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Alot of maintenance in this flat

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Does it bother any of you that the apartment was under maintenance for over 5 hours and there is no explanation as to why it went under maintenance in the first place?  There has been NO change to anything except Nora has come back during that time!  I think RLC needs to give the subscribers an explanation of why the apartment went under maintenance for so damn long and nothing appears to have changed!!

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Does it bother any of you that the apartment was under maintenance for over 5 hours and there is no explanation as to why it went under maintenance in the first place?  There has been NO change to anything except Nora has come back during that time!  I think RLC needs to give the subscribers an explanation of why the apartment went under maintenance for so damn long and nothing appears to have changed!!

Por mucho que lo intentes no te van a dar una explicación, yo ya lo hize y te contestan siempre lo mismo como si fuera un contestador automático. Disculpe las molestias, el apartamento ya se encuentra en línea.

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Does it bother any of you that the apartment was under maintenance for over 5 hours and there is no explanation as to why it went under maintenance in the first place?  There has been NO change to anything except Nora has come back during that time!  I think RLC needs to give the subscribers an explanation of why the apartment went under maintenance for so damn long and nothing appears to have changed!!

Por mucho que lo intentes no te van a dar una explicación, yo ya lo hize y te contestan siempre lo mismo como si fuera un contestador automático. Disculpe las molestias, el apartamento ya se encuentra en línea.

I'm sorry but that is totally unacceptable!!!

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Does it bother any of you that the apartment was under maintenance for over 5 hours and there is no explanation as to why it went under maintenance in the first place?  There has been NO change to anything except Nora has come back during that time!  I think RLC needs to give the subscribers an explanation of why the apartment went under maintenance for so damn long and nothing appears to have changed!!

Tendrian que dar muchas explicaciones de que sucede en ciertos apartamentos ( camaras con muy mala resolucion, parejas que mueven el mobiliario y ocultan camaras (Veronica), y ya no escribo mas que me canso, estaria horas poniendo ejemplos.

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Some work has been done in the bathroom. The shelf is almost completely empty compared to just before the maintenance. And Nora just came in and looked at it and got upset about something that appears to be missing or not right.

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If this apartment went under maintenance for some kind of sexual encounter, that would really seal the deal with me continuing to pay RLC on a monthly basis!  I mean isn't that what we are paying for here?  I can't believe there are not more of you as pissed off about this as I am!  I'm giving RLC two more weeks to drastically improve or I'm done wasting my money on such a poor ran website that could have been great! I don't know who the head of RLC is but they need their head examined for the bullshit they have pulled in the last couple of months!!

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If this apartment went under maintenance for some kind of sexual encounter, that would really seal the deal with me continuing to pay RLC on a monthly basis!  I mean isn't that what we are paying for here?  I can't believe there are not more of you as pissed off about this as I am!  I'm giving RLC two more weeks to drastically improve or I'm done wasting my money on such a poor ran website that could have been great! I don't know who the head of RLC is but they need their head examined for the bullshit they have pulled in the last couple of months!!

Actually no, it isn´t...

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If this apartment went under maintenance for some kind of sexual encounter, that would really seal the deal with me continuing to pay RLC on a monthly basis!  I mean isn't that what we are paying for here?  I can't believe there are not more of you as pissed off about this as I am!  I'm giving RLC two more weeks to drastically improve or I'm done wasting my money on such a poor ran website that could have been great! I don't know who the head of RLC is but they need their head examined for the bullshit they have pulled in the last couple of months!!

Eso es algo que parece que RLC permite a los inquilinos de este apartamento exclusivamente, ya lo hicieron con Monika y Kamila y lo seguirán haciendo. Ahora estamos en nuestro derecho de pagar o no. Yo por este apartamento no volvería a pagar a no ser que cambién mucho las cosas y veamos algo diferente, algo que no hayamos visto en este apartamento y que merezca la pena. Estoy convencido de que el dia que vuelva a pagar, no será por ver a los inquilinos de este apartamento y su trato de favor por parte de RLC.

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>:( >

If this apartment went under maintenance for some kind of sexual encounter, that would really seal the deal with me continuing to pay RLC on a monthly basis!  I mean isn't that what we are paying for here?  I can't believe there are not more of you as pissed off about this as I am!  I'm giving RLC two more weeks to drastically improve or I'm done wasting my money on such a poor ran website that could have been great! I don't know who the head of RLC is but they need their head examined for the bullshit they have pulled in the last couple of months!!

>:( >:(Este apartamento ha dado mas cabreos ( continuamente bajo mantenimiento, muchas horas vacio, chicas expertas en el arte de esconderse de las camaras y reirse de nosotros etc etc) que alegrias ( Alisa y su amigo calvo de Skype y Kamila y Monica)

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Encima de ser uno de los peores apartamentos por sus inquilinos actuales, sin duda es el peor apartamento de conexión streaming, es un horror lo que le cuesta cargar las cámaras y cada dos por tres se quedan congeladas y les cuesta volver en si un monton de tiempo. Por no hablar de las ubicaciones de algunas de las cámaras...no sé quién a enseñado a RLC colocar una cámara para una mejor visión, pero lo hacen como el culo! no se entiende en ningún sitio con cámaras que un tercio de la visión de la cámara esté tapada por la puerta o el lateral de un armario (sí, la cámara número 10 de la habitación de Kamila, para mí es la habitación de Kamila, no de Jenny).

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