Ozi Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 there should be an I Q test before joining this forum. What are you trying to do, close it down? Or can you only join if you have a low score so as not to set the quality of posts too high?
Loner-69 Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 Kamila is a sneaky one. Not so innocent as some would believe. Adorable all the same. I'm beginning to think you're right and I'm wrong.Guess I'll always be a stupid old romantic who believes in love with sex.At 69 it's kind of dumb of me to be so naïve and stupid.Like Tina Turner said,"WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT ANYWAY." There's no fool like an old fool.She's not what I thought she was.You guys are right and I'm wrong. I'm sorry guys,but old habits die hard. Romantic? LOL You are projecting your fantasies on a young girl you've never met and know nothing about and then, when she doesn't fit into your fantasy anymore because of her actions, you label her as "just another piece of ass". Grow the fuck up already. You're right I was living a fantasy when I saw her as being different and innocent.But now I agree with you guys that Kami is no different.No better and no worse, just no different than Nora and Kristy.
bookmaster8 Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 Kamila is a sneaky one. Not so innocent as some would believe. Adorable all the same. I'm beginning to think you're right and I'm wrong.Guess I'll always be a stupid old romantic who believes in love with sex.At 69 it's kind of dumb of me to be so naïve and stupid.Like Tina Turner said,"WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT ANYWAY." There's no fool like an old fool.She's not what I thought she was. Let me get this straight - Kamila is sweet and innocent in your mind until you discover that she may NOT be having the full sexual experience that would cause her to officially be called a lesbian by pretty much everyone on the forum. Then, because she may not have "gone all way", she is no longer innocent? Please help me to understand your logic. Thanks. No, what I'm saying is that the whole innocent thing appears to have been just a big act all along and I believed it.The other guys were right when they said she was not innocent and I was wrong.So lets get the show started.Get out the popcorn and soda.Now do you understand? No, I'm sorry I don't. I must not be thinking clearly right now. How can "the whole innocent thing" be an act just because she may not feel ready to take that relationship to the next level? Unless you think that she is taking advantage of Kristy by caressing her and cuddling with her and kissing her but not "coming through at the end" with a full-blown lesbian sex session taken to orgasm. Personally, I think Kristy is very lucky to be able to get as far as she has been able to. She doesn't seem upset about it to me. I think she realizes that Kamila just doesn't feel "ready" yet to go all the way and is being very loving and nurturing by not trying to push her into it if she's not ready. Look, I know that you've been catching a lot of heat on here from other forum members, but I'm truly not trying tp be confrontational and add to some of the less than kind posts that you have been receiving. I simply don't know how not being willing to have the complete full lesbian experience makes her less innocent then you thought she was when you believed that she was a pure lesbian. Your mind is very clouded!! The hard to get thing is all an act.The sweet and innocent thing is all an act.Do you understand now? Well, I simply don't see her playing "hard to get" or playing the "sweet and innocent thing". She's just being herself. You are the one who apparently believed she was playing hard to get. I haven't seen that at all. I also have never seen her act like she is a "sweet and innocent thing". She is sweet. Innocent would depend on what the reference point was. In regards to being mature enough to handle a professional modeling career, she is not innocent I guess. She is experienced and mature. My whole point is that Kamila did not do what you say she did. She is being herself. We are the ones who form opinions about her based on what we see and tend to put "labels" on her. She is innocent of that. Edited to add: If I had read the post above by jezus earlier, I would not have posted a reply. He basically said what I was trying to say. I didn't mean to "plie it on".
Swedeguy Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 Is there anywhere you can see Kamis work? I mean if she is a professional model there must be pictures.
canito Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 kami is a professional model ive seen pictures on her vk and some of her pics been on here but we cant put her personal pics up here cause that wouldnt be right.
StnCld316 Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 kami is a professional model ive seen pictures on her vk and some of her pics been on here but we cant put her personal pics up here cause that wouldnt be right. If they're posted on VK then they become Public Domain.
delirious365 Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 kami is a professional model ive seen pictures on her vk and some of her pics been on here but we cant put her personal pics up here cause that wouldnt be right. If they're posted on VK then they become Public Domain. I think he meant because it could let everyone know who Kamila really is, and so would remove the anonymity she should have on rlc.
Ozi Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 kami is a professional model ive seen pictures on her vk and some of her pics been on here but we cant put her personal pics up here cause that wouldnt be right. If they're posted on VK then they become Public Domain. I think he meant because it could let everyone know who Kamila really is, and so would remove the anonymity she should have on rlc. I: CamCaps only has a few rules. Tell us about them. FTS: No posting of CP, spam or virus links. No release of private information about the tenants or other CC members. No RLC people are allowed.
StnCld316 Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 kami is a professional model ive seen pictures on her vk and some of her pics been on here but we cant put her personal pics up here cause that wouldnt be right. If they're posted on VK then they become Public Domain. I think he meant because it could let everyone know who Kamila really is, and so would remove the anonymity she should have on rlc. I: CamCaps only has a few rules. Tell us about them. FTS: No posting of CP, spam or virus links. No release of private information about the tenants or other CC members. No RLC people are allowed. I have never seen her personal pics on VK. Only ones I have seen there is what comes from the apartment itself. Likely it's on someone's personal account that is only available to certain people on a friends list to see. I knew about the personal information, I got chastised once a while back for posting information where Adriana and Daniel work but that was removed from the thread just shortly after it was posted.
canito Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 delirious365 thank you for clearing that up.thats what i ment its better people dont put her personal business on blast that would ruin her career
bookmaster8 Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 kami is a professional model ive seen pictures on her vk and some of her pics been on here but we cant put her personal pics up here cause that wouldnt be right. If they're posted on VK then they become Public Domain. I think he meant because it could let everyone know who Kamila really is, and so would remove the anonymity she should have on rlc. That is correct. And, if anyone were to give out Kamila's real name, it could put her in extreme danger because the crazy stalkers that are out there could easily track her down. So, I ask everyone who reads this to please never divulge her real name (if you know it) on this public forum.
corboblanc Posted August 4, 2015 Posted August 4, 2015 kami is a professional model ive seen pictures on her vk and some of her pics been on here but we cant put her personal pics up here cause that wouldnt be right. If they're posted on VK then they become Public Domain. I think he meant because it could let everyone know who Kamila really is, and so would remove the anonymity she should have on rlc. That is correct. And, if anyone were to give out Kamila's real name, it could put her in extreme danger because the crazy stalkers that are out there could easily track her down. So, I ask everyone who reads this to please never divulge her real name (if you know it) on this public forum. oui, et en plus je ne suis pas d'accord!! nous sommes quelques uns à connaître l'identité de kamila, mais pas tous le monde!!!! 8) Yes, and besides I do not agree !! we are a few to know the identity of kamila, but not everyone !!!! 8)
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