sharkky1 Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 ok mais le mec est ou maintenant ? je vois plus personne , ils sont tous montes ?
news49 Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 ok mais le mec est ou maintenant ? je vois plus personne , ils sont tous montes ? Non, tous sur la terasse
Gudari Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Me parece que Kiko y Nora han traido el stop para no hacer nada esta noche en el apartamento. Tiene pinta de que ellos también conocen al tipo!
Guest Rodney_X Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 As for the last party with the other guy, I bet that will get to RITA toilet while they make love. Of course if the guy will make.
news49 Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 En tout cas, je pense que s'il y a du sexe ce soir, ce sera entre nora et kiko et que le mec de jenny va surement partir bientôt... Même si j'espère que non 8)
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Jenny tries to shake her boyfriend, she offers him coffee indirectly it is telling him: Shit you gotta make tonight :D
bookmaster8 Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 I think the guy is getting close to reaching his limit. He's been ready for quite a while. lol. I can't tell whether Rita is: 1) Playing guard dog for Nora (highly doubtful) 2) Staying at Jenny's request to slow the guy down a little (possible after the speed of the last guy) 3) Stalling because she likes the guy herself (don't think so) 4) Just totally oblivious to the fact that she is preventing them from getting it on (No chance. Rita's too smart for that) Any other options? How about adding option 5) Rita is staying at Jenny's request until Nora gets home and thinks nothing has happened since both girls are with the guy. So, she (Nora) goes up to her room and Jenny can sneak the guy up to her room. Maybe realizing that Nora will know they get it on but realize they didn't do anything downstairs and so can't go ballistic about doing it on the couch like last time? (I know it's a long shot, lol) How about you calm down and get down on earth and relax because none of that makes any sense. I'm just having a little fun. I know how unrealistic they are. Don't take it so seriously, please.
DaMutt11 Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Unless it happens later in Jenny's room, I would guess nothing will happen, Kiko and Nora are home. Entertainment has turned to Charades...
news49 Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Voilà terminus le mec il part >:( Et en plus maintenant Jenny prépare sa valise donc départ très prochainement :(
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