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I don't want you to leave, that being said this forum is and always will be one that allows free speech no matter what that may be. When you start telling people that they can't talk about certain things you're censoring them, censoring free thought, and expressing your own prejudice.  You're free to respond to posts that you don't like, ignore them, or create your own posts countering them, but you're not free to limit other people's speech simply because you don't agree with them. I don't necessarily agree with everything that is said around here, but I can respect different perspectives, different ways of thinking, and different opinions. Again, I don't want you to  leave, but I will not allow you to  delete other peoples posts simply because you don't agree with them.  I will reinstate your mod status as soon as you acknowledge that this is a free speech forum bar none. The choice is yours, feel free to PM me.

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I guess this means goodbye then,because i do not support racism towards fellow people based on their skintone.

That's your prerogative. I appreciate your perspective and the time that you've dedicated to this community.  I don't want to see you go, but I am not going to limit the free speech of all to placate a few.


- Admin

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Sorry kitten to see you go,but I have to agree with Admin on this one. I don't like the racism either but I would rather these people be able to speak their minds it tells us exactly who they are and what they stand for and I would rather have that out in the open then hidden or made to be quiet.

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I too deeply appreciate the Administrators dedication to what so many people have fought and died for in the past, to live in a free society and to be able to speak your mind freely without fear of repression from those who would have some be silenced in some way, simply because they don't like or hold to those same views or opinions, as is the case in certain other oppressive countries.

And I personally think that this frustration for some that others deem to call racism goes a little deeper than just that of a persons skin tone.  I think it has far more to do with that of some others own actions instead. 

But I thank God we still live in a country to where you don't have to fear recriminations for speaking your own mind or for voicing your own opinions.

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I too deeply appreciate the Administrators dedication to what so many people have fought and died for in the past, to live in a free society and to be able to speak your mind freely without fear of repression from those who would have some be silenced in some way, simply because they don't like or hold to those same views or opinions, as is the case in certain other oppressive countries.

And I personally think that this frustration for some that others deem to call racism goes a little deeper than just that of a persons skin tone.  I think it has far more to do with that of some others own actions instead. 

But I thank God we still live in a country to where you don't have to fear recriminations for speaking your own mind and for voicing your own opinions.

You hit it right on the nail woodworker. True freedom of speech seems to be a fleeting ideal in this country.  While I don't agree with everything that is said here, I respect the rights that have been granted to us by the men who have fought and died to protect them. Just to make this clear I have NEVER removed a post because i didn't agree with what someone said, even if it was something negative about me or this forum.

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Just to add my viewpoint. In the UK political correctness has all but shut down debate around race, creed and colour.

The UK is being swamped by levels of immigration never seen in such a small nation. 3.5 million people in less than 10 years adding to a population of 60 million. People are coming from all over the world and sadly many are taking the position that they will not integrate into the community they arrive in and simply insist they have the right to live as they please.

This is creating massive tension in our communities and yet for fear of 'political correctness' no-one dare speak out. Free speech in the mother country, and so called model of democracy, has effectively been shut down.

As has been said so many men from so many countries fought for our freedoms and yet these freedoms are now under threat from wet liberals who want to turn a blind eye to what is going on in their communities rather than use the power and influence to change peoples lives and importantly 'listen' and 'hear' the problems of ordinary decent people who have genuine fears for their way of life.

In the UK we have not previously had massive issues about the clash of white with black. For sure we have had some issues and some terrible murders as a result of racism, but generally we live in a tolerant society. However, political correctness has prevented ordinary folk expressing their views and it is this that has exasperated people. Not being able to freely express your opinion is more troubling than the issue itself.

For that reason it is imperative that everyone has the right to express their opinions.

Just to finish I want to highlight how the use of certain words has changed and has added to the problem rather than solved them.

The one word in the UK that is now deemed totally unacceptable to use is 'Nigger'.  The movie 'The Dambusters' is an historical film about the world war and featured the mascot of the squadron which was a black Labrador with the name 'Nigger'. The movie was edited to try to remove reference to 'Nigger' the dog. History is being re-written at the alter of political correctness!!!

