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Nora, Sofie, Lilu, & Mia Observations

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Nora currently in the upstairs bathroom, pink morning jacket. She may be taking a shower.

If you can try to get some good screen shots of her face.

Pepe, I keep saying it.

Look in the Pictures thread - there's a great picture there...

we need topless picture to have better comparison

ELLA FUE MAMA , el cuerpo cambia

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Guest Sir Roderick Spode

Just a wild thought for all of you who believe it is the original Nora.

Could there, by any chance, be the possibilty that your beloved Nora has a sister - maybe slightly younger?

Me - I came down on the NO side for a start but I'm now sitting firmly on the fence with the pointy top of the fence post balanced in a very delicate area..

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Well, the girls are obviously going out into town. Lots of makeup, high heels and (literally) breathtaking dresses. Will be too late for me to stay awake and watch their return. But I will certainly read it in this forum if something exciting happened  ;D

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While we're at it, someone post her eyes (should be a vibrant blue) and labia (which should be generous, so to say). I've been going through pictures of her ears making comparisons, and my results are inconclusive. I'd also like to see a capture of the Minnie Mouse that was in N&K's guest bedroom. I doubt Kiko would have taken it as part of a divorce settlement.

I am still waiting to see her make soup: Nora seldom imbibed in meat or potatoes, and I never saw her use a wine bottle to mash food before.

All I know is that if this is indeed the one true Nora, then her diet, personality, and behavior have been much altered in the past 5 months, and her face has has become slightly fatter and her cleft chin seems to be gone.

I am still waiting to see her make soup: Nora seldom imbibed in meat or potatoes, and, except for making bread on a couple occasions, she avoided carbohydrates.

Whatever has happened, and whatever is happening,  is all so mysterious to little squirrel.

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