I use some kind of volume booster because the mics catch the sound very poorly). 

And to add something, this Mat guy.. he literally acts like a little girl and very feminine. I dont think Eva gets turned on by that. She literally just masturbates alone or with him and jerks him off a little lol. She definitely isnt satisfied with the current situation. I really hope he goes back to hawai or whatever island he came from haha.

before he arrived, eva was really active. Dont know if anyone here saw it, she was alone at home and locked the main door with her keys. went to dasha and sashas room and started masturbating and then in the hallway, until she got interrupted by dasha who tried to open up the door and couldnt, because it was locked. 



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26 minutes ago, charlesvane said:

Oh believe me she hears it. she sometimes walks by their door to the kitchen, back to her room, back to the kitchen. Even when her room door is closed, she can hear her moaning ( I use some kind of volume booster because the mics catch the sound very poorly). 

And to add something, this Mat guy.. he literally acts like a little girl and very feminine. I dont think Eva gets turned on by that. She literally just masturbates alone or with him and jerks him off a little lol. She definitely isnt satisfied with the current situation. I really hope he goes back to hawai or whatever island he came from haha.

before he arrived, eva was really active. Dont know if anyone here saw it, she was alone at home and locked the main door with her keys. went to dasha and sashas room and started masturbating and then in the hallway, until she got interrupted by dasha who tried to open up the door and couldnt, because it was locked. 



If there's one thing I detest on this forum, it's that for little action in an apartment, somehow always the guys are blamed. That you are now write something loke that for an apartment where there is comparatively a lot of action going on (from both couples), however, makes me wonder why you write this. What is wrong with you?

Sorry, don't you notice that Eva likes to be with him?!? Honestly, your comment just pisses me off. 


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15 minutes ago, Alladino said:


If there's one thing I detest on this forum, it's that for little action in an apartment, somehow always the guys are blamed. That you are now write something loke that for an apartment where there is comparatively a lot of action going on (from both couples), however, makes me wonder why you write this. What is wrong with you?

Sorry, don't you notice that Eva likes to be with him?!? Honestly, your comment just pisses me off. 


In that case, thanks for the heads up BTW!  Your vision hetero of couples everywhere...and guys guys guys IS FUCKING BORING!!!

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43 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

In that case, thanks for the heads up BTW!  Your vision hetero of couples everywhere...and guys guys guys IS FUCKING BORING!!!




Sometimes I'm really surprised what nonsense some here say. I hope you noticed that both Eva and Mat and Dasha and Sasha are hetero couples. 

The point is that Eva likes this guy. It's her life and not yours. 

I don't know why your mental capacity is so limited, but I really hope for your sake that you seek medical help in a timely manner. 



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1 hour ago, Alladino said:


If there's one thing I detest on this forum, it's that for little action in an apartment, somehow always the guys are blamed. That you are now write something loke that for an apartment where there is comparatively a lot of action going on (from both couples), however, makes me wonder why you write this. What is wrong with you?

Sorry, don't you notice that Eva likes to be with him?!? Honestly, your comment just pisses me off. 


Because I have so much respect for Eva, I can't help but have respect for Mat since she's in love with him so regardless of my opinion, I don't want to shit on him the way others on this forum tend to shit on guys. But I also agree with some things charlesvane said.

If Eva can hear Dasha getting fucked, I'm sure Mat can too. And I would think if you are with your long term partner and another couple is literally going at it all the time right next door to you, that it would in some way motivate you to get it on with your own partner. But I don't see either one of them initiating more activity. They just want to cuddle and rub each other. Half of me wants to believe they are both happy with each other. The other half believes that with Eva masturbating as much as she did before mat got there, it means she wants more than what Mat is willing or able to provide.

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