We used to have paint and fabrics with the name 'Nigger Black' but this is no longer deemed acceptable.

So the word 'Nigger' is being eliminated by the word police of the political establishment!!!

Now the interesting thing is that at the very same time as White people are no longer allowed to use the word 'Nigger', Black people have adopted the word 'Nigga' as a term of endearment towards each other. As a little aside we also have to refer to black people as black and cannot refer to them as 'coloured'. Coloured is deemed offensive but black is not!!!

So 'Nigga' is a word that White people can no longer use but Black people can use without fear of reprimand!! The world is slowly (well actually, speedily!) going crazy!!!

Now I have to say that I choose not to use the word 'Nigger' when describing a black person and personally don't 'see' colour in a fellow man. That being said I absolutely defend the right to free speech. The evil of political correctness (incidently the political correctness movement started in the American Colleges led by White middleclass students!!!) has to be stopped. Freedom has to be defended. Freedom to offend has to be supported by everyone. A willingness to be 'offended' by anything and everything is actually a direct attack on all our freedoms.

Keep up the good work Admin. I support your stance. As for the forum lets keep it articulate and intelligent and fair, oh and friendly.

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I tend to agree with kitten!

The 'Freedom of Speech' argument is specious.

You do NOT have a right to shout Fire in a crowded theatre.

You do NOT have a right to say you've got a bomb on a aircraft.

You do NOT have a right to make abusive phone calls.

So Freedom of Speech is NOT an absolute; it comes down to what is viewed as acceptable.

Clearly the respondents up to now think racism is acceptable. I do not!

In passing, van the man makes some good points.

UKIP seems to be the only party trying to deal with migration and opponents have often played the racism card.

But allowing racist comments in the press and on on TV would worsen the situation.

No kitten is right

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People need to realize that there is a point to expressing politically incorrect thoughts.  Some people do this because they want to shock others.  Some do it because they actually believe an entire race of folks are inferior.  But here online, more often than not, we use politically incorrect speech to exercise that right -- not necessarily agreeing 100% with the notions being expressed.  Look at it this way: in some [u.S.] states, giving a finger print on your driver's license application is voluntary. Libertarians tend to not leave their finger print on the application -- not because they are afraid to do so, but because they know that every time you give up the right to say no, all of your rights are diminished thereby.

As for Mikaila, it is clearly over it's head here. Not being from here, it has not been brought up with The First Amendment etched in it's soul.  It is non-native and will never understand what and how Americans think.  Now, that's not a bad thing in and of itself.  But when one isn't capable of understanding what is going on around them, taking inappropriate action against there superiors in that regard is a recipe for failure.  When one is ignorant, often it is best to shut up, listen, and learn.

Also, it no doubt is feeding at the public trough here in California.  Free this, free that, majoring in Feelings (with a minor in Fairness) with the taxpayers paying it's way.  But when something like that takes on the job of moderating an open and free discussion, it needs to understand several things: (1) It does not own the forum; (2) It is given a nearly sacred trust in being allowed to edit or (God forbid) remove other people's work; and (3) It needs to focus squarely on the job, keeping in mind that they are working for the good of the community, not for any particular cause or creed.  This last part, I'm afraid, is Mikaila's Epic Failure.  Foreigners will never understand why Americans love to allow the KKK or the Neo-Nazis hold some stupid parade downtown. Sure, six guys show up dressed up like jerks and 60 people laugh at them and call them unpleasant names.  But we love the fact that our country is so strong that we can allow all points of view to contend.

Free Speech and Expression are limited to government action.  A private organization like a web site operates under the rules of the Administrator, whose judgement as to the governing laws is absolute.  See, we have a choice to be here or not.  If we don't like the rules, we are free to move on.

Liberals, like the above-mentioned failure, love to talk about "FREE SPEECH" but when they do so, they mean ONLY FREE SPEECH I LIKE. 

