cupid30 Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 Have to credit Masha for not responding to him,it could've gotten alot worse! Big man feeling tough scaring two women.....dickhead!
Brit Guy Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 39 minutes ago, cupid30 said: Have to credit Masha for not responding to him,it could've gotten alot worse! Big man feeling tough scaring two women.....dickhead! Why would she respond to someone who beat her after the cams dropped and then openly reveal a number of bruises on her body...and then post online about not being silent like so many domestic violence victims are. 1
Brokk! Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 Let's see how long this thing will last, even the other times it seemed that Ernesto would never show up again...
Brokk! Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 Anyway, i wouldn't be surprised if Masha called the police and that's why the apartment was suspended for almost a week. Between the damage reported to the apartment and the bruises she has on her body, it seems absurd to me that she didn't also sue him. Also because in Italy in this period the police are no longer as soft as they once were on these incidents of domestic violence.
cupid30 Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 5 hours ago, TfiDeano said: Why would she respond to someone who beat her after the cams dropped and then openly reveal a number of bruises on her body...and then post online about not being silent like so many domestic violence victims are. I actually meant when he started shouting and pushing her around,and her not answering him to enrage him even more
Friese60 Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 22 minutes ago, cupid30 said: Ich meinte eigentlich, als er anfing, sie anzuschreien und herumzuschubsen, und dass sie ihm nicht antwortete, was ihn noch wütender machte Da Elvis ja nicht da ist, hat Masha ja jemanden anderen gefunden, der ihr was zu Essen macht.😄Der arme tut mir so richtig leid, dass er dieses hysterische Palaver von Masha sich schon eine halbe Stunde anhören muss. In meinen Augen gehört die Frau in eine Klinik, um von ihren Süchten befreit zu werden. Mascha ist auch eine von den vielen Mädels, die hier bei RLC ihren Körper u. Geist kaputt gemacht hat. Sasha hat es rechtzeitig gemerkt u. ist von ihr abgehauen u. ist mit Dasha schon ein paar Jahre glücklich. 2
rado07 Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 I think Masha described the situation again today, once with your caller in Russian and now with Alessandro. Short Summary: He destroyed the RLC facility of the apartment He broke the clothes horse he hit her Masha repaired everything herself As a result, she suffered a loss of earnings She has not (yet) reported the incident to the police. but the evidence is certain he temporarily fled to Poland If I understood everything correctly...if someone understood it better, feel free to correct me.
Mauri Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 2 minutes ago, rado07 said: Credo che Maša abbia descritto la situazione anche oggi, una volta con il tuo interlocutore in russo e ora con Alessandro. Breve riassunto: Ha distrutto la struttura RLC dell'appartamento Ha rotto lo stendibiancheria l'ha colpita Masha ha riparato tutto da sola Di conseguenza ha subito un mancato guadagno Non ha (ancora) denunciato l'accaduto alla polizia. ma le prove sono certe che fuggì temporaneamente in Polonia Se ho capito tutto qualcuno ha capito meglio, sentitevi liberi di correggermi. Dopo essere andato UM, l’ha picchiata e cercato di strangolarla, ha staccato tutti i cavi delle telecamere, l’ha picchiata anche davanti a sua madre, il giorno dopo sono stati comunque insieme, ora la madre lo ha portato in Polonia, ma a Gennaio tornera’, continuano a scriversi e a sentirsi, 1
cupid30 Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 19 minutes ago, Friese60 said: Since Elvis isn't there, Masha found someone else to make her something to eat. 😄 I feel really sorry for the poor guy that he has to listen to this hysterical palaver from Masha for half an hour. In my opinion, the woman belongs in a clinic to be freed from her addictions. Masha is also one of the many girls who has destroyed her body and mind here at RLC. Sasha noticed it in time and ran away from her and has been happy with Dasha for a few years. I agree,Masha needs to get out from the under the cameras....when she posted on her instagram after being offline after a few days,her eyes were really puffy,like she'd been crying nonstop. I really hope we never see that prick elvis again. (i believe the guy is alejandro,he's been around for a few years) 1
rado07 Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 1 hour ago, Mauri said: giorno dopo sono stati comunque insieme, ... Yes, there's probably a deal, but let's wait and see. Masha wrote her message on the kitchen blackboard to always remind herself that this person is not suitable for a relationship. And every time it gets worse, that's for sure. Maybe a quick addition, but it's already been said elsewhere. The aim was to include this choleric as a participant in the RLC project. RLC is probably aware of its dubious reputation and thought "we should wait a little longer". so he was on probation I think this is no longer a problem. Hopefully they have also imposed a residence ban.
Mauri Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 5 minutes ago, rado07 said: Sì, probabilmente c'è un accordo, ma aspettiamo e vediamo. Masha ha scritto il suo messaggio sulla lavagna della cucina per ricordare sempre a se stessa che questa persona non è adatta ad una relazione. E ogni volta che peggiora, questo è certo. Magari un'aggiunta veloce, ma è già stato detto altrove. L'obiettivo era includere questo collerico come partecipante al progetto RLC. RLC è probabilmente consapevole della sua dubbia reputazione e ha pensato che "dovremmo aspettare ancora un po'". quindi era in libertà vigilata, penso che questo non sia più un problema. Speriamo che abbiano imposto anche il divieto di soggiorno. Si, ma abita nello stesso condominio, e poi, continuano comunque a sentirsi, perche’ lui gli sta’ chiedendo scusa, che gli manca e che non puo’ stare senza di lei, gli ha anche mandato un video dove gli faceva vedere una corda, dicendo che si sarebbe suicidato, Anche Alessandro gli ha detto che tanto torneranno insieme, perche’ Masha ha detto troppe volte che era finita ma poi non era vero, anche se l’aveva piacchiata anche altre volte.
rado07 Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 6 minutes ago, Mauri said: Si, ma abita nello stesso condominio, e poi, continuano comunque a sentirsi, perche’ lui gli sta’ chiedendo scusa, che gli manca e che non puo’ stare senza di lei, gli ha anche mandato un video dove gli faceva vedere una corda, dicendo che si sarebbe suicidato, Anche Alessandro gli ha detto che tanto torneranno insieme, perche’ Masha ha detto troppe volte che era finita ma poi non era vero, anche se l’aveva piacchiata anche altre volte. Alessandro knows Masha too well, and we probably do too...🤷♂️
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