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Site outage


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The site was down today for at least 12 hours. The issue was caused by a log file that got out control and used up all of the available disk space. Everything should be back to normal now. Thank you for your patience.


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Hamsters are useless, lazy, slothful species; a disgrace to the rodent race. I've a good mind to put a fire under their buts with my fire-breathing squirrellyness, but unfortunately they're under a union contract along with the fricken' rats.

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Still getting occasional Internal 500 errors from the server.

Someone feed the 'Hamster' he's about of gas to running in the wheel that is powering the server.

I noticed that too. I think I am going to have to switch servers soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would you like to borrow my banhammer to smash that server?

The site's pretty useless today, and I'd be surprised if this post even goes through without the error showing up. This, plus the loss of Diana, makes little Squirrel very sad. He may actually be forced to get some work done around the house today... :'(

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I watched as they was carrying their belongings out the door,i admit that i did not look at this apartment all that much, but for me i felt bad for them watching them move.It's sad for such a young couple to have to go thru this.I wish both of them the Best of Luck.

And i would like to see Diana again in another apartment someday.        :(

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