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Masha - 2023 #7


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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

If Masha comes back online I am almost sure RLC will advise her Elvis is no longer welcome.

I think if it were to ever become physically violent (hopefully it doesn't),then and only then we'll see the end of Elvis,he'll be back in time for christmas....besides,his mom may have  already bought a present for him to give masha for christmas😆

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1 ora fa, StnCld316 ha detto:

Se Masha torna online sono quasi sicuro che RLC le avviserà che Elvis non è più il benvenuto.

Il problema non e’ non vederlo piu’ nell’appartamento, ma che abitano nello stesso palazzo, quindi non sparira’ facilmente dalla vita di Masha, a meno che lei non vada via.

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:

The problem isn't that they don't see him in the apartment anymore, but that they live in the same building, so he won't disappear easily from Masha's life, unless she leaves.

His mother lives in the same building.  I don't think Elvis lives with his mother.

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On 12/16/2023 at 9:28 AM, Maxbell said:

I could very well have foggy memory (thats a given 😉 ) but it seemed like it started a

- 3-some sleeping in same bed.

- Next sasha was allowed to spend time with dasha where  they would kiss and squrim never quite grope each other.

- I think, then after a while they were allowed to grope the others junk

-  After some more  time they were allowed to fuck.

At one point during the above sahas and dasha took turns sleeping on the couch. Again, I might remember wrong or misunderstood what happened. But I assumed Masha was fine with all this,

Your recall is the same as mine.

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