albacore Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Just wondering because I find myself skipping their apartment altogether. I go to others but never theirs. I did at first but then it was boring and a waste of an apartment for voyers. It seems like they are intentionally trying to be boring so I don't bother anymore. Am I wrong and actually missing something or is it time to free this place up so more interesting people can participate? I mean it is here for people to want to look at. I know it doesn't have to always be sex but this couple is like watching a cemetery. Any thoughts?
Guest bobbyjoe Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 the first reason j don't watch this appartment it's the cameras quality very bad(too dark) and positions in bedroom not very good j have start watching this couple the first week but when j have see the poor quality cameras we have in bedroom in end of journey and the night,j have stopped. another reason for j have stop watching,j don't like girl with fake boobs,and physicaly it's not my style. and this girl is too nervous and speed too;she stress me when j look her,j like watching cool girl very relax like dasha or diana
pudley Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 I watched them screwing last night in the dark (black & white). She actually got her tits out and let hulk boy suck and squeeze them. Baby steps. Maybe one day they'll turn on the lights, lose the zebra blanket and Veronica will have an orgasm. Here again; Maybe Christmas will come in July and camels will fly....
Isshin1882 Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 They are boring and I am kind of weirded out by this "couple". It's like watching a mother and her mentally challenged son in an incestual relationship. :o All they do is hang out in the bedroom not doing much or in the kitchen for meals. When sex is had all one see's is them under the sheets or half dressed. The way they keep out of the living room and hide in the bathroom, I do not think much will happen even if they do get more relaxed around the camera's.
SpikedCoffee Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 He reminds me of Thad from Blue Mountain State, and it's ruining my favorite show. So, no I don't watch them.
Cam Freak! Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Well she got tits and the fuck so that's better then the Lezbos. By the way she is there getting fat for preggo... They fuck some much and he doesn't pull out so!
tripod2 Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 The short answer is no. Bobbyjoe summed it up for me pretty well in his post.
Snotahay Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 I pass through, only see Lucus the Tucas flexing and admiring himself in the mirror. Just saw him dry humping Veronica through the covers, so I thought things might get interesting. Wrong. He lay down on the floor next to the bed and covered up. WTF?
darkman Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 ¿ alguien sabe ? cual es el motivo por el cual la cama esta como medio metro hacia la izq , yo imagino que los señores de reallifecam cuando pusieron las camaras tuvieron en cuenta la ubicación de los muebles y mas de uno de los mas importantes como es la cama , ( la lavadora me da igual ) pero la cama la apartan del angulo de vision , para que no veamos , imagino que tampoco quieren que paguemos ,ademas que le esta dando al NEANDERTHAL el enchufe en toda la cabeza , tambien han puesto una cortina de baño que limita bastante la vision en la ducha , yo creo que voyeur viene de mirar y para mirar se tiene que poder ver .
botika216 Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Darkman: E-mails enviados a RLC Support Team, 10/26/2014 09:24 - Juanjo wrote: E-mail enviado 24-10-2014 Esta pareja acaba de instalar una cortina de ducha tapando la camara 5 y parcialmente la camara 6.Esta accion esta permitida?Si no es asi por favor hagan que la retiren,ya tenemos bastante con el tiempo que pasan en el cuarto sin camaras que aun pretendan esconderse mas.Gracias. 26-10-2014 09:26:35 Ustedes no han hecho nada para que esta pareja retire esa cortina que instalaron en el baño.Si todas las parejas actuaran igual (tapando camaras) esta web estaria muerta.Tomen medidas,no se puede permitir modificar el formato original de un apartamento.Gracias Respuesta de RLC: Hola, Gracias por contactar con nosotros. Apreciamos su opinión, pero la gente que usted ve en línea no son actores, son personas reales que viven sus vidas rutinarias. Hemos remitido su propuesta al Equipo de Gestión de RLC y decidimos que no es tan crítica para estas cámaras. Despues de esto y viendo que no hacen nada les puse unos ejemplos de lo que podria ocurrir en los apartamentos: Ejemplos: Apartamento Adriana: Camara 7 tapada por un jarron con flores. Apartamento Dasha: Camara 10 tapada por una gran pantalla de television. Apartamento Maya: Camara 7 tapada con una maceta de flores. Apartamento Alina: Camara 8 tapada con una lampara de pie. Apartamento Diana: Camara 8 tapada con el contrabajo de Efim. Apartamento Nina: Camara 8 tapada con tabla de planchar. Todo esto puede suceder,seguirian opinando que la situacion no es tan critica para las camaras? Si estos ejemplos se diesen el negocio se les acabaria. Gracias. Moraleja:Callar y pagar,ellos mandan,les importa una mierda nuestras opiniones.
corboblanc Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 indeed, nothing interesting in this couple, hidden cameras. never in the living room, while in the darkness of the bedroom, sex under the covers, not invited etc ... plus it is the only pair of RLC, to have put a shower curtain, blocking the view main camera !!! I begin to regret Isabel !!!
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