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B1 - General Topic 2024 #2 (February)

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20 minutes ago, itohkata said:

I was not aware of that. What happened to them ? 

I'm pretty certain some of them have a forum account and I don't see what RLC can do about it as long as they keep it private and quiet. 

Given how some things said here could hurt (for a good reason or not) some of the tenants, I always thought they stayed away from here because of that. Otherwise they could be tempted to create an account to post messages to explain/defend themselves, which would out them. Or send private DM, but why bother ?

But I always wondered how they all managed to almost never look at the cams. I have movement sensors for the alarm in the house and can not avoid looking at them. And from previous appartements, I know that the cams are unmissable. 

I agree with you. For example there is a person on CC (I don't want to mention the name) keeps posting comments daily in the Leora & Paul's thread for years and I have a doubt for awhile that this person is either Leora or Paul. 

Because I can't imagine that there is a person who follows an apartment on RLC for many years and paying attention to every tiny detail of their daily life.  

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4 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

Sono d'accordo con te. Ad esempio, c'è una persona su CC (non voglio menzionare il nome) che continua a pubblicare commenti quotidianamente nel thread di Leora e Paul da anni e per un po' ho dei dubbi che questa persona sia Leora o Paul. 

Perché non riesco a immaginare che ci sia una persona che segue un appartamento su RLC da molti anni e presta attenzione ad ogni piccolo dettaglio della sua vita quotidiana.  

Beh, c’e’ anche una persona che ha un archivio di tutte le ragazze che sono state su RLC e per quanto tempo, con foto annesse, e sa’ molte altre cose a riguardo, e dubito che sia soltanto un fun/ spettatore😏 questo richiede molto lavoro

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7 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Chi ha detto che e’ cambiata la gestione? Qui ogni volta che succedono orge o cose del genere, viene detto che e’ cambiata la gestione di RLC o che c’e’ un nuovo proprietario😏

One of the main signs is that there are about 7 or 8 new apartments were opened in Europe and the opening of B7 in Barcelona.  

I think that the coronavirus pandemic had a big impact on the old ownership and it had to sell RLC sometime in the second half of 2021 because many things changed since then.

It seemed that the new ownership had good financial resources to open new apartments after the number of apartments stayed the same about 12 or 13 apartments for a few years after closing the Russian apartments under the old ownership. I think that the closing of the Russian apartments really hurt the old ownership and forced them to sell RLC. 

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8 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

Uno dei segnali principali è che sono stati aperti circa 7 o 8 nuovi appartamenti in Europa e l'apertura del B7 a Barcellona.  

Penso che la pandemia di coronavirus abbia avuto un grande impatto sulla vecchia proprietà che ha dovuto vendere RLC nella seconda metà del 2021 perché da allora molte cose sono cambiate.

Sembrava che la nuova proprietà avesse buone risorse finanziarie per aprire nuovi appartamenti dopo che il numero di appartamenti è rimasto lo stesso di circa 12 o 13 appartamenti per alcuni anni dopo aver chiuso gli appartamenti russi sotto la vecchia proprietà. Penso che la chiusura degli appartamenti russi abbia davvero danneggiato la vecchia proprietà e li abbia costretti a vendere RLC. 

Beh… erano meglio i vecchi proprietari allora.

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56 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

I agree with you. For example there is a person on CC (I don't want to mention the name) keeps posting comments daily in the Leora & Paul's thread for years and I have a doubt for awhile that this person is either Leora or Paul. 

Because I can't imagine that there is a person who follows an apartment on RLC for many years and paying attention to every tiny detail of their daily life.  

Not sure what I can't imagine the least : that or a tenant so bored that they would come comment their daily life, while doing it, on this forum.

I think that this person just grew fond of the couple and enjoy watching them. I never really looked at the L&P thread because not much is happening in that apartment, but I went to have a look. I think I found that person and his/her dedication is impressive.

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1 hour ago, badboylovesgirls said:

I agree with you. For example there is a person on CC (I don't want to mention the name) keeps posting comments daily in the Leora & Paul's thread for years and I have a doubt for awhile that this person is either Leora or Paul. 

Because I can't imagine that there is a person who follows an apartment on RLC for many years and paying attention to every tiny detail of their daily life.  

Called a super fan. (There's other words but best not use) Nina&Kira have them as well. Pay attention to everything. 

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6 minutes ago, Captain Kangaroo said:

Thanks to the Freaking Cry Babies that emailed RLC ALL of Octavias interaction has now been erased!!

Nobody can't erase the great night I had and the memories I'll keep. 

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4 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

I agree with you. For example there is a person on CC (I don't want to mention the name) keeps posting comments daily in the Leora & Paul's thread for years and I have a doubt for awhile that this person is either Leora or Paul. 

Because I can't imagine that there is a person who follows an apartment on RLC for many years and paying attention to every tiny detail of their daily life.  

Believe me there so many hardcore Leora fans that do that on daily basis for every hour. She has an army on here

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6 hours ago, Noldus said:

RLC has never allowed the tenants to communicate with us.
The most famous are Nelly who did it in St.P and it was stopped. Martina has done it, there was a pause until she was about to leave.
Masha sort of with the blackboard.  Radislava etc etc

There have been girls in BCN who were probably sent home because they spoke to us,  Someone talked about RLC and it was not popular

Leona (the girl with the red hair) also did it 

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The reason why talking to viewers is not allowed because the tenants might slip an information about RLC which they don't want to in the first place. Also, the personal information of that particular tenant or other tenants is at risk.

I love Octavia and really liking the change she has gone in the last month.

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