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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #29


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53 minutes ago, Anode said:

Bonjour a tous;

N'oublier pas de remercier Paul a sa contribution et dénouement pour cette très belle soirée reposante passé dans l'obscurité , ils nous aura bien emmerder bravo Paul !!

:angry: The equaliser strikes again !! The " stunned one " as he is fittingly referred to by RD King  contributes absolutely nothing to the viewing pleasure of this apartment, but removes everything that could be good by his very presence.

I left at the right time last night apparently, he sucks the life out of Leora and the apartment in my point of view. 

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il y a 13 minutes, jimbo4 a dit :

:en colère: L'égaliseur a encore frappé !! Le « stupéfait » comme l'appelle à juste titre RD King n'apporte absolument rien au plaisir des yeux de cet appartement, mais enlève tout ce qui pourrait être bon par sa seule présence.

Je suis parti au bon moment hier soir apparemment, il réussit la vie de Leora et l'appartement de mon point de vue. 

Bonjour Jimbo4 ;

Pense tu que nous devons regarder Leora réussir sa vie ou des films dans l'obscurité ?

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Just a personal honest point of view.

Leora has always been an outstanding asset and jewel in the crown of RLC for 10 years now, whilst her partner Paul has been a liability both in Russia and now in Prague.

Whatever goodwill she generates Paul nullifies in a second of selfishness and gormlessness.

It is what it is I guess and we either like and accept it or employ the alternatives at our disposal, nevertheless it's irritating to see Paul "calling the tune " during the little time they are in the apartment in the day, when in general people log on to see Leora doing what she does best and not a nose picking Neanderthal strutting around trying to appear important. 

 It can be diffcult to resist, but picking your nose is something that should be avoided for good nasal health.

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56 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Just a personal honest point of view.

Leora has always been an outstanding asset and jewel in the crown of RLC for 10 years now, whilst her partner Paul has been a liability both in Russia and now in Prague.

Whatever goodwill she generates Paul nullifies in a second of selfishness and gormlessness.

It is what it is I guess and we either like and accept it or employ the alternatives at our disposal, nevertheless it's irritating to see Paul "calling the tune " during the little time they are in the apartment in the day, when in general people log on to see Leora doing what she does best and not a nose picking Neanderthal strutting around trying to appear important. 


Looking at the replays (i might be wrong with this, and im sure people will correct me), but I think the last time that Leora was alone in the apartment (whilst awake) was on 03/08.

It use to a couple of times a week at the beginning. Maybe its a coincidence, maybe its not...

as Jimbo says, guess it is what it is...

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On the one hand, we cannot expect Paul to always be away from home from morning to night just to see Leora alone. It's a take it or leave it situation.

Leora knew that by taking Paul she was taking the sweet and the bitter from him.

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