When it signs off with a "fuck you" to the Administrator, as far as I'm concerned, it has become the enemy of all people posting here.  If it is ever allowed to moderate other people's speech, it will re-offend.  And next time, it might simply create a chilling effect on what happens here.  There's no guarantee it will encounter a fighter with some guts.  Next time, it will simply drain away the limited amount of traffic moving in the forum.

My posting here is designed to stimulate both energy levels and content diversity.  It is content diversity that brings in new posters.  Nazi-Kittens are free to express themselves here, of course, but they must NEVER be permitted to wear the moderator hat. It has shown that allowing it to moderate is tantamount to having Bernie Madoff as a co-signer on your checking account or, for that matter, Barry Soetoro ("Whoop! Whoop! Where my banana at?") in high office.

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I stand steadfastly to what I said in another thread elsewhere. There is a very big difference between a black man and a nigger. I work side by side with black men every day. These men work as hard as I do, sweat like I do and in the end we sit and shoot the shit.

just a warning,if i continue to see the racism that is accepted on this forum i plan on leaving.

Thank you and fuck you,

xoxo Mikaila.

Now to this...

With the type and wording of your salutation, fine, Seeee Yaaaa.

I may be racist to a degree, but that's only because I'm sick and tired of supporting lazy, useless, good for absolutely nothing, 'people'?. These aren't people, they are savages. People don't burn their own homes and businesses. People don't look for a reason the act like imbeciles in the streets. PEOPLE, act like people should. Respect for themselves, their neighbors, their local businesses, etc...

Secondly, there is no such thing as a hyphenated person. IE: African-American, Italian-American, German-American, Cuban-American, and on and on. What kind of absolute bullshit is this? You are either African et al, or American, but you can't be both. We did/still do have some people here from Africa as members. They will tell you point blank. The American black has nothing at all to do with Africa. They are embarrassed to even have to be associated with the savages in America that want to call themselves African.

So please, get off of this political correctness that the Lamestream Media and the Liberal populous is trying to ram and jam down your throats like a giant dildo. The MAJORITY of the worlds population doesn't fall for it and we're getting pretty damned sick of it. The next war that happens isn't going to be a war of the Elitists, it's going to be a world wide civil war where the real PEOPLE are going to take their countries back and vigilantyism (is this even a word?) is going to rule.

No more courtrooms and jails for the dregs of society. America's Second Amendment Right is going to make a serious resurgence throughout the entire world and we are going to utilize it to the fullest extent.

I'm off my soapbox for now.

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I tend to agree with kitten!

The 'Freedom of Speech' argument is specious.

You do NOT have a right to shout Fire in a crowded theatre.

You do NOT have a right to say you've got a bomb on a aircraft.

You do NOT have a right to make abusive phone calls.

So Freedom of Speech is NOT an absolute; it comes down to what is viewed as acceptable.

Clearly the respondents up to now think racism is acceptable. I do not!

In passing, van the man makes some good points.

UKIP seems to be the only party trying to deal with migration and opponents have often played the racism card.

But allowing racist comments in the press and on on TV would worsen the situation.

No kitten is right

Without any malice or ill thoughts towards Wingnut.  Those exceptions have been noted in law, but for most of us they would have fallen under the category of common sense.  Because they are actions more so than just speech.  Yelling fire in an auditorium would have an intent behind it.  Likewise with the disruption and panic that would ensue by claiming you have a bomb on you in an airplane would have.  And of course calling a total stranger or someone you don't know and being abusive to them on the phone again has an intent behind it being something that comes under the heading of an action, rather than just free speech.

But free speech itself, should never be considered specious.  Any more than you would want your own lungs to stop taking in air, simply because it is less clean where you currently are, or on that given day.

Let me put it another way.  And you being a Wingnut surely should appreciate this.

If a person were to take a wrench and hit someone over the head with it, do you think that all wrenches should then be banned?  Of course not.    Common sense will always prevail.

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