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Martina & Alberto - 2023 #10


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8 hours ago, ddhm said:

We name  her Karen then ☺️ .. interesting and let’s see if it gets approved 😊


7 hours ago, Noldus said:

We use Juliet for her.

Hmm, I've read her referred to Brenda, Karen & now Juliet

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5 hours ago, bobknob said:

What emotions and feelings, this "couple" never displayed any real passion, most people didn't even notice the "break up" other than a lot less sex. Even now with their days coming to an end, there is no emotion, no passion, nothing. The most I ever saw was sexual affection, even in the early days.

You want to see emotion and feelings, go back and watch Kitty and Smith, you can't fake that kind emotion, as far as I am concerned one of the few real couples on RLC. 

It can’t be every couple a Venera and Lion  version if these are the emotions and feelings you are referring to as an example . Look for example Leora and Paul , the Leora worshippers say that Paul is the love of her life .. Now , taking the FWB version , I really don’t believe that for 7 years ( on cameras ) you can be FWB with someone . If you want to divide a bit more my thought , I can say then that Alberto was the sensitive and emotional person and feeling a lot for Martina , he just didn’t show it in a way that we know commonly that it happens ( gifts , flowers , whatever small things ) … But it was Martina that LOVED him more than he did , she LOVED him as a complete package , friend , lover , partner but she never LOVED him deeply emotionally so as to think that “ hey , this one day will be the father  of my children ) .. All I want to say is that - in my opinion - living 7 years together you don’t do it just for FWB reasons . Yes , the debt of Alberto to Martina played  its role but either one of them or both could have easily moved on with their lives and seek opportunities much much earlier . Anyway , in the end we end up with multiple scenarios , these two and only these two know the truth , let’s enjoy them for as long as they are going to be in our screens and maybe one day , when the dust settles  down, we can understand much more . 

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8 minutes ago, ddhm said:

It can’t de every couple a Venera and Lion  version if these are the emotions and feelings you are referring to as an example . Look for example Leora and Paul , the Leora worshippers say that Paul is the love of her life .. Now , taking the FWB version , I realty don’t believe that for 7 years ( on cameras ) you can be FWB with someone . If you want to divide a bit more my thought , I can say then that Alberto was the sensitive and emotional person and feeling a lot for Martina , he just didn’t show it in a way that we know commonly that it happens ( gifts , flowers , whatever small things ) … But it was Martina that LOVED him more than he did , she LOVED him as a complete package , friend , lover , partner but she never LOVED him deeply emotionally so as to think that “ hey , this one day will be the da her of my children ) .. All I want to say is that - in my opinion - living 7 years together you don’t it just for FWB reasons . Yes , the depth of Alberto to Martina payed its role but either one of them or both could have easily moved on with their lives and seek opportunities much much earlier . Anyway , in the end we end up with multiple scenarios , these two and only these two know the truth , let’s enjoy them for as long as they are going to be in our screens and maybe one day , when the dust is set down, we can understand much more . 

Trying to analyze these two as a "Traditional" couple is pointless... Alberto may have been interested in a more "Traditional" type of relationship, but Martina clearly was not.

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Can anyone decipher if Alberto has anything in common with this new girl? I just see this has a fling as he's about 10 years older, his demeanor doesn't correlate with hers, and she often behaves like a puppy walking beside its' owner.

Nothing wrong with a short term fuck buddy. But I don't see this lasting long. 

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

All I want to say is that - in my opinion - living 7 years together you don’t it just for FWB reasons . Yes , the depth of Alberto to Martina payed its role but either one of them or both could have easily moved on with their lives and seek opportunities much much earlier

This is a good point.  Most FWB’s are friends that live separate lives and have casual hookups.  Favorite phrase in these times I have noticed:  “let’s keep it casual” which is really code words for “I don’t want a commitment but just want to fuck”.

But … I think the RLC opportunity plays into this here.  I could easily see them talking about it … “we are good friends, we like to fuck, maybe this is a way to get free room and board”.? 

I have to believe there are some FWB fuck buddies that agree to share an apartment I order to save money.  You need ground rules for this situation.  I wonder what their rules are.


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26 minutes ago, Howard said:

Can anyone decipher if Alberto has anything in common with this new girl?

For starters, and a very big thing they have in common:

1.  They are both not shy and are OK fucking on cam on the internet.

This one covers a lot of territory.

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37 minutes ago, Howard said:

Can anyone decipher if Alberto has anything in common with this new girl? I just see this has a fling as he's about 10 years older, his demeanor doesn't correlate with hers, and she often behaves like a puppy walking beside its' owner.

Nothing wrong with a short term fuck buddy. But I don't see this lasting long. 

That would be really hard to say without knowing more about her. All we see is what they do when they're together in the apartment. Play Video Games, Eat, Smoke and Fuck... and pet Taco...

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1 hour ago, Howard said:

Can anyone decipher if Alberto has anything in common with this new girl? I just see this has a fling as he's about 10 years older, his demeanor doesn't correlate with hers, and she often behaves like a puppy walking beside its' owner.

Nothing wrong with a short term fuck buddy. But I don't see this lasting long. 

Alberto is 32 or 33 and the rumor is that his lover / sex partner is 30 . 

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2 hours ago, Howard said:

Can anyone decipher if Alberto has anything in common with this new girl? I just see this has a fling as he's about 10 years older, his demeanor doesn't correlate with hers, and she often behaves like a puppy walking beside its' owner.

Nothing wrong with a short term fuck buddy. But I don't see this lasting long. 

I think you are right, but we don't know what is really behind the whole story.

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