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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #44


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20 minutes ago, RAME said:

rlc n'a rien a faire des abonnées t'en que l'argent rentre dans les caisses .

je n'ai reçu aucun émail au sujet de l'éclairage horible de sa lampe de chevet.

il y a aussi le prôblème des horaires dormir jusqu'a 14heures et pratiquement tous les jours pour les européen on profite en gros 4 a 5 heures par jours et pas tout les jours .

arreter rlc je ne pense pas c'est un couple qui finirer dans la pauvreté ,même si il ont  peu être un beau compte en banque mais  leora depense  sans compter et l'argent fond très vite au soleil.

en plus il n'ont aucun  travail  , pas d'appartement

Do you know why they didn't reply to you? because it is not their responsibility to decide what to do with a lamp purchased by a tenant. You can hope for Leora's good will to keep the lamp off but it's her decision whether to do so or not. Even deciding how much a person should sleep cannot be decided by us or by rlc.

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7 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

Guess I missed it I shut it off at the point I thought he had. Doesn't really matter to me. If I'm wrong on that specific fact I plead guilty as charged. Leora is nevertheless still getting the short stick.

I have not watch at all but am not surprised, I stopped watching them together a while back as I get more frustrated than turned on.

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Just now, jugghead said:

dude, you can locate that exact video? Shit.

hook me up lol but i bet I already have it buried beneath terabytes


You should know Jugg that I can locate anything or anyone anywhere at anytime.😉

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