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B4 - General Topic 2024 #18 (January)

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il y a une heure, Troy a dit :

I wonder if Aziza remember anything the next day? That girl is Fucked up on something last night? Well to be honest, she liked that most of the time.

some here attribute to aziza a sort of virtue, but she is like the majority of the girls in b4 and b7, a big hottie!!! dylan, massimo, wolf, all she has left is bogdan and fior, and she will have circled all the queues in the area!!!!

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7 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Karma und ihr Mann machen Urlaub

Auch Wolf und Ney sind gegangen

Und Sara bleibt traurig allein zurück. Der Abschied  von Karma , und wenn er auch vielleicht nur wenige Tage  dauern sollte , ist ihr sichtlich schwer gefallen. Der Tantra-Boy als Spaltpilz, kann sich freuen eine ihm hörige Karma ,jetzt ohne Kameras , noch mehr in seinen Bann zu ziehen. Für RLC, B4 und auch für Sara ist Karma jetzt verloren. Das wollte ich einmal gesagt haben, denn bei Sara verbirgt sich hinter ihrer Flippsigkeit und dem Anschein der Oberflächlichkeit ein sehr verletzliches Wesen und große Unsicherheit die sie damit überspielen will. Karma hat ihr einen gewissen Halt gegeben, wie übrigens auch bei Aziza, Das ist nun durch den unseligen Tantra-Boy gefährdet, wenn nicht  sogar zerstört  worden. Ich halte das für eine sehr traurige Entwicklung die so nicht absehbar war, denn wenn ich richtig liege kannte Karma ja den Guru bei ihrer Ankunft bei RLC noch überhaupt nicht.

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2 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

And Sara is left sadly alone. Saying goodbye to Karma, even if it only lasted a few days, was clearly difficult for her. The Tantra Boy, as a divisive mushroom, can look forward to casting even more of his spell on a Karma who is his slave, now without cameras. Karma is now lost for RLC, B4 and also for Sara. I wanted to say that once, because Sara's flippant nature and the appearance of superficiality hide a very vulnerable nature and great insecurity that she wants to cover up with it. Karma gave her a certain amount of support, as it did with Aziza. This has now been endangered, if not destroyed, by the unfortunate Tantra Boy. I think this is a very sad development that was not foreseeable, because if I'm right, Karma didn't even know the guru when she arrived at RLC.

she knew him, the first meeting in b4 with him was all for the viewers benefit

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3 hours ago, FrankZabba said:

so from reading the forum and the short replay i've watched, are all the people that left to go to Amsterdam going there to put on some short of bdsm show?

I'm not sure when I just listened a little sporadically

i Think so and Looks like that they go on same Kinky party Chris and Wolf talked about it and karma said something about a party to Azia and when ney and karma Talk last night about it and that they will spend a day on spa.

ney told why Ney Wolf did not talk to each other in a few days he has apparently done the same as he did to Karma

Ney told that wolf has a depression and problem and she did not like that Azia have approached him when he will do the same against her as the others after a few days when the depression takes over.


Chris is not going to Amsterdam he confirmed this for Sara in the kitchen
Edited by wafercop
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7 minutes ago, wafercop said:

I'm not sure when I just listened a little sporadically

i Think so and Looks like that they go on same Kinky party Chris and Wolf talked about it and karma said something about a party to Azia and when ney and karma Talk last night about it and that they will spend a day on spa.

ney told why Ney Wolf did not talk to each other in a few days he has apparently done the same as he did to Karma

Ney told that wolf has a depression and problem and she did not like that Azia have approached him when he will do the same against her as the others after a few days when the depression takes over.

so possibly going to some kink party and then will spend a day in the spa to help them get over it?  wolf, a depression problem, who would have thought that!

these girls are adults and they will reap what they sow!

thanks for helping me understand what i thought i might have seen on the replay.  you are truly a benefit for this forum!

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