moos54 Posted February 19 Posted February 19 24 minutes ago, itohkata said: Une cycliste, clairement. C'est du matériel standard quand on fait du vélo : gant rembourré et renforcé aux jointures, casque intégral. Jamais de la vie ça serait adapté à un scooter ou une moto cette tenue... Moi je dirais ni l'un ni l'autre mais plus pour une trotinette électrique 1
Brit Guy Posted February 19 Posted February 19 2 minutes ago, itohkata said: Good name 😄 It's a well-known term in the UK lol, been around for donkey's years.
omedo Posted February 19 Posted February 19 3 hours ago, isidore57 said: ¿Kali es un ciclista como Alberto o un motor? RLC REPLAY REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Mira tus cámaras favoritas en la grabación de 24 horas Scooter 1
Freddie57 Posted February 19 Posted February 19 2 hours ago, Brit Guy said: I'd never have envisaged Kali's mode of transport being a chicken-chaser (UK) for moped/scooter lol. One must live in the best manner they can afford while staying within their means. 1
FrankZabba Posted February 19 Posted February 19 3 hours ago, isidore57 said: Is Kali a cyclist like Alberto or a biker? i don't know what you are referring to with your link but i was told a long time ago that she has a biker fuck buddy.
itohkata Posted February 19 Posted February 19 2 hours ago, Brit Guy said: It's a well-known term in the UK lol, been around for donkey's years. My dad usually says that,on the smallest, people look like a frog on a matchbox. 1
Freddie57 Posted February 19 Posted February 19 3 minutes ago, itohkata said: My dad usually says that,on the smallest, people look like a frog on a matchbox. 1
isidore57 Posted February 19 Posted February 19 Il y a 2 heures, FrankZabba a dit : je ne sais pas à quoi tu fais référence avec ton lien mais on m'a dit il y a longtemps qu'elle avait un pote motard. En fait je ne voulais savoir qu'une chose , si certains ici savaient quel type de locomotion qu'elle utilisait. On m'a répondu Vélo, trotinette , scooter et toi moto en disant qu'un pote à elle avait une moto. Je te mets un deuxieme lien pour voir le départ des 2 filles avec les 2 casques mais je ne sai toujours pas quel type de locomotion elles utilisent et puis comme dit Ithokata : "" ON s'en bat les couilles "" finalement ..😁 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording 1
Pete1960 Posted February 19 Posted February 19 4 hours ago, Brit Guy said: It's a well-known term in the UK lol, been around for donkey's years. How long is a donkey year
FrankZabba Posted February 20 Posted February 20 3 hours ago, isidore57 said: Actually I just wanted to know one thing, if anyone here knew what type of locomotion she used. They answered me Bike, scooter, scooter and you motorbike saying that a friend of hers had a motorbike. I'm giving you a second link to see the departure of the 2 girls with the 2 helmets but I still don't know what type of locomotion they use and then as Ithokata said : ""WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN"" IN THE END.. 😁 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording the links are of no value to me as a non-subscriber. i was just pointing out the fact that one of her fuck buddies has a bike/moped/scooter. 1
FrankZabba Posted February 20 Posted February 20 3 hours ago, Pete1960 said: How long is a donkey year donkey ears are approximately 8 inches long. 1
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