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B4 - General Topic 2023 #49 (September)

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il y a 5 minutes, maxfactor a dit :

No it's actually what the British public said and headed for the Brexit door.  Europe is a fucking mess.

One doesn't exclude the other. Putin's troll farms had some influence on people voting for Brexit, too. 

He considers it in his interest to mess up Europe.

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6 minutes ago, Epikouros said:

If your reading comprehension is as sorely lacking as this (whether wilfully or not), or if you didn't even read what I wrote, and then lie about it,  I can't continue this discussion.

Your tactics are lying and insulting (fascist tactics, by the way, straight from the Hitler & Putin playbook) when you lack decent arguments. You're a lost cause I'm afraid, and I give up trying to enlighten your closed mind.

Brings up natives treatment as comparison to Nazis and Putin and the  when I give current valid points which he has no idea about (because he has only seen a native in movies) the says oh well if you want to compare natives killing each other, then its no different to ancient savages in Europe who killed each other as well? 

Keep moving the goal posts to try and make your stupid arguments.

Go to bed you're delusional.

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