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B7 - General Topic 2023 #34 (December)

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4 minutes ago, Keen Observer said:

I guess people like fake tits, lips and ass....

And some people like watching Esmi do absolutely NOTHING for months?? Or Leora masturbting the same way for the last 10 years?? 

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12 minutes ago, Keen Observer said:

I guess people like fake tits, lips and ass....

Totally irrelevant...Margo's personality 'alone' makes her a country mile better than CeCe. I'm absolutely fine with enhancement surgery, but what I'm not fine with is domestic abuse/assault/violence, which CeCe seems to have experience with, by giving it. Each to their own I guess. 

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Wolf is going to miss his friend Margo.

It's been cool to watch these two together, true friends and a lot more for the weeks we were able to enjoy them.

When she told Max its been more than 11 years, it was with a frankness and reverence that was really refreshing to hear. Even though they both have other people in their lives they are still cool no matter what.

All the sex aside, the roleplay and laughter has been a delightful thing to follow here on RLC.

We wish you well Miss Margo and hope you come back to RLC someday.

Safe travels. Be well.

Love 1Charliefoxx69

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I have not checked replay, but it appears from the live stream that three pieces of Margo's luggage have already left the villa.

When she packed the first suitcase several days ago I thought from the way she was packing -- by putting single items into the suitcase, and apparently leaving similar items in the wardrobe -- that she was packing for an extended vacation.  Perhaps most of her baggage will go to a separate destination from where she will be traveling tomorrow.

With Holly, most of her luggage was stored under the stairs in B-4 before she left on another exotic vacation



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15 minutes ago, 1charliefoxx69 said:

Wolf wird seine Freundin Margo vermissen.

Es war cool, diese beiden zusammen zu sehen, wahre Freunde und noch viel mehr in den Wochen, in denen wir sie genießen konnten.

Als sie Max erzählte , dass es mehr als elf Jahre her seien, tat sie das mit einer Offenheit und Ehrfurcht, die wirklich erfrischend zu hören war. Obwohl sie beide andere Menschen in ihrem Leben haben, sind sie immer noch cool, egal was passiert.

Abgesehen vom Sex war es eine wunderbare Sache, das Rollenspiel und das Lachen hier auf RLC zu verfolgen.

Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute, Miss Margo , und hoffen, dass Sie eines Tages zu RLC zurückkehren.

Sichere Reisen. Gut sein.

Liebe 1Charliefoxx69

Mir waren Margo und Wolf als Paar auf Zeit sehr sympatisch.  Beiden wird der Abschied nicht leicht fallen. " Jeder Abschied ist ein kleines Sterben "

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On the right is Miss Iraq with normal lips, and on the left is Miss Iraq now with blown up lips. I'm sure Margo would look so much better without them, just like this girl. So glad she is leaving, those lips are hideous. 


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