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New couple Nelly and Bogdan

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It's nice to see some of the familiar names in this thread. Welcome back to the nuthouse guys.

There are still a few missing though.

If there are any nuts missing my first guess is that there is a certain Squirrell running loose and sneaking around. ;)

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This looks more like the Barcelona apartments - sort of.  With that time zone do we assume the moved to Spain?

he said in English I LOVE BARCELONA

desde italia  AMA BARCELONA , HUMMMM  que curioso , por lo poco que he podido ver y escuchar , ruido de trafico y la distancia de los edificios de enfrente , voy a jugarmela y decir que .. podrian estar por la zona del centro , no me extrañaria nada , via layetana , no mucho mas lejos , si estan por esa zona , me los voy a cruzar segurisimo .....

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