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Masha - 2023 #6


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à l’instant, Keen Observer a dit :

NV ne fonctionne pas dans la chambre... Eh bien, il y a de meilleures choses à regarder qu'une merde de chauve-souris folle....

ils étaient prets à se battre encore une fois et ils ont coupé la vision de nuit 


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Elvis lives in the same building as Masha,so why the fuck doesn't he go to his place until Masha cools off?? What a fucking dick,I don't understand the language but everytime he says some thing she goes off,he's obviously provoking her,really not cool

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I’m truly amazed that these two toxic people stay together. He is a total ballsack, and now I’m beginning to think Masha is a bitch as well. At this point, she is stupid for staying with this cuck. Unfortunately, I missed the fight and I don’t have replay. 😤

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1 minute ago, Ashes10 said:

I’m truly amazed that these two toxic people stay together. He is a total ballsack, and now I’m beginning to think Masha is a bitch as well. At this point, she is stupid for staying with this cuck. Unfortunately, I missed the fight and I don’t have replay. 😤

Unless you speak the language,you really didn't miss anything 

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This woman is a dangerous nut case. This latest unravelling takes her just one step away from physical violence. It happens somewhere every day and the outcome will be determined by what implement is close to hand, when she next goes over the edge, The young man should go quickly to his own place and never go back to that appartment ever again.